New York, August 23, 2017 | Read on Web
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August 23, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017
Hebrew date is 1 Elul 5777
Islamic date is 1 Zul-Hijjah 1438
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 7 Kimi
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457989
Today's Birthdays: Sarah Frances Whiting (1847-1927), Malvina Reynolds (1900-1978), Gene Kelly (1912-1996), Rudy Lewis (1936-1964), Keith Moon (1946-1978), Willy Russell (1947), Shelley Long (1949), Edwyn Collins (1959), Shaun Ryder (1962), River Phoenix (1970-1993), Kobe Bryant (1978), Joanne Froggatt (1980), Sky Blu (1986).
"At 14, I discovered girls. At that time, dancing was the only way you could put your arm around the girl. Dancing was courtship. Only later did I discover that you dance joy. You dance love. You dance dreams."
-- Gene Kelly
Planet Waves FM | Musical Invocation of the Total Eclipse
Most of this week's program [ play episode here] is Sunday night's invocation of the total eclipse. All of us at Planet Waves have spent months explaining the event from spiritual and psychological perspectives, in language. By the end, the only way to express things was in rhythm and tone. Eric presents this recording uninterrupted after a brief introduction summing up his observations on "the day after."
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on Aug. 25 at 1:57 am PDT / 4:57 am EDT (08:56:41 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Pisces on Sep. 6 at 12:03 am PDT / 3:03 am EDT (07:02:43 UTC).
Corresponding New Moon in Virgo is on Sep. 19-20 at 10:30 pm PDT / 1:30 am EDT (05:29:47 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Virgo and enters Libra tonight at 6:04 pm PDT / 9:04 pm EDT (01:04:26 Aug. 24 UTC).
Sun Degree: 1-2 Virgo.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Libra at 6:04 pm PDT / 9:04 pm EDT (01:04:26 Aug. 24 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Vesta trine Pluto at 1:32 am PDT / 4:32 am EDT (08:32:13 UTC).
-- Venus sextile Sedna at 4:24 am PDT / 7:24 am EDT (11:23:48 UTC).
-- Venus square Rhadamanthus at 6:09 am PDT / 9:09 am EDT (13:09:27 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Aug. 23
(The Day of Lively Precision) | Birthday Readings: Leo | Virgo | Others
The facets of a bold plan are coming together. Don't rush the process; give it a year. Focus on developing the ideas that have come to you the past few weeks. In the process, you'll clear away many things, and ideas, that no longer serve you. Strive for efficiency rather than for excess. Be precise, but keep looking up from your work.
Written in the Planets
With the Great American Eclipse now over and done, how are you feeling? A trine between Vesta in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (with the Virgo Moon sailing through it) suggests something is deepening. Is it the grand plan or pattern you set between the eclipses? Is it your dedication to be of service, or to hold space for something or someone? Or perhaps it's a need to go deep into your sexuality and associated feelings? While Pluto is an agent of change, it is also the lord of 'what lies below' and tends to be an intensifying agent. Vesta may add an unconventional flavor, and a sense of the sacred.
In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, has just been published. The video readings for all 12 signs cover the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21 and well beyond. We'll be increasing the price again very soon, so don't hesitate to order your copy here. You can also now choose your individual signs here.
"I have just listened to your Part 1 and Part 2 readings and I am amazed at how accurate it has been. Like you have a telescope watching me shed a skin and transform into a totally changed person in the last 10 years."
-- Pauline Jones
If you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon, how are you feeling about your vision for your life, and in what ways are you ready to take action toward it? On Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse in Leo signaled the second stage of whatever life-shifting process you're engaged with.
The reverberations from these two eclipses will keep rippling out and developing through the next six to twelve months -- and Eric's upcoming 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading will be designed to guide you through it all.
"The past few years have been very difficult on many levels and it has been the readings I get through you that keep me going. Always, absolutely right on, every one of them."
-- Rhonda
Daily Horoscope for August 23, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
The facets of a bold plan are coming together. Don't rush the process; give it a year. Focus on developing the ideas that have come to you the past few weeks. In the process, you'll clear away many things, and ideas, that no longer serve you. Strive for efficiency rather than for excess. Be precise, but keep looking up from your work. You share a birthday with Gene Kelly, Keith Moon and Kobe Bryant.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You know what you have to do to set things right, so get about it. This will take some considerable attention to detail, and meticulous work. This, in turn, is calling for a long-range plan. You will grow and thrive if you follow this method, and you'll emerge in a truly creative and daring place.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- The Sun ingressing Virgo today looks like a morph between creative frustration and creative breakthrough. The two often come as a matched set, with some tension and struggle serving as a springboard for your best ideas. Don't take this too seriously; just play along and see where you end up.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Your solar chart describes you spending some extra time alone, whether so you can get to know yourself in a new way, or get something done. The two are related, and there's some beautiful energy for reading and writing described as well. If you have writer's block, read something challenging.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- This year, the Sun's newborn journey through Virgo will be fantastic for you if you're a writer or communicator of some kind. Yet the message is about commitment, and it's about going deep into not just your ideas but yourself. You will teach what you learn, as you express yourself.
To the Leo Eclipse and Beyond!
In just over two weeks, on Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse in Leo signals the second stage of whatever life-shifting process you're engaged with.
This is a unique year for you, Leo. In addition to the current eclipses (and the double New Moons in your sign), Eric plans to discuss in your upcoming reading such astrological heavyweights as Chiron finishing up its journey through your 8th house; ever-surprising Uranus; and Saturn leaving your fellow fire sign, Sagittarius -- plus more.
Are you navigating changes in your relationships or family paradigm? Do you find yourself at a career crossroads? Are you seeking clarity, encouragement and new perspectives on your creativity, self-esteem, sexuality or healing process? You'll find ideas and reassurance in this reading.
"I have just listened to your Part 1 and Part 2 readings and I am amazed at how accurate it has been. Like you have a telescope watching me shed a skin and transform into a totally changed person in the last 10 years."
-- Pauline Jones
Your reading is now priced at $44; so you'll want to pre-order your 2017 Leo Reading very soon -- definitely before it publishes, when the price is set to increase again. This reading is designed to work for anyone with Leo Sun, Leo rising and even Leo Moon -- and makes an amazing gift.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Although the fanfare, the Moon and the Sun have moved on from your sign, Mars remains a driving force in your life. If you've recently had ideas for how you want to change, grow or improve your life, you have the motivation and the energy that you need. Pace yourself and carry on.
The first astrology segment of your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now published. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, especially with the upcoming powerful solar eclipse in your sign. Make this dynamic energy work for you -- order your reading today.
Attention Virgo: Just one day after Monday's exciting total solar eclipse, the Sun moves into your sign -- bringing that energy signature front and center into your life, while it's still fresh. Its effects will continue to reverberate and develop for months to come, interacting with a whole host of astrology central to your year ahead. Eric will be covering all the most compelling areas of your life in your upcoming 2017 Virgo Birthday Reading: relationships, career, creativity, family, healing and more. You're invited to pre-order it now, while it's at its lowest discounted price.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- The Sun is finally in your sign, after one of the world's most famous trips through Leo, featuring the total solar eclipse. For you, this was likely a subtler event than it was for some of the people around you, but the best is yet to come. Over the next few weeks, the discoveries will abound.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Partners and collaborators will have an impact on the decisions you make today and for the next few days. Listen to their ideas carefully. What seems the most outrageous may actually make the most sense, and turn out to be practical. Ultimately, you will never know until you try.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- The recent solar eclipse has helped you define your mission, though you may be waiting for additional instructions from headquarters. That will be coming soon enough, though for now it will help if you do your best to answer your own questions. There are plenty of clues available now.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- The next few days may bring a phase of obsessively addressing the details of your professional projects, though this will pay off handsomely. The coming months will have you doing plenty of this, so get in the groove now. Verify the facts and figures. Make sure the right thing happens.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- You know you've got rather amazing potential. The question is how you're going to materialize it. The method is action rather than thought, understanding that you'll have to make mistakes, backtrack and correct them. This will build your confidence much better than mulling things over endlessly.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --
If this week's eclipse of the Sun reminded you of one thing, it's that the only constant is change. That, however, is your friend rather than your nemesis. Aquarius is a fixed sign, and you must take ongoing care to ensure that you don't live within set patterns that dictate your choices.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Mercury retrograde and the Sun both working through your relationship house is describing a partnership situation as a work in progress. It might not feel that way, though a series of rapid developments over the next few days will remind you that optimism is the only sane policy.
August Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for August were published on Thursday, July 27.
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for June were published on Thursday, May 25. Note, the August horoscope is based on the total solar eclipse of Aug. 21. This is the one to clip and save for posterity.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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