New York, November 22, 2017 | Read on Web
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November 22, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017
Hebrew date is 4 Kislev 5778
Islamic date is 4 Rabi-I 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 7 kab'an
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458080
Today's Birthdays: Abigail Adams (1744-1818), George Eliot (1819-1880), Andre Gide (1869-1951), Helenka Pantaleoni (1900-1987), Rodney Dangerfield (1921-2004), Arthur Hiller (1923-2016), Geraldine Page (1924-1987), Terry Gilliam (1940), Jesse Colin Young (1941), Guion Bluford (1942), Billie Jean King (1943), Aston Barrett (1946), Paloma San Basilio (1950), Tina Weymouth (1950), Jamie Lee Curtis (1958), Mariel Hemingway (1961), Mark Ruffalo (1967), Marjane Satrapi (1969), Karen O (1978), Scarlett Johansson (1984).
"It is dangerous when you start calling people from one part of the world terrorists or fanatic, and you reduce them to some abstract notion. If evil has a geographical place, and if the evil has a name, that is the beginning of fascism. Real life is not this way. You have fanatics and narrow-minded people everywhere."
-- Marjane Satrapi
Planet Waves FM | Journey Through Scorpio
Tonight's Planet Waves FM [ play edition here] looks at the chart for the winter solstice, referencing the December monthly horoscope and a new article that's coming out Wednesday, about the sign changes of late 2017 and early 2018. In the last segment, Eric checks in with the latest on the sex crimewave that's being exposed, only from the perspective of neurological biology. Music is by Bjork.
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase today at 6:44 am PST / 9:44 am EST (14:44:10 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Gemini on Dec. 3 at 7:47 am PST / 10:47 am EST (15:46:54 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon in Sagittarius is on Dec. 17-18 at 10:30 pm PST / 1:30 am EST (06:30:20 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Nov. 23 at 12:14 pm PST / 3:14 pm EST (20:14:10 UTC).
Sun Degree: 1-2 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Sila-Nunam stations retrograde at 11:19 pm Nov. 21 PST / 2:19 am EST (07:19:05 UTC).
Neptune stations direct at 6:20 am PST / 9:20 am EST (14:20:24 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Sun trine Salacia at 11:25 pm Nov. 21 PST / 2:25 am EST (07:25:00 UTC).
-- Mars sesquiquadrate Nessus at 1:20 am PST / 4:20 am EST (09:20:00 UTC).
-- Mercury conjunct Urania at 3:31 am PST / 6:31 am EST (11:31:21 UTC).
-- Vesta conjunct Typhon at 10:50 am PST / 1:50 pm EST (18:50:04 UTC).
-- Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron at 2:29 pm PST / 5:29 pm EST (22:29:08 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 22
(The Day of the Liberator) | Birthday Readings: Scorpio | Sagittarius | Others
As a Sagittarian, you are naturally an independent person, who loves having all the space you need. You will go a long way in that direction by working toward financial independence: your own income stream, your own bank account, your own credit card and your own financial agenda. You may be surprised how much better this helps you feel about yourself.
Written in the Planets
You might investigate today certain tendencies and patterns you have in your love relationships. If you feel like there's probably a 'better way', what is it that stops you from it? Is it simply a fear of the unknown? Do you lack a positive model of loving behavior, or of the vulnerability required by true intimacy? Have you been jaded by past hurts, and feel reluctant to open your heart again? Are you attached to cultural expectations of relationship that ring hollow when you try to pursue them? Today Venus in Scorpio squares the lunar nodes (a pair of hypothetical points). The North Node, representing dharma or the way forward, is in Leo conjunct Ceres (nourishment). The South node, representing karma or comfortable patterns that you're outgrowing, is in Aquarius. Following your heart and leaving the crowd behind can be scary, and it's easy to let disillusionment in love make you bitter. But what if one of the secrets to better relationships is to offer to yourself what you'd like to receive from others?

New Features Added:
Videos for 2018 Saturn, Chiron and Uranus Transits
Dear Friend and Reader:
The Art of Becoming is your 2018 annual reading. This is my 20th time at the rodeo! And that's a good thing, because to write about the transits of the coming year will take experience. If you're new to the discussion of this project, I've linked a letter in the last paragraph.
I've added three new features to The Art of Becoming, for those who pre-order all 12 signs: videos that cover Chiron in Aries, and Aries Chiron returns; Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus oppositions; and Saturn in Capricorn, including those two Saturn return groups (first and second). These cover many age groups and sub-generations.
These videos are included if you pre-order all 12 signs. Then they will be spun off as separate products. They will not be included with post-publication orders, or single-sign orders. Each will be offered separately for $37.37 each.
I've wanted to do transit readings like this for years! One distinction about my astrological career is that rather than predicting transits, I've been listening to my clients tell me the stories of their transits for more than two decades.
The current pre-order price is $99, which includes written readings for all 12 signs, plus the Saturn, Chiron and Uranus video presentations. Those will be published before the written readings, by the way.
Delivery is expected in January. That's the time estimate, based on 20 years' experience doing this project. If you're curious to read more about The Art of Becoming, here's a detailed letter describing how I do the readings and what they contain.
And if you have not read your 2017 reading, you may do so here at no charge.
Sign up today. The next price increase will be soon after Thanksgiving!
Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer, and for participating in Planet Waves.
With love,

Daily Horoscope for November 22, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
As a Sagittarian, you are naturally an independent person, who loves having all the space you need. You will go a long way in that direction by working toward financial independence: your own income stream, your own bank account, your own credit card and your own financial agenda. You may be surprised how much better this helps you feel about yourself. You share a birthday with Terry Gilliam, Guion Bluford, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- They say it's lonely at the top. You might apply that to anyone who breaks out of the laidback, do-as-little-as-possible work ethic of our current era. If you aspire to do great things, you might discover you're the only kid on the block who actually cares that much. But don't let that stop you.
"One gift you get from Pluto in Capricorn is the ability to align your goals with the rapidly changing conditions of the world. You are in an excellent position to take advantage of the shifting, quaking and shaking state of society. This of course requires being present and not being afraid when things get really real. You can and must look for the opportunities presented by change."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- You have deeply held spiritual beliefs, though you've reached a point in your life where you must be more flexible about them. It's one thing to have principles. It's another thing to have convictions. Make room for other possibilities. The spiritual life is about "many shores, one lake."
"If you ever feel lost or misguided, come back to purpose, which you will know when you feel it. Experiment all you need to. The more you experiment with bringing purpose and meaning to the surface of your consciousness, and consider them carefully, the more strength you will have; the more persistence; and more motivation and energy."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- The thing about deep intimacy is that it confronts you not only with who someone else is; the main thing revealed is who you are. This can be uncomfortable at first, though that's really the only path to being content with who you are. There is only so much that's about other people.
"The dualism of Gemini is well known; you can live in a world of relative truth, which might work for you -- though consider how it works for those you influence. Pisces is the place in the zodiac where opposites are integrated and resolved, and for you this happens through your most meaningful work."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- You may feel like you're being confronted with important relationship choices, though remember you don't have to decide the rest of your life today, or tomorrow or this week. If you feel like you're under pressure to do something or be someone, your sanity is more important than any relationship.
"Living in peace with your desire is one commitment to make to yourself. As you do this, it will have an influence on your relationships. This is to say, as you raise your energy and commit to being real with what you want, others will take notice. Ultimately the result will be living in your body rather than in your head."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Focus your efforts on your single most important goal before the holiday, and stay out of power dramas at work. The two will work well together; the emotional energy you save by refusing to argue with someone will provide you lots of time and energy to get your work done, and that's essential.
"If you consider yourself to be at the center of your social circle, or an integral part of your community, the changes you make in your own life constitute a form of leadership for the people around you. You can count on the fact that the people who look up to you are waiting for your initiative."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- A diversity of factors seem to be influencing an intimate relationship, though this is not a matter of public opinion. Be aware of how the views of anyone not directly involved are infiltrating the situation. You must set a boundary on what is your business and of concern to nobody else.
"The universe is not usually embraced all at once, nor is your place in the universe. Rather, you engage with it in momentary interactions, and you make it with everything you make, everyone you speak to, everyone and everything you touch. Imagine that in each of those contacts, you weave existence, and give life to the world."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Recognize what is your business and what belongs to someone else. This may not be an easy line to draw. Whether your feelings are involved is not the final arbiter. Even something that is happening in the same house or same room may not actually impact you; that's the thing to look for.
"Trust yourself, and trust your body, if you embody what I call the thresholder: one whose role is to bring others to the edge. You can only take them to the edge; they must cross over themselves. Others can only take you to the edge; you must cross over it yourself, and see who welcomes you on the other side of the journey."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Monitor any frustration and anger that you might feel, and address it before things go too far. Silence is not your friend, though neither is confrontation. What will help you is ongoing, easygoing dialog. Be sensitive to the possibility that a partner or loved one may be making an important decision.
"Make some peace with what you really feel beneath the surface tension of appearances. The reason that staying superficial is so popular is because it negates feeling. Yet every facet of your astrology is saying it's essential to go deep -- and that depth is essential in feeling good about who you are, and discovering who you are."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Sagittarius Birthdays 2017-18:
How Will You Apply What You've Learned?
Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart."
-- Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Undoubtedly you've experienced quite a process of maturation these last three years or so, as you've responded to the need to bring real discipline to each way in which you express yourself in the world. With all hell seeming to break loose lately, it's possible this has been a painful or scary process for you.
Yet perhaps you've felt more solid within yourself than ever before -- and if you haven't, you still can.
In the coming month, the major force behind that growth process will shift: Saturn leaves your sign next month and enters Capricorn.
You'll get to take all the lessons you've recently learned and apply them in increasingly tangible ways to everything that matters most to you. This includes that most precious of all commodities in today's world: your self-esteem. Then, early next spring, Chiron -- raiser of awareness and magnifier of healing potential -- moves into your fellow fire sign Aries. Aries is your zone of play, creativity, adventurous risk, sex for fun and more.
Being someone with their Sun, rising sign or Moon in Sagittarius, you might feel like you have playful creativity already well covered. But what if it could be even better -- more fun, less guilt or baggage, more fulfilling?
Eric will be exploring the moves of Saturn, Chiron and more (including Uranus entering Taurus) in your 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading.
Comprising two astrology segments of at least 30 minutes each plus a tarot reading for your year, you can pre-order it now for the lowest price we offer: only $33 for the whole thing. All portions of the reading are recorded in studio-quality audio, and can be downloaded to your favorite device so you can listen as many times as you like throughout the year.
Note that the price of the reading will increase as publication approaches, and then again after it's been released. Planet Waves does not do Black Friday gimmicks, but we do reward you with the best price when you sign on early.
You get some of the clearest, most nuanced and jargon-free personal astrology available on the internet. Eric crafts these readings with the best of his life-coaching, cheerleading and problem-solving skills; the sensitivity of his therapy training; his uncanny knack to help you see challenges from a more empowering perspective; and with the kind of everyday, practical inspiration you can use immediately.
What more do you need to steer your life through the end of 2017 and into a new year?
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
P.S. Do you always forget your favorite Sagittarius friends' birthdays due to holiday distractions? Give the gift of the 2017-18 Sagittarius Birthday Reading today, and the thought may count more than ever.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Though you usually keep your emotions and your vulnerability under wraps, there are times when you're triggered, and then all gets thrown to the four winds. Beware of that today and for the next few days. Monitor your thoughts and feelings closely. There are always advance tremors.
"You might think of Saturn as the one missing and necessary ingredient in Sagittarius. It's not an easy mix. It is, however, a imperative one, if you want to get anything done; if you want to claim your full personhood. To live free means to take up responsibility for your destiny."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- You're not as alone as you might think, though it will help if you bring some empathy to the table. Make a conscious choice to open up and allow others to feel your sensitivity. Today's astrology is reminding you to get out of your own head. This will help considerably with doing so.
"The thing is, your future self is not as easy to perceive as your past self. Every transit I've described adds up to you developing in ways that you simply cannot predict, and which therefore amount to a daunting unknown. In order to face who you are becoming, you must face that unknown."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Are you worried about something? At least be clear with yourself what your worst fears are about, or even your mildly annoying, nagging fears. One thing you seem to be struggling with is isolation. You can address that easily. You actually do have friends; call a few of them up and have some fun.
"The fantasy is simple; you're in control. The reality is more complex; feelings are involved. I recommend trying anything that you're bringing out of fantasy at least three times before you make up your mind. Gradually work your way into it. Build your courage. Find the right people and persist in your experiment. Let curiosity drive you."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- The Sun has now entered the achievement angle of your chart, and the territory around you will be easier to see. You, as well, are easier to see; so make sure that you're ready to be visible. Clean up and update your public presentations, and dress for success at all times. Eyes are on you.
"There really is no mission, career or vocation: there is you, becoming who you are. I feel like I keep saying this, though this notion keeps coming up in your astrology. You're not really changing; rather, your inner essence is emerging in a way that is both unstoppable and undeniable. And this you can express as mission."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition. Pre-order now.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for
November were published on Thursday, Oct. 26. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for October on Thursday, Sept. 21. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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