New York, September 29, 2017 | Read on Web
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September 29, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Friday, Sept. 29, 2017
Hebrew date is 9 Tishrei 5778
Islamic date is 8 Muharram 1439
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 5 Ak'b'al
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458026
Today's Birthdays: Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Caravaggio (1571-1610), Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865), Lilias Armstrong (1882-1937), Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Greer Garson (1904-1996), Stanley Kramer (1913-2001), Madeline Kahn (1942-1999), Mike Post (1944), Bryant Gumbel (1948), Russell Peters (1970), Mackenzie Crook (1971), Zachary Levi (1980), Chrissy Metz (1980), Fatima Lodhi (1989), Halsey (1994).
"It is not the hand but the understanding of a man that may be said to write."
-- Miguel de Cervantes
Countering Rose-Colored Glasses with Good Communication
We've been experiencing a week of highly charged, transformational astrology. And whether you've been experiencing it in acutely personal, direct ways or mainly watching it play out on the nightly news in frightening and heartbreaking events, chances are you've noticed the universe inviting you to pay attention and investigate with your full awareness.
But first things first: take a deep, slow breath; and another one. Take one more. There. I don't know about you, but it's been that kind of week for me.
Looking at the (hopefully) more manageable personal level of astrology, two main events catch my eye as we head toward the weekend. Both speak in one way or another about relationships and the act of relating.
The first is an opposition between Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, exact Friday. This is just the latest in a series of oppositions to Neptune since about mid-August (Vesta, the Sun, Mercury, Mars and now Venus) that have perhaps contributed to peaks of confusion or uncertainty.
In the case of Venus-Neptune, that confusion plays out in the realm of relationships -- particularly those involving 'romantic' love or sexual energy (or both, of course). This is the 'beware of rose-colored glasses' aspect. Neptune can make it incredibly difficulty to see the object of your desire clearly -- and that can contribute to setting expectations the other person cannot hope to fulfill (and likely are oblivious to).
The signs involved add to this effect. Pisces is already pretty dreamy, impressionistic and sexual, and having Neptune there magnifies this. Virgo tends to emphasize specificity -- and the frustration that results when others can't meet that can come out as criticism with Venus there.
So, you might want to watch your daydreams about loved ones carefully. Daydreaming and fantasizing are creatively productive at best, and at the very least, harmless fun. But in their least constructive (and potentially damaging) manifestations, we can get attached to our fantasies and forget they're not real; we can lose sight of the fact that anyone we might be thinking about is their own autonomous being -- with their own perspective, agenda, needs, and so on. This goes equally for established partners, someone you've just met, or anyone else you have some kind of bond with.
Moon Phase: Moon is in First Quarter phase and enters Waxing Gibbous phase on Oct. 1-2 at 8:24 pm PDT / 11:24 pm EDT (03:24:34 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Aries on Oct. 5 at 11:40 am PDT / 2:40 pm EDT (18:40:02 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon in Libra is on Oct. 19 at 12:12 pm PDT / 3:12 pm EDT (19:11:58 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius tonight at 9:40 pm PDT / 12:40 am Sept. 30 EDT (04:40:05 UTC).
Sun Degree: 7-8 Libra.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Mercury enters Libra at 5:42 pm PDT / 8:42 pm EDT (00:42:02 Sept. 30 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Mercury square Quaoar at 1:09 am PDT / 4:09 am EDT (08:09:09 UTC), and Orius at 2:38 pm PDT / 5:38 pm EDT (21:38:39 UTC).
-- Jupiter conjunct Rhadamanthus at 6:29 am PDT / 9:29 am EDT (13:29:13 UTC).
-- Venus opposite Neptune at 5:11 pm PDT / 8:11 pm EDT (00:11:28 Sept. 30 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Sept. 29
(The Day of the Charged Reactor) | Libra Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
There are times when you must create the space for the right thing to happen, for you or for someone else. Before taking any specific action, be aware of what you know the right thing to be; then vigilantly stand guard, sidestepping your emotional responses and reactions as much as possible. Make the space for reality to enter, and it will.
Written in the Planets
As Amanda Painter writes above, tonight's opposition between Venus and Neptune has probably been blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Keep a cool head and try to stick to objective facts when assessing a situation -- unless you're creating a work of fiction or of art, in which case have at it with gusto; this is the perfect aspect for such endeavors.
In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Although the video readings for all 12 signs use the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 as a starting point, Eric develops the themes through some of the most important astrological events you'll encounter in the remainder of 2017 and beyond. We'll be increasing the price again very soon, so don't hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.
Daily Horoscope for September 29, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
There are times when you must create the space for the right thing to happen, for you or for someone else. Before taking any specific action, be aware of what you know the right thing to be; then vigilantly stand guard, sidestepping your emotional responses and reactions as much as possible. Make the space for reality to enter, and it will. You share a birthday with Miguel de Cervantes, Stanley Kramer, and Zachary Levi.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Take care not to clash with people in authority today, and to use your own power wisely. The chances are that a radical approach is uncalled for. You need to take a more conventional approach that allows in the good ideas of others. That may seem radical to some, but so is actually thinking.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Your spiritual path can bring you closer to others, and it can compel you to look within. That can be lonely, which is the main reason it's not practiced more often. You may have little in common with certain people around you, and accepting that can become a source of inner strength.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Perhaps the most successful approach to healing developed by humanity is to turn your challenges into art. Anything that's constructive, positive or that gives you an opportunity to process your feelings will be helpful. In the end, everything must serve your growth process, and teach you about life.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- You seem to be involved in a partnership situation that's either testing your patience or pushing you to be a more understanding person. However, it's essential to recognize that every person on the planet has their own history, their own needs and their own karma. There's only so much you can do.
Leo, Virgo Birthday Readings Complete
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
If what we're seeing in the wake of the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse is any indication of how influential it was, astrology is alive and kicking in your personal world. I've spent the last couple of days finishing the Leo and Virgo birthday readings, and I want you to know they're available.
They are also somewhat late, though this has been a work ethic issue: I don't do this kind of sensitive reading when I'm in any way stressed, unrested, or distracted. That time finally arrived Friday and Saturday, and these readings are now available.
We are in the midst of extraordinary astrology: we're living in the wake of so much that's happened, so much that is happening now, and so much coming up. You need all the information you can get.
Having access to sensitive and accurate astrological keys is a direct advantage. You know the psychic weather when you know the astrology. I work in both the personal and the transpersonal, describing certain inner developments in your life, as well as developments in the world around you -- and then I describe where the two meet.
I work in human language, using astro-lingo only as necessary. My message is designed to be both positive and informative: while I'm a pretty good astrologer, I am an even better motivational speaker. I believe in your potential, and I am honored and happy to offer you the keys to realizing your personal gifts.
We are, as well, living through extraordinarily trying times. It's not easy to be alive right now, but if you can keep your awareness up, and stay a little bit above the fray, and look toward the future, these are indeed brilliant and challenging and amazing times to engage fully with life.
Because these readings are being delivered late, we're going to keep the pre-order price of $44 for a while. You may get your Leo reading here, or your Virgo reading here. These are especially poignant for your rising sign, as my emphasis is on the houses.
Both include original new music by Vision Quest. You may listen to our live stream here.
We are also offering pre-order on the Libra reading, which I reckon will be done pretty soon -- probably within a few days after the equinox.
Speaking of, I mention in Virgo that I've recently published an article in The Mountain Astrologer called It's All in the Houses. This is an informative, easy-to-follow article that will open up your astrological thinking. The way that I can do these readings for you so accurately is that I understand the houses, or at least I sincerely strive to. I explain how that works in the article, which is free to anyone. If you want to take this deeper, we do offer a class by the same name.
Thank you for being a customer of Planet Waves, and for doing your part to make the world a friendlier, warmer and more intelligent place.
With love, your astrologer,

P.S. If you missed In the Shadow of the Moon, you may access all 12 signs here, or single serving signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Take the time to make sure that a close partner feels like you've done right by them. Ask them directly if they feel complete with recent interactions, and whether there's anything else you can do. You might also make a sincere request to keep the energy and attention flowing in both directions.
Your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now complete and available for instant access. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, especially with the recent powerful solar eclipse in your sign. Make this dynamic energy work for you -- order your reading today.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Mercury, your ruling planet, is about to change signs; and during this brief transition you can exceed some personal limit, or try something you've never experienced before. Of course this is always true; though there are some days when it's a little easier, and this happens to be one.
Turn Up the Flame with Your Libra Birthday Reading
Awesome, so uplifting and so 'IT' -- a wonderful birthday message. Eric, thank you. Your service has reached farther and deeper than you know. Turn up the flame on the human blow-torch, baby.
-- Eryca Willinger
Dear Friend and Reader:
Your birthday season has begun, and this year it's extra special. Just as the Sun is making its way through the early degrees of your sign, it forms a conjunction with the asteroid Vesta, which symbolizes devotion, the sacred flame and the hearth.
This distinctive conjunction offers you the opportunity to lend your energies to what you're passionate about -- what matters to you the very most.
Your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading by Eric Francis will give you on-point and accurate guidance to help you optimize your power and direct it where you need it to go.
Your forthcoming solar year will also see Saturn entering your fellow cardinal sign Capricorn; and Chiron entering your relationship sign Aries. Eric will discuss all this and more, in a friendly, accessible recording you can come back and listen to as often as you need.
The Libra birthday reading will contain two 30-minute segments of audio astrology, plus a tarot reading for your year (and an extended written description of your sign).
As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on, balanced, in my day-to-day endeavors and consequently some very huge endeavors for the year was just what I needed to keep going.
-- Ginger Aarons
Pre-order your Libra birthday reading here for the earliest price of just $33. Note that once the reading is published, the price will increase -- so you'll want to get your copy very soon.
Thank you for your business. May the light of your hearth shine bright.
With best wishes,
Amy Elliott
P.S. This reading makes an excellent and lasting gift for the Libra you know and love -- and is also incredibly well-suited for anyone with Libra rising or a Libra Moon.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Be patient if you're anticipating a message or a decision of some kind. There are many factors involved, and patience is the most annoying virtue. However, it helps to cultivate it, as long as you keep busy and involved with your own ideas and creative tasks. Never waste your time just waiting.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Pay attention to any 'precognitive' thoughts you might have. Here's a clue: visions of the future are unlikely to be frightening. They might be a little daunting, but they won't have any tinge of paranoia. You do indeed have ideas about what you want to become. Notice them, and focus on them.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- The act of service provides additional opportunities to serve. What you're doing is of genuine significance, and it also represents a creative breakthrough. Keep the positive energy flowing. Work with your usual selfless devotion, and don't worry who notices. Many are paying attention.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- If you feel like there's some conflict between what you do for yourself and what you do for others, pause and reflect on why that is. It's likely about the level of your thinking. Get yourself to a place where you see choices that work well for everyone. That place and those choices exist.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --
Monitor your thoughts carefully, and if you're feeling any form of distress or upset at all, go to a higher level. Focus inwardly and ask for help. Your mind is connected to what can only be described as a spiritual source -- something beyond what you normally think of as yourself.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- If you have some kind of fundraising project you need to do, this is the moment. Whether for business, for charity or for some other purpose, now is the time to communicate with the world around you, and ask for what you need. Be sincere, direct and clearly state your appreciation.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for October on Thursday, Sept. 21. Your extended monthly horoscopes for September were published on Thursday, Aug. 24. Your Moonshine Horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon were published on Thursday, Aug. 3. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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