Planet Waves
New York, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013
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A Quick Subscriber Survey -- and the 2013 Annual Edition

Dear Friend and Reader:

Happy New Year to you! We are still on our holiday schedule, and will be back with a regular subscriber edition on Friday, Jan. 11. Right now I would like to get your feedback on a feature of our regular Friday issues of Planet Waves.

Planet Waves
It would be incredibly helpful if you could take just a few minutes to complete a quick and very simple survey about the topic sections (or 'astro-news briefs' or extra sections -- the ones that begin with the colored bars) we've been including above the Friday issue horoscopes for the last year. We want to provide you with content you enjoy and use as we move into this new year.

Eric is deep into crafting the written readings for each sign of LISTEN, our 2013 annual edition, having completed the audio portions in time to meet his solstice goal. We're all getting pretty excited to offer you this in-depth look at 'the year that follows 2012'. The coming astrology is just as compelling as any we have ever had, and according to one of our previewers of the audio portions of LISTEN, so are the 2013 readings:
I'm just at the end of the final sign [of the LISTEN audio] and still utterly captivated. I can't wait to start again! The synchronicities throughout are spellbinding -- it has been like an active dialogue from start to finish.

You really have covered all corners and I'm very excited by the prospect of the written sections, as I'm sure you've found even more to unravel and develop upon for each of the signs.

LISTEN has had an immediate effect of broadening my perspective and understanding -- not only of astrology and most significantly the influences of the houses, but of myself and the people around me. I sense a strong dose of confidence and excitement racing through me. It is no exaggeration to say that we are living in extraordinary times and that LISTEN is the greatest gift to accompany the ride.
Planet Waves
Original art by Debra Cortese.
Right now, the audio and written portions are offered together for those who pre-order LISTEN, and as a regular subscriber to our weekly astrology service, you can still pre-order all 12 signs for the price of three. If you know your rising and Moon signs, or the Sun signs of your loved ones (or you consider yourself an astrology student) this is a tremendous value.

After we publish the finished annual in its entirety, it will only be available for purchase by individual sign. You can also pre-order individual signs now.

If you choose to broaden and deepen your understanding of yourself and the forces influencing all of us this year by pre-ordering LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition, you'll essentially be putting yourself in the driver's seat of your life -- though there will be plenty of surprises and synchronicity as the year unfolds.

You're invited to listen to three of the preview audio samples referred to in the testimonial, plus a featured music sample. After the wild ride of 2012, it's time to tune in and hear the deeper messages of the cosmos -- and our own inner knowing -- in 2013.

Yours and truly,

Planet Waves
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