Planet Waves
New York, Tuesday, March 12, 2013
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The 2013 Spring Report -- and This Week's Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is one of those Tuesdays when we do not have a horoscope for you, but we do have some great Planet Waves astrology writing to get your week going. Before I get to that however, I wanted to be sure you heard about the 2013 Spring Report Eric is currently working on.

Planet Waves
The solar analemma, or the position of the Sun over the course of a year, as photographed by Anthony Ayiomamitis.
We're not quite at Beltane yet -- the Pagan holiday celebrating fertility and sexual union at the peak of spring. But that doesn't mean we can't start tuning up our sex and love vibrations now in preparation, and that's the theme of this year's Spring Report. Subtitled "Invocation of Spring," it's a 12-sign product (meaning you get all 12 signs of the audio product for one amazing price of $24.95), so you can access your rising and Moon signs, and those of your loved ones, with one simple, single purchase.

If you pre-order the 2013 Spring Report now, we'll email your access information to you as soon as it's ready.

As for the current sky, yesterday was the Pisces New Moon -- the last New Moon of the astrological year, before the Sun enters Aries on the equinox to begin a new season and new cycle of the zodiac. And early this morning, Mars became the first planet of the Pisces stellium to leave the sign of the fish and enter Aries, warming up its home sign for the Sun. Eric covered both the New Moon and Mars ingressing Aries in the Monday installment of our Daily Astrology feature.

Today's Daily Astrology column takes the themes deeper, as the sky's emphasis on fire begins to heat up all the water we've been swimming in. The Moon has joined Mars in Aries, amping up the sense of impulsiveness, and a couple other aspects involving fire signs are urging us to be very aware of the intersection of emotional intensity and reactivity -- especially of the 'runaway reaction' kind, as well as in any situation where your sense of self feels threatened or in need of defense.

Be sure to tune in to Eric's broadcast of Planet Waves FM tonight. It generally posts to the website by 8 pm Eastern time on Tuesdays. This week, he'll be checking out the astrology for the papal conclave to choose a new pope, Mercury stationing direct (which happens March 17) and the equinox, and he'll fill in some more details on the Spring Report. You can find Planet Waves FM here once it's posted. And at noon today we'll publish Len Wallick's article describing the astrological harmony created as Venus in Pisces echoes the same aspects as the Sun -- so be sure to check the blog again later for that.

The Aries equinox arrives in just over a week, so if you've been feeling antsy and haven't been able to put your finger on the source, that might be something to consider. Don't forget to pre-order the 2013 Spring Report for a few more clues.

Yours and truly,

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