Planet Waves

New York, Sept. 20, 2016 | View as Webpage | Visit Our Boutique

This Week on Planet Waves FM
Before the Equinox: The End of a Long Season

Dear Friend and Listener:

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here], I discuss the details on the end of Mercury retrograde as the Sun approaches the sign Libra and the equinox.

Planet Waves
Unknown icons of the Sixties: LOVE, featuring laid-back frontman and mystic Arthur Lee, rear right.
We are in a complex moment, though the astrology is gradually settling down. With Mercury at the end of its retrograde we're being reminded how challenging this Virgo phase (Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and so on) has been.

Virgo is about integration of opposites, and that can take work. In response to some reader inquiries, I begin with a comment about why it's both good sense and accepted political custom to discuss the health of all presidential candidates.

And of course, I cover the Sun's ingress into Libra, which happens about nine hours after Mercury retrograde ends.

My musical guest is Love, bringing us vibes from deep in the heart of the darkest Sixties.

What I love about Love is that they capture the intensity and the conflict of that era honestly, without romanticizing it a bit. You can order Love's Forever Changes on Amazon or on iTunes.

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Thanks for your business.

With love,

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Designer: Lizanne Webb. Finance: Jonathan McCarthy. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Eric's Assistant: Gale Jazylo. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Marshall McLuhan. Research, Writing and Editing: In addition to those listed above, Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Kelly Janes, Amanda Moreno and Carol van Strum.
Planet Waves It's All In the Houses: A Live Class with Eric Francis
12 Noon to 4 pm EDT, Saturday, October 8, 2016

Many people study astrology books, read webpages and take courses that go on for years but still struggle to get basic information out of a chart. Do you ever have that feeling?

Do you wish you could get the chart to give up its secrets, or do you have a feeling there's more you're not seeing? Do you want to be a more articulate astrologer? I have a class for you, called It's All In the Houses. If there's one secret to astrology, this is it.

This live audio class (with a video introduction) covers the most basic level of astrology: where things happen, the houses. If you understand the houses as environments and groups of themes, you can read a chart. I will cover the 'debate' about whole sign houses and house systems, and show how these methods work together. We will use several houses as examples and provide study materials that will guide you through the rest.

This class will last four hours, with a half-hour break. The class comes with a recording, and class materials will be preserved online, so you don't need to sit through the whole thing unless you want to. The class will be preceded by a video presentation that lays out the very basics, so that we will be starting with a foundation.

We will hold the class by teleconference at noon EDT on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016. You may sign up here.
Your Time Is Now, Libra! Pre-order Your Birthday Reading
"It felt that Eric was talking directly to my soul. I feel that I have been given a guidepost on this journey. Divine inspiration comes to only a few and Eric is certainly one of the chosen." -- Rebecca Blessing
Dear Libra Sun or Rising:

If you've been itching to live your life with greater positive impact in your community and relationships, where do you find the inspiration, motivation and affirmation needed to get going on your mission? Where can you find insights on how to do it beautifully, and in harmony with your personal ethos?

Planet Waves
Eric Francis with his dog, Jonah Kelly Francis. (Photo: Zoe West)
How about in your 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading?

You know you have a purpose on this planet. When the Sun ingresses Libra on Thursday and encounters Jupiter, your potential looks like it will open wide. What will you make of it?

"I sense a high energy of urgency everywhere, and to read your interpretations of the cosmos as it relates to me once again awakens my spirit. Thank you!"
-- "Pisces Sun"

This reading will be delivered in two phases: phase one is two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each).

Phase two is your video tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and any astrology afterthoughts. You also get Eric's charts, an extended sign description and the ability to listen as often as you like.

Motivational workshops cost exponentially more; yet Eric is able to help you identify blocks, hesitations and other challenges, and then get moving toward your goals -- spiritual healing, your dream career, better relationships, fuller creativity, financial stability and more. It's suitable for anyone with a Libra Sun, Moon or rising sign -- and it makes an incredible gift.

Tune in, and make sure you have one of the most effective and personally relevant tools at your side as you navigate your solar year: the 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor

P.S. Right now, you can pre-order the Libra Birthday Reading for the discounted price of $19.97. Once the reading publishes, the price will increase.
Planet Waves

This Week on Planet Waves
Planet Waves
Mercury Direct, Last Days of Virgo
We are now in the last days of the Sun in Virgo. We're also in the last days of Mercury retrograde in Virgo. The Sun about to enter a new sign, and Mercury stationing direct, represent beginnings. Yet, as Eric explains in this week's Astrology Diary, we have some endings to move through before we get there.
Planet Waves
Planet Waves TV: Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Chiron
Eric covers the Sept. 16 eclipse of the Moon in Pisces, which brought in a grouping of elements in Sagittarius: Mars, Pholus, Quaoar and the Galactic Core. The episode is rich with information about the minor planets mentioned, and gives a good look at an under-appreciated topic: the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Planet Waves
Eyewitness to Astrology
This edition focuses on the Sept. 16 eclipse and the "hotly emotional" astrology surrounding it, including the current Mercury retrograde phase, and an aspect from Mars and Pholus. Eric suggests that the remedy for feeling out of balance can be found in Chiron -- that is, figuring out what you need to heal and release.
Planet Waves
Pisces Full Moon and Eclipse: React or Respond?
Are you feeling the tension? Amanda Painter sure is. And right on cue, she's noticed two friends talking about learning the difference between 'reacting' and 'responding' -- surely a clear message from Friday's eclipse chart and the many emotional triggers described by current astrology. There is a way through this.
Planet Waves
Subjective Climacteric*
Amanda Moreno is kind of sick of letting go. But maybe that's the point? As she describes the new-to-her experience of existential crisis, she also notices that she's finally learning the difference between reaction and response. And it seems all her Virgoan busyness is helping her stay grounded.
Planet Waves
Unequivalent Equivalency
Fe Bongolan writes on the pattern of distraction and false equivalence used by the press in covering the 2016 Presidential campaign. How are these candidates perceived as equal? This campaign's press, with unwelcome assistance from, proves the new "normal" isn't normal. It's monstrous.
Planet Waves
Purpose, Place and Choice
Astrology is not destiny. Len Wallick begins with that simple fact, and walks you through some other facts about how the Sun and Earth relate to bring the seasons and indicate your place in the universe. With the Libra equinox coming again on Thursday, it's a good time to refresh your memory.

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