New York, September 9, 2017 | Read on Web
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September 9, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
Hebrew date is 18 Elul 5777
Islamic date is 18 Zul-Hijjah 1438
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 11 Ak'b'al
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458006
Today's Birthdays: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), James Hilton (1900-1954), Paul Goodman (1911-1972), Jane Greer (1924-2001), Elvin Jones (1927-2004), Otis Redding (1941-1967), Inez Foxx (1942), John McFee (1950), David A. Stewart (1952), Hugh Grant (1960), Kimberly Willis Holt (1960), Adam Sandler (1966), Julia Sawalha (1968), Gok Wan (1974), Michelle Williams (1980), Julie Gonzalo (1981).
"The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people."
-- Leo Tolstoy
Moon Phase: Moon is in Full phase and enters Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase today at 1:23 pm PDT / 4:23 pm EDT (20:23:11 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Virgo on Sept. 19-20 at 10:30 pm PDT / 1:30 am EDT (05:29:47 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Aries on Oct. 5 at 11:40 am PDT / 2:40 pm EDT (18:40:02 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aries and enters Taurus today at 9:22 am PDT / 12:22 pm EDT (16:22:28 UTC).
Sun Degree: 17-18 Virgo.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Taurus at 9:22 am PDT / 12:22 pm EDT (16:22:28 UTC).
Mercury enters Virgo at 7:52 pm PDT / 10:52 pm EDT (02:51:54 Sept. 10 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Sun trine Pluto at 3:45 am PDT / 6:45 am EDT (10:45:15 UTC).
-- Jupiter opposite Eris at 11:03 am PDT / 2:03 pm EDT (18:02:41 UTC).
-- Venus square Echeclus at 6:56 pm PDT / 9:56 pm EDT (01:56:35 Sept. 10 UTC).
Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sept. 9, 2017
Today's Oracle takes us to the Capricorn monthly for January 2011
When I was about 22, a friend took me to meet his guru. I had about five minutes with her. We sat down on a yoga mat in a big, empty room. She looked at me and said instantly, "You have maturity. You lack confidence." Your charts this year are all about gaining confidence that you may not know you lack. Maturity is something you've possessed very nearly forever and could frankly do with a little less of; confidence is a challenge in a world that always seems to have the upper hand. The basis of confidence is within, if we're to learn anything from the lives of people who have had absolute power but who were totally insecure.
You are having to learn this confidence as you go, even as you encounter experiences that keep shaking you up, rattling your sense of identity and in the end, serve to push you out of your shell. I suggest that you begin to associate confidence with vulnerability. I know that all the common 'wisdom' goes the opposite way, that the more piled on with defenses a person is, the more confident they seem (to some). Yet that's not actually true; it's an illusion, at best. True confidence arises from being close to your edge, and willing to stay there -- and that is a vulnerable place. As you get to that spot where you realize you're not emotionally secure, slip into it like a hot bath. If you reach the spot where your concept of your identity is crumbling, allow the concept to fall away and your true self to come through.
When you find yourself tasked with a challenge that calls on you to take leadership but don't necessarily feel qualified, remember that most of leadership is about responding to an authentic calling, and listening to people as much as you might speak to them. As for being able to do with a bit less maturity: gradually as the years press on, you're figuring out that a deep element of the meaning of life is your ability to enjoy and appreciate each moment as it passes, each human encounter, each small step toward freedom. That's what we usually think maturity specifically denies. In the subtle words of the poet Ginsberg, remind yourself: I have become another child. I wake to see the world go wild.
The Oracle is a daily mini-reading divined from our extensive Horoscope Archive. You can research any Planet Waves horoscope published since 1999 at the Horoscope Archive and Oracle.
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If Your Birthday is Sept. 9
(The Day of Difficult Demand) | Virgo Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Relationships may not go as planned this year, though will be rich with surprises. Any time you join your life with that of another person, you are in a sense spinning the wheel, uncertain what will happen. This factor can and indeed must work in your favor. Embrace the challenges that interesting, original people present, so long as they treat you kindly.
Written in the Planets
Mercury enters Virgo late tonight, working its way ever so slowly through its 'shadowlands'. When you get up tomorrow, notice whether your mind feels more ready to move a previously outlined plan forward in practical, precise ways. Today, with Jupiter in Libra opposite Eris in Aries, the bigger picture looks like your sense of what is 'fair' in relationships must confront the self-absorbed chaos running rampant on social media. What does it really mean to be independent and individual? How do you learn to judge someone's character accurately when everyone has a 'personal brand' they're promoting? Other aspects suggest that the most useful energy you can engage in today will be focused on inner evolution. Log off, unplug and dive in.

In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. The video readings for all 12 signs cover the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 and well beyond. We'll be increasing the price again very soon, so don't hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.
Daily Horoscope for September 9, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
Relationships may not go as planned this year, though will be rich with surprises. Any time you join your life with that of another person, you are in a sense spinning the wheel, uncertain what will happen. This factor can and indeed must work in your favor. Embrace the challenges that interesting, original people present, so long as they treat you kindly. You share a birthday with Leo Tolstoy, Otis Redding, and Michelle Williams.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You are capable of anything, and may surprise yourself with both the cleverness and the liberating quality of a discovery you make. Keep a positive outlook and you will multiply your learning and the ways you benefit from it. Wake up every day and be the person you want to be.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Sometimes you shock yourself with a self-discovery, and then wonder how you could have missed something so obvious for so long. Note that this is a revelation you have on a regular basis, only sometimes it’s easier to notice than others. You might wonder how it is that you forget.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- You are involved in a confidence-building project that may be testing your nerves on a daily basis. That’s the only place you can actually pluck up courage. The further you get from traveling along the cliff that is a well-lived life, the less exciting the experience. Stay close to your own inner edge.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- The bigger the surprise related to your work or career, the greater an opportunity it presents. You’ve done many innovative things the past few years, though your real accomplishment is learning how to be true to yourself and still strive for, and even attain, a modicum of recognition.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- If you want to succeed financially, you certainly have the energy, the intelligence and the ideas to do so. Yet for the sake of your sanity and peace of mind, this cannot be your only goal. Any endeavor that requires you to be dishonest, no matter how meekly so, is not for you.
The first astrology segment of your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now published. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, especially with the upcoming powerful solar eclipse in your sign. Make this dynamic energy work for you -- order your reading today.
Virgo Birthdays 2017:
Find Your Passion for Growth
"If you're getting the message to grow and to become, find your passion for growth. Passion means feeling, beauty, angst, love, confusion, pain and discovery: the things you discover in every meaningful endeavor."
-- Eric Francis Coppolino in the 2017 Book of Your Life reading for Virgo
Dear Reader with Virgo Sun, Rising or Moon:
What messages to "grow and become" did you receive between the two August eclipses? Are you still trying to figure that out, or maybe planning your next steps?
Recent weeks have been interesting and intense for just about everyone, though it's possible they've felt especially curious for you.
This Tuesday, you had the unique experience of your ruling planet, Mercury, stationing direct in the same cryptic, hidden-away section of your chart where the total solar eclipse occurred on Aug. 21. All of it comes together to begin your next year in dynamic ways -- ways that will ripple out and develop in the months to come, aided by other significant astrology in the process. For example, major planets are gearing up to change signs (among other things).
Eric will get into all of this and more in your upcoming 2017-18 Virgo Birthday Reading.
"Your readings are soothing, grounding and remarkably spot on, especially in times like these. I very much appreciate you and your work."
-- Alison
Created to help you steer through the next 12 months and beyond, Eric presents the two astrology segments (at least 30 minutes each) and tarot reading in accessible, inviting language. He'll offer motivation and inspiration for all the challenges and opportunities you may encounter in your intimate relationships, family structure, career, creativity, spiritual and sexual healing and much more.
"You guide but also ask the listener to engage with their lives. Humans don't just get transformation for free and you are very precise in telling us where to look."
-- Shelley Stearns
How will you activate your potential and passion to grow and become? You can start by pre-ordering your Virgo Birthday Reading -- at the lowest price we offer: just $33 for some of the clearest, most immediately useful astrology you can find on the internet.
Note that the price of the reading will increase before the full reading publishes, and then will increase again.
May Mercury smile upon you in all that you do.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Often relationships with others are the best way to learn about yourself, establish your boundaries and see the world in new ways. This is true, even if it’s turbulent in the moment. Take any mix-ups with a plum and a cherry: they are rich with information and potential adventure.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- You may have the sensation of instant karma, where what you say or even think comes right back to you. How exactly does this work? In any event, it’s good to be vigilant about what you think about others. Relate to their better angels, and remember, they are not your parents.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- If you invest less energy in what people think about what you do, and more into doing what you do, you'll be more productive and, I dare say, happier. The "what they think" thing can be a real trap right now; you might avoid it entirely, and stay focused on your good work.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- The Sun is gradually forming a dynamic angle to Saturn in your sign, combined with other supportive factors related to your work and reputation. The only risk is being so over-focused that you miss the bigger picture or lose track of your purpose. Stay in touch with that at all times.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- The story of your life over the next few days is about negotiating your faith in yourself. But do you really need to haggle or bargain? Start with being out front, with yourself and others, about some important fact of your sexuality. The feeling of being you, unfettered, will take you far.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --
You have an unusual window open to clear the air with partners or loved ones. Have one of those everyone-tells-all sessions, and if you cannot get a partner to go along fully, say what you have to say and listen for what happens. You cannot keep it all bottled up.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Remaining silent within close partnerships is a formula for misery; thankfully, being open and forthcoming with others enhances intimacy and allows love and beauty to enter your shared space. You cannot test this conceptually; you will have to take a chance and try it out for real.
September Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for September were published on Thursday, Aug. 24. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for August on Thursday, July 27. Your Moonshine Horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon were published on Thursday, Aug. 3. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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