New York, July 16, 2017 | Read on Web
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July 16, 2017 Daily Almanac, With Your Daily Horoscope (see below)
Today is Sunday, July 16, 2017
Hebrew date is 22 Tamuz 5777
Islamic date is 22 Shawwal 1438
Mayan Tzolk'in Day is 8 Lamat
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457951
Today's Birthdays: Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530), Joseph Wilton (1722-1803), Nikolai von Glehn (1841-1923), Ida B. Wells (1862-1931), Kathleen Norris (1880-1966), Charles Sheeler (1883-1965), Frits Zernike (1888-1966), Mary Philbin (1902-1993), Orville Redenbacher (1907-1995), Barbara Stanwyck (1907-1990), Ginger Rogers (1911-1995), Irwin Rose (1926-2015), Anita Brookner (1928-2016), Sheri S. Tepper (1929), Denise LaSalle (1939), Desmond Dekker (1941-2006), Barbara Lee (1946), Stewart Copeland (1952), Tony Kushner (1956), Faye Grant (1957), Will Ferrell (1967), Larry Sanger (1968), Corey Feldman (1971), AnnaLynne McCord (1987).
"If I won the lottery, I'd go to so many job interviews in a mermaid costume and ask if sprinklers are allowed in the office to keep me moist."
-- Will Ferrell
Len Wallick | Go With The Territory
The territory of astrology is the zodiac. As noted by Len Wallick, certain things implicitly go with each part of that territory. Once you understand that one principle, you will have an important tool to work with when Mars comes to the penultimate degree of Cancer to square Uranus early next week.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase today at 12:25 pm PDT / 3:25 pm EDT (19:25:34 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Leo on July 23 at 2:45 am PDT / 5:45 am PDT (09:45:30 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Aquarius is on Aug. 7 at 11:10 am PDT / 2:10 pm EDT (18:10:33 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aries and enters Taurus tonight at 10:04 pm PDT / 1:04 am July 17 EDT (05:04:07 UTC).
Sun Degree: 24-25 Cancer.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
-- Sun square Eris at 10:06 pm July 15 PDT / 1:06 am EDT (05:05:45 UTC).
-- Vesta trine Quaoar at 12:21 am PDT / 3:21 am EDT (07:21:15 UTC).
-- Mercury semi-square Ceres at 5:43 am PDT / 8:43 am EDT (12:42:52 UTC).
-- Mercury trine Varda at 6:10 pm PDT / 9:10 pm EDT (01:09:42 July 17 UTC).
-- Venus semi-square Uranus at 6:37 pm PDT / 9:37 pm EDT (01:37:32 July 17 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is July 16
(The Day of the Rising Tide) | Cancer Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Professional developments will come in unexpected ways. You might stick to a plan, and follow certain protocols (a well-crafted resume, letters of reference, showing up to interviews on time); yet the actual breakthroughs will happen when you're least expecting them. Be prepared all the time, listen carefully, and dress the part you want to play.
Written in the Planets
The Sun squaring Eris today may shed light on your personal worldview, in the context of the current environment. Amanda Painter has more on this in her most recent Thursday column. Whether you feel threatened, challenged, validated or inspired, remember that in your own milieu you have influence and you have choices. The most important changes don't always originate on the world stage. Sometimes they start from one person, or a few people, and ripple out like a wave.
I've now completed your Cancer reading, which is infused with the energy of the recent Full Moon conjunct Pluto. I describe this in detail, taking it back to the beginning of Pluto in Capricorn.
As the reading developed organically, it built up an intensity I was not expecting, ultimately describing the relationship between you and the very wide world that surrounds you. The reading consists of two 35-minute downloadable sessions. They can also be played on any device, or added to iTunes.
The reading is now available at the published price of $55. You will get instant access. This reading will be followed by a tarot card segment sometime in the next week to month.
Here is an audio sample.
Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.
"Eric, I enjoyed the depth and strength of the Cancer reading. How apropos to do it so close to the moment of the Capricorn Full Moon, Sun in Cancer, moment. I felt deeply connected to much of the reading, both the current moment (turning point), and the historical energy (Pluto in Capricorn). Indeed it has been an intense and deeply revealing time in my relationship life. Thanks for your depth psychology and therapy references, they resonate with me, and speak to the foundational level work I've been doing in therapy this past year."
-- Jennifer Cobb, Backstage Pass member, on the 2017 Cancer Birthday Reading

Daily Horoscope for July 16, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino
If Today is Your Birthday
Professional developments will come in unexpected ways. You might stick to a plan, and follow certain protocols (a well-crafted resume, letters of reference, showing up to interviews on time); yet the actual breakthroughs will happen when you're least expecting them. Be prepared all the time, listen carefully, and dress the part you want to play. You share a birthday with Ida B. Wells, Ginger Rogers and Will Ferrell.
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- Go with the flow this week. It's ridiculous the extent to which people fill up their appointment calendars weeks or months in advance, leaving themselves no room to be spontaneous. Your astrology, or at least your astrologer, is suggesting that you take another approach. Leave yourself time to explore.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Make a special effort to be diplomatic this week. Your mind is on fire, and you're not in the mood to pussyfoot around any important issues. Thankfully, the asteroid of wisdom, law and diplomacy, called Pallas Athene, is in your sign right now. She will be a helpful teacher.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Your circle of friends may be in a state of flux, rearrangement or chaos. Was it something someone said? Are certain people ready to move on? I suggest you welcome any shuffling of the deck that happens, and welcome new friends into your life. Society should not be organized by cliques.
The astrology section of the Gemini birthday reading has been recorded, and the Tarot reading will follow soon. Order here to get instant access, whether for yourself or the Gemini you love.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- This will be an exciting, interesting and unpredictable week -- and all of these factors are likely to work to your advantage. Or rather they will under one condition only: you have fun doing what you're doing. Take pleasure in every task. Keep a light attitude and see the humor in everything.
Eric has just recorded your 2017 Cancer Birthday Reading. The price will soon increase again, so be sure to order your copy before that happens. Eric's birthday readings are accurate, friendly and long-lasting, and they make the perfect gift.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- Spirituality is not all about incense and crystal bowls. In truth, the point so often missed is that being spiritual means trusting existence enough to live boldly and passionately. That's what you're being called to do this week. You will have many opportunities to spread your wings and fly.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- Sometimes, to get anything to move, you have to shake things up; and it would seem that a recent revelation is doing just that. Complacency is the worst enemy of happy relationships and productive people. Given that you want to be happy and productive, get the energy moving.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The unpredictable theme of the past few days will continue into next week, as potent forces continue to influence your chart. Be alert for situations where something seems to go wrong, which reveals potential or a possibility that nobody saw before. Success rarely follows a straightforward path.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- You have no option but to do the right thing. If you find yourself in a moral or ethical quandary, there will be one obvious choice; and that's the one to take. If you find yourself debating, splitting hairs or wringing your hands, take a fresh look at the situation and set a shining example.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- You can afford to take a creative approach to a financial situation that's developing. Clearly, the same old boring theories are not going to get you anywhere. Bear in mind that any situation involving humans ultimately comes down to the feeling level: emotions such as love, trust or fear.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- It may take some discipline to keep your emotional distance from a family situation, though you can do it, and you will be glad you did. The story is not as it seems, and people are clearly overreacting. Therefore, don't take sides or jump into the fray. Listen carefully, or do your own thing.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Don't let other people do your thinking for you; it's of a lower quality than you can cogitate yourself. Your mind is currently in revolutionary mode. Take notes, make sketches, or ramble into the memo feature on your phone. The ideas you have today could serve you for years to come.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- People trust you; you can afford to trust yourself. Don’t make promises you cannot keep; and follow up on any overdue commitments this week. This will lay the psychic foundation for a new era in your financial history. You are a creative and innovative person and deserve to succeed.
You can now pre-order all 12 signs of the new Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, In the Shadow of the Moon, for the introductory price of just $66. Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, Eric will record a helpful, top-quality video reading. Get your copy today.
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for July were published on Thursday, June 22. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Thursday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
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