New York, October 14, 2017 | Read on Web
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October 14, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017
Hebrew date is 24 Tishrei 5778
Islamic date is 24 Muharram 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 7 Etz'nab'
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458041
Today's Birthdays: William Penn (1644-1718), Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902), Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), Lillian Gish (1893-1993), e e cummings (1894-1962), Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), Dorothy Kingsley (1909-1997), Roger Moore (1927-2017), Justin Hayward (1946), Marcia Barrett (1948), Katha Pollitt (1949), Lori Petty (1963), Steve Coogan (1965), Karyn White (1965), Shaznay Lewis (1975), Usher (1978), Ben Whishaw (1980), Mia Wasikowska (1989).
"I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance."
-- e e cummings
Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Oct. 14, 2017
Today's Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for June 13, 2008.
You are taking the final steps toward completing a long stage of your life: a time of visioning and of manifestation; of widening your horizons and deepening them. This process is not over, if only because you learned it so well that in effect you became it. What is changing in this particular year is the need to connect your new visions with corresponding changes to the fundamental structure of your life, which you've no doubt had a taste of in the past two or three seasons. What you have started in this respect will continue -- it's as if the physical rearrangements you're involved with have taken on a life of their own. Now, one last dimension of your visioning process needs to be refined. Don't be afraid to change your plans, be they in your mind or on paper. Adjustments you make today will save you enormous work and expense in the future, and work to everyone's profit.
The Oracle is a daily mini-reading divined from our extensive Horoscope Archive. You can research any Planet Waves horoscope published since 1999 at the Horoscope Archive and Oracle.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on Oct. 15-16 at 6:24 pm PDT / 9:24 pm EDT (01:23:44 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Libra on Oct. 19 at 12:12 pm PDT / 3:12 pm EDT (19:11:58 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 2-3 at 2:46 am PDT / 5:46 am EDT (09:46:02 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Leo and enters Virgo on Oct. 15 at 4:19 am PDT / 7:19 am EDT (11:18:46 UTC).
Sun Degree: 21-22 Libra.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Venus enters Libra at 3:11 am PDT / 6:11 am EDT (10:11:07 UTC).
Okyrhoe stations direct at 5:49 am PDT / 8:49 am EDT (12:49:26 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Venus square Orius at 7:11 am PDT / 10:11 am EDT (14:11:31 UTC).
-- Sun sextile Sila-Nunam at 9:06 am PDT / 12:06 pm EDT (16:05:58 UTC).
-- Venus opposite Salacia at 5:36 pm PDT / 8:36 pm EDT (00:36:39 Oct. 15 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Oct. 14
(The Day of Moderation) | Libra Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
The Libra planet Venus enters your sign on your birth anniversary, which is a reminder that you can only be who you truly are. You might take as your motto, "I am the one I want to be," and strive to understand, connect to and express yourself in every way. As you proceed, you'll have the feeling of unraveling a mystery and gaining confidence at the same time.
Written in the Planets
Today when Venus enters Libra -- the sign of relationships and balance -- it opposes the object Salacia in Aries. Although oppositions are often confrontations, they can also be negotiations -- or even dances. In myth, Salacia was a goddess of calm seas who, after hiding, willingly married Neptune -- after he sent a dolphin to speak to her on his behalf. What does this mean for you today? One thought is that the calmer your inner "sea" of Self is (Aries), the easier it is to relate to others and come to mutual agreements. Even if the conversation begins with a little hide-and-seek. You might also keep an eye (or ear) out for unlikely messengers. What they have to say could be just what you need to hear to negotiate even more harmoniously than you already are.
Order your Libra audio reading today, and get instant access to the two astrology segments (the tarot reading will be following shortly -- and at that time, the price will increase). Please use this link.
As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on, balanced, in my day-to-day endeavors and consequently some very huge endeavors for the year was just what I needed to keep going.
-- Ginger Aarons
In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Although the video readings for all 12 signs use the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 as a starting point, Eric develops the themes through some of the most important astrological events you'll encounter in the remainder of 2017 and beyond. We'll be increasing the price again very soon, so don't hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.
Daily Horoscope for October 14, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
The Libra planet Venus enters your sign on your birth anniversary, which is a reminder that you can only be who you truly are. You might take as your motto, "I am the one I want to be," and strive to understand, connect to and express yourself in every way. As you proceed, you'll have the feeling of unraveling a mystery and gaining confidence at the same time. You share a birthday with e e cummings, Roger Moore, and Karyn White.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Venus enters your birth sign today, which is a reminder to associate only with people who you know genuinely care about you. You have no need for frenemies; only genuine friends who can, at times, even put your interests over theirs. Remember: love is gentle, and friendship is strong.
"The person you thought you were five years ago, one year ago, even yesterday, is not quite the same person you are today, potentially in some profound ways. To the extent that this is shaking up your consciousness and that of the people around you, you simply must develop confidence in yourself."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- You know there's much more you can do to enhance your health and wellbeing, and you now have the incentive to do it. Proper rest will get you far. Finding that delicate balance between work and play will also help, though taking care of an important project will count for both.
"If Taureans are competitive, it's primarily with themselves. You never want to do anything worse than you did it last time. Your next effort has to be better. When this is not driving you a little nuts, it can really work for you; and it definitely works for those who benefit from your devoted efforts."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Current movements of both Venus and Jupiter are revealing you to be an unstoppable creative force. That could apply to the work you do, or it could apply to the way that you relate to others. As one born under the sign of the twins, you are a superlative lover, so let your love shine.
"Like an aviator or a sailor or both at once, you must study the weather, within you and around you, and have many skills and tools for coexisting with it. You harness your energy from change itself. Knowing yourself is not a matter of having a fixed concept, but rather an honest and ongoing relationship with who you are."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- This planet is not an easy place to have fun and be a responsible person. Most of the fun seems to be stacked in the direction of being reckless, which is not your style. Yet Jupiter in Scorpio, perhaps the sweetest part of your chart, is saying you simply must celebrate life.
"Whatever you are doing, the essential spirit of your chart is that you define yourself. You set your mission; you establish your reputation; you are the master of the experiment. If you want to accomplish anything beyond the routine level of success, that also entails the highest level of self-responsibility and inner authority."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Allow yourself to act on one vision you have for your future. Choose one place on your list and make plans to go there, or one professional goal and take some tangible step toward making it real. When times are strange, there's also an opening created, where unusually positive things can manifest.
"You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. This may involve any facet of your life. You have the opportunity to work from the roots of your existence upward, and outward. For now, stay close to the ground and work from your core reality."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Venus changing signs from Virgo to Libra will remind you that action makes more sense than worrying. You'll find it easier to make decisions, if you remember to decide in the direction of what's actually good for you. And if that's true, it will usually work out to be helpful to others too.
"Let everything point you back to you, as the focal point of your existence. This will enhance your capacity for relationships rather than diminish it. The more solidly you are present for yourself, the more solid you can be for others. But that's really beside the point; focusing your intimacy with yourself is its own reward."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
A Lifeline for These Times: Your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading
"Today I was listening to last year's reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year's reading; I'm so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I'm okay and actually very excited."
-- Rhonda Benson
Dear Friend and Reader:
When the entire world seems to be losing its collective mind, having somewhere to turn for solace, sanity and a way to make sense of it all is crucial. Resources that enable you to see how your life fits into the bigger picture -- and which give you a sense of your potential, and how to make the most of it -- can truly be a lifeline.
To that end, Eric recently recorded the two astrology sections of your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading (the tarot segment will be ready shortly).
This means you can get instant access to an astrological lifeline that has been crafted specifically for you -- whether you have your Sun, rising sign or Moon in Libra.
Eric designs these readings as a kind of life-coaching, spiritual healing, cheerleading and strategic problem-solving hybrid. You get a clear sense that you belong on this planet at this time for a reason -- and that activating your soul's purpose is entirely doable, even if you face painful challenges. Eric's birthday readings address these issues with clarity, sensitivity and an eye to the greater energetic landscape -- so you can see your path more clearly and take your next steps with confidence and peace.
With Jupiter now in your house of what you value (including your self-esteem), you'll be well-positioned to access and integrate two other major planet sign-changes that directly affect Libra: Saturn entering Capricorn in December of this year, and Chiron entering Aries in April 2018. With these planets ringing the bells of your home-work axis and your self-partner axis, the next 12 months of your life (and beyond) are sure to be dynamic.
"Wow, you have just blown me away. So precise with what l am going through Libra Sun and Libra Moon and you haven't even looked at my chart! Well done, Eric."
-- Judy Newland
I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to order your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading -- before the next price increase (which will occur when the tarot segment is recorded).
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. If you'd like to check Eric's accuracy and review your past 12 months, you're invited to listen to last year's Libra reading, as a gift -- before you purchase your current reading.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Venus enters your sign today, which is just one of those joyous moments of astrology. People are noticing you, which means seeing how intelligent you are, and how attractive. Don't resent this. Interpret any saucy glance or compliment as a full-spectrum comment about who you are.
T"You may have been looking to the people you relate to directly -- that is, partners of various kinds -- for answers about the changes you're going through. The deeper truth is that something inside you is evolving and growing, and changes to your partnerships are a kind of secondary effect. The sum total is that your circumstances are conspiring for you to be highly self-reliant."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Your ruling planet Mars is working its way toward an opposition to the meaningful planet Chiron, which is about healing. If you find yourself encountering any conflicts over the next 48 hours, let those issues bubble up to the surface and do what you can to make the world a better place.
"The essence of this message is that you must express your true self in every facet of your being, particularly in the work that you do. The tangible contribution you make to your community and the larger society is your single most dependable way to develop yourself, and to cultivate respect for yourself, and these angles of your chart are coming under strong, creative aspects this year."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Today Venus enters the angle of your chart associated with deep friendship, your highest ideals and the way you relate to whatever you consider the public. This is a stark reminder to keep your message and your outlook positive, and to see the very best in people, even if some annoy you a little.
"You will thrive if you maintain a spirit of exploration and play in the work that you do. You might explore the idea that no matter what you do, you're doing the same thing: expressing your energy and love. If you discover that you don't feel so energetic or so loving, that's the time to consider why you're doing it. However, remember, many facets of your current astrology call for patience."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Today Venus crosses the midheaven angle of your chart, which puts you in a position of visibility and even honor. Yet the proper posture is to understate your influence, and emphasize your sense of responsibility. As a great poet wrote, your job is to shed light and not to master.
"One thing to remember is that your integrity is not linked to your being unchanging. In fact, your integrity is about your ability to change in helpful ways, and not to resist what you need the most. As well, you must be honest with yourself and with others about your uncertainty. It's all too tempting, in times of profound change, to attempt to cling to some form of fundamentalism or false security."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --
You may have the right answer or know the truth about something, though several important facts have yet to come out. Therefore, before taking any action, figure out what those are. Some unusual or surprising developments over the next day or so will shake out the information you need.
"If you find some material you must confront, summon the might of Pluto to help you work through the details. When you discover that you're carrying around material from one or more of your ancestors, notice what it is, and offer it back to them. One thing you have going for you now is a rather hot spiritual fire burning. This is an excellent opportunity to burn off karma."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Jupiter, the Pisces planet and the one associated with knowledge and wisdom, is now working its way across your fellow water sign Scorpio. This will refresh your spiritual path, and deepen your devotion to life and the universe. And that, in turn, will grant you incomparable gifts.
"When you look at these years in retrospect, they will clearly be a 'before and after' time. There are likely to be focal points of that transition; you may have experienced many 'befores' and 'afters', which add up to nothing less than a complete transformation in the form of embodying your own existence. This has taken many shapes, and in truth it's a process that, once ignited, keeps on going."
-- From your 2017 annual reading by Eric Francis, The Book of Your Life -- which you can read here. Eric's beginning work on the 2018 annual edition, and we'll have more news about that soon.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for October on Thursday, Sept. 21. Your extended monthly horoscopes for September were published on Thursday, Aug. 24. Your Moonshine Horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon were published on Thursday, Aug. 3. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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