Planet Waves
New York, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013
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Inner Space Horoscope -- and Welcome to our New Members

Dear Friend and Reader:

First, a welcome to our many new Planet Waves members. On the heels of our most successful annual edition ever, nearly 500 people have subscribed or renewed in the past few weeks. Our first membership drive ever was a truly brilliant success -- a breakthrough. Thank you.

Planet Waves
Photo by Johanna.
Today we have the Inner Space horoscope for you, one of two monthly horoscopes that I write (the other was distributed Friday).

Note -- the Pisces birthday reading is up and ready. This is a 70-minute astrology reading in two parts, a tarot reading and an extended (2,000 word) written description of your sign. If you already purchased, please check your inbox for the notice. If you would like to purchase this report, here is the ordering link.

Monday, we published an article on the Virgo Full Moon that, if you have not read it, you may find inspiring. The theme is the Virgo-Pisces balance in accessing and developing a creative idea. (This one article broke a site visit record for us yesterday.) Then earlier today, we published an article following up, on initiative and discipline (related to today's aspect, retrograde Mercury conjunct Mars; and Sun trine Saturn).

Tonight I'll have the newest Planet Waves FM, looking at this thing that's about to happen -- sequestration of the federal budget. I have the chart for that and I'll have some analysis. I'll also be covering the resignation of the pope -- which is effective Thursday.

And, I'll see you with a regular edition of Planet Waves on Friday.


PS, If you're on Facebook (we know that some of you despise the thing) would you please 'like' the new Planet Waves company page? There are excellent discussions, frequent news updates and generally a fun experience of microblogging.

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