New York, August 1, 2019 | View as Webpage | Turn your phone to landscape view!
Comment on Mercury Station Direct -- and Mars
Mercury stationed direct overnight Wednesday to Thursday, aligned with the Leo New Moon. To my eye and ear, this represents a turning point in the year, and in particular, the end of a phase associated with the Mars transits of spring and early summer. This was an especially tumultuous phase for many people; I noticed a lot of "breakdown" energy, particularly in those who were overloaded and not dealing with that fact.
Ink drawing by Lanvi Nguyen. |
No matter how you look at the astrology, Mars has been a big player for the past 18 months. Mars means desire, motivation and anger -- all of which come up as points of frustration for a great many people in our time.
Regarding the recent (actually, current) Mercury direct, I suggest you not rush into getting to all the things you may have put off. Take your time getting started; use the waxing side of the lunar cycle to gradually find a new routine, and during that time, attend to important matters on your task list. Do this slowly and thoughtfully, and I suggest you give yourself until Monday or so to start tackling the bigger projects.
Mercury is doing something unusual now, which is holding a nearly stationary square to Eris. I've never seen this before (Eris is a new factor), though if you're in some kind of crazy mental chaos, here's where to look for ideas how to sort this out. Take your time; this aspect lasts a week or so.
I suggest you review the monthly horoscopes from
July and the new one for
August for prompts as to where you were at in life and what you were going through. Also, review back one year ago to when Mars was retrograde in Aquarius, opposite where it is today. What has come 180 degrees from that time? What can you see from a new point of view?
At this time in history, nearly all people are faced with pressure and complexity that they are not fully prepared to handle. And many people feel a lack of support from their environment. Others are going through wrenching changes, and there is, at this time, not much of a cultural ethos to be of help to others. Many individuals have adopted the corporate mentality of take advantage of whoever they can -- beware of such people.
Ink drawing by Lanvi Nguyen. |
We seem to be missing the very resources we need the most, particularly social ones. The damage done by over-dependence on the "social" aspects of the internet is not theoretical.
We all have a little extra of something we can share. I suggest you cultivate the idea of mutual support in your relationships, and see who is open to it. Be attentive to your own needs, and please don't be afraid to ask others to help you. There is no guarantee that they will, though at least you will be able to map out your social territory and determine who is helpful and who is not.
At this time, discipline needs to be gently enforced, small progress marked as success, and an ongoing conversation about life encouraged and created -- with you as the most likely one to do that. And along the way, you must find out where you stand with yourself, or suspend judgment until you're fully engaged with that process. That means in the present as it exists, not solely based on your explorations of the past.
We are in strange territory and must use all of our available tools and resources. You have plenty. They are yours to use, develop and share. And it helps a lot if you are open to receive. That requires vulnerability -- the thing that may be in the lowest supply at the moment.
-- Eric Francis
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Sunday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric F. Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Associate Editor: Amy Elliott. Client Services: Victoria Emory. Illustrator: Lanvi Nguyen. Finance: Andrew Slater. Technical Assistant: Emily Thing. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Media Consultant: Andrew McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Yuko Katori, Cindy Tice Ragusa, and Carol van Strum.
Three Leo Aspects and Mercury Direct in Cancer
Dear Friend and Reader:
Mercury stationed direct last night in late Cancer, just after the Leo New Moon. It will take a few days for Mercury to sort itself out, though, and it'll be another couple of weeks before it clears where it was retrograde. So your patience and sense of humor could still be handy companions for a while yet.
Three Frisbee players and a wee onlooker at Higgins Beach, Scarborough, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter. |
Partly this is because Mercury will stay in the same degree where it stationed for a few days -- it takes a while to get back up to its typical apparent speed -- which means it's in extended contact with Eris in Aries and Haumea in Libra, forming a T-square.
Another factor in the overall astrological environment is a square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, exact tomorrow, and a couple of other Leo aspects. I'll get to those in a moment.
For now, has anything of particular interest emerged for you yesterday or today? As in, did you discover or realize something about yourself, or did someone tell you a key piece of new information, or did your intuition about a situation get confirmed or contradicted?
You might also notice your response to this development. As in, whether your perception and judgment of something has shifted; or whether you're trying to ignore it or rationalize it away. Where you are on that spectrum offers a clue to how real you're being. The same could be said for how curious you are to learn more, or how willing you are to share what you've learned with whomever else is involved.
The Leo Sun is making a square today to Albion in Taurus (the object previously known only as 1992 QB1). This appears to describe a particular opportunity to cross a threshold now in how you express yourself, though it will require taking a deliberate step in that direction. What feels like it simply must shine forth from you? Does that scare you? Do you assume certain consequences will be involved?
It may feel like the step before you requires courage. But maybe it's just a matter of actively being who you are. Shouldn't it take more courage to be who you are not? And yet that is the choice so many of us make every day, to some degree. It seems to be one of the ways Eris in Aries is making itself known: in the overwhelm of popular culture in the internet age, how many of us really get a chance to figure out which ways of being are really true to us, and which are simply so ingrained in everything we see, hear and consume that there's no contrast available to perceive any different?
Remember that Mercury is also square Haumea in Libra. Haumea is named for a Hawaiian creation goddess who birthed other deities from various parts of her body. For all you know, your ‘being real' could actually create new options of relating that not only did not exist before you took the plunge with the truth, but actually could not exist before doing so.
I'm not saying roses and champagne are guaranteed; I'm just exploring the idea that since we never truly know what may happen next in relationship to other complex human beings, the results and developments from any particular action can cover a wide spectrum of forms -- and some are more visible or conceivable to us than others. Often with good reason. Still, it's wise to remember that our perception and imagination are sometimes limited to the past and can get tripped up by the future, and even by the present.
Speaking of relationships: aspects involving Venus and Mars are adding some energy through the weekend. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (exact tomorrow) describes an urge to spice things up, especially in close relationships or with those you're ‘friendly' with. Yet there's often a fine line between playfully flirtatious provocation and picking a fight. As with beauty, this distinction may lie in the eye of the beholder -- i.e., not the person instigating things -- and Mercury's condition describes the potential for continued mixed signals. Don't be afraid to ask directly for clarification when needed.
With Venus also moving into a square with Albion, any disruptions, shakeups, flirtations or "lovers' quarrels" cropping up also may describe the spark needed to cross a threshold in some way. Interpersonal circumstances that seem to have plateaued or fallen into routine patterns appear most ripe for this kind of movement of energy, if you can see what's opening up and move into it.
On Saturday, Mars and Juno make an exact conjunction in Leo, though they've been moving in tandem for a while now. For many people, this constitutes a reminder to keep tabs on scorekeeping, one-upmanship, boasting and selfishness -- especially with people of the opposite sex, and particularly in intimate relationships, though this could crop up anywhere that things get a little competitive or ego-driven.
Wave jumper at Higgins Beach; photo by Amanda Painter. |
Ego is not a bad thing, inherently; as one of my colleagues pointed out recently in a horoscope, a healthy ego is necessary to getting almost anything done, and to having a sense of oneself in the world. It's when the ego feels threatened that we're more likely to respond by trying to dominate what's perceived as threatening (which is rarely necessary) -- rather than trying to find a point of collaboration, or of giving and receiving. You may need to be the one to offer gentle reminders that help to keep things functional if a situation gets heated, and that could take extra effort.
On the other hand, there's something about Juno and Mars in Leo that suggests the kind of assertion in love and sex that could fire things up in an enjoyable way. If you can throw some flames and your partner or prospect can serve it right back in the spirit of saucy competition, the playful rather than prideful side of Leo might come out to play.
Mars and Juno conjunct in Leo also speaks to me of something else: a very creative type of partnership, where the activeness of one person fires up the courage of the other. Or, perhaps, the type of inner frisson (caused by some metaphorical fission?) that accomplishes the same thing -- with Neptune nudging things along in imaginative (if sometimes awkward) ways.
However the next few days unfold for you, play a little. Try something new. Be real, remembering that your sense of humor can be an integral part of your realness -- especially when you're caught off guard by someone else's intensity or directness, or when things get screwed up. You always have the option to ask for directions, for more information or for a translation if you get truly lost. And in a sense, we're all a little lost, aren't we? Let's see who we find inside.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
The Astrology Readings Channel Will Keep You Company Late At Night
Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. You are invited to listen at no cost, any time, day or night.
We've taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a
24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you're up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you're curious about astrology,
tune in here. No login is required.
Part One of Eric's Solar Winds reading, Astrology Studio for Leo Sun, Moon and rising, is now available for instant access. Leo has just been through an extraordinary experience of eclipses (including the Great American Eclipse), and you are still reorienting from those experiences. We will move from there into the influence of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, which talks about the profound changes you're going through in "everyday life," including matters related to work and wellbeing. And of course, Chiron in Aries will feature prominently, in this extended reading for Leo. Take a break from the mental stress and frustration of society, and enter a world where you are at the center, where your potential is real, and where your problems yield to your spiritual gifts.
You may
order here. This reading is included with the
Backstage Pass and
Galaxy Pass.
Sailing for the Future of All
Just in case any of us adults needed a lesson in how to walk the talk: sixteen-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg will be traveling to the Americas in mid-August to attend two climate summits. By sailboat.
While this means it will take Thunberg two weeks to travel from an undisclosed location in the U.K. to New York City, it also means she will not use any fossil fuels to power the journey. If her name sounds familiar, it's because she's gotten international attention in the last year for her outspokenness about her signature issue: global warming.
Left to Right: sailor Boris Herrmann, Svante Thunberg and Greta Thunberg. Photo by Birte Lorenzen. |
Thunberg is making the trip to attend events including the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York in September and the U.N. climate summit in Santiago, Chile (COP25). As she explained in a statement, she fully recognizes that we're at a pivotal moment globally:
"The science is clear," she said. "We must start bending the emissions curve steeply downwards no later than 2020, if we still are to have a chance of staying below 1.5 degrees of global temperature rise. We still have a window of time when things are in our own hands. But that window is closing fast. That is why I have decided to make this trip now."
Determined to make her voice heard, Thunberg is equally determined not to contribute unnecessarily to carbon emissions. The boat she has been offered to use, the Malizia II, is a racing sailboat fitted with solar panels and underwater turbines to generate electricity on board the vessel.
According to the reporting at
Common Dreams, "It will be captained by professional sailors Boris Herrmann and Pierre Casiraghi, who is the grandson of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco."
Casiraghi said in a statement, " I respect Greta's courage to take on this adventure and fully commit, sacrifice, and fight for probably the greatest challenge of humanity."
Thunberg, who is on a yearlong sabbatical from school, will be accompanied on the trip by her father, Svante Thunberg. Filmmaker Nathan Grossman will also be onboard to document the voyage.
It's fitting news with the Sun in Leo and Mercury now direct in Cancer. May her courage and determination -- youthful yet seemingly beyond her years -- inspire the rest of us to do what we can; indeed, what we must.
-- Amanda Painter
Russell Crowe as Roger Ailes surveys the Fox newsroom in a still from The Loudest Voice.
We Need a Better Voice That's Louder
By Amanda Painter
The question keeps coming up: how the hell did we get where we are now in American political culture? There are many answers to this multifaceted situation. One of those answers lies in the role Fox News -- and specifically its Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes -- in shaping the national conversation on major issues (with Rupert Murdoch's help).
Based on the book
The Loudest Voice in the Room by Gabriel Sherman, the 'limited series'
The Loudest Voice premiered on Showtime on June 30, and is closing in on its last few episodes. While I have not watched it,
an 'inside look' video crossed my path as
part of an article about how the show's star, Russell Crowe, and its showrunner, Alex Metcalf, collaborated to bring the notorious Ailes to life.
As Nelloe Andreeva described in an article for
Deadline Hollywood last summer, Ailes, "molded Fox News into a force that irrevocably changed the conversation about the highest levels of government." She continues:
"The series focuses primarily on the past decade in which Ailes arguably became the Republican Party's de facto leader, while flashing back to defining events in Ailes' life, including an initial meeting with Richard Nixon on the set of
The Mike Douglas Show that gave birth to Ailes' political career and the sexual harassment accusations and settlements that brought his Fox News reign to an end. Told through multiple points of view, the limited series aims to shed light on the psychology that drives the political process from the top down."
I suspect those on the hardcore Right will chalk up
The Loudest Voice to 'typical liberal Hollywood propaganda'. For others, though, even just the snippets in the 'making of' video offer key reminders of how the media can manipulate -- and that every kind of journalism has a bias. Some kinds are more active, deliberate and without conscience in their goal of shaping popular opinion -- and, in the process, shaping the future. Some kinds, in my opinion, are actively dark forces. Let's shine more light, just like the Leo Sun.
Mercury Direct, New Moon, The Moon Landing and Compersion
Dear Friend and Listener:
This week's
edition of Planet Waves FM [
play edition] begins with Mercury Direct and the New Moon. From there I tell the story behind my Moon landing article last week. I then talk about "invisible environments," which I covered recently in a
piece I wrote on The program concludes with an unusual edition of of Tantra Studio that explores the idea and the experience of compersion -- "the opposite of jealousy."
This is a full-length edition. I'll be doing more short format ones through the summer.
Thanks for supporting Planet Waves FM. You may become a
one-time or regular supporter here.
With love,
Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your
extended monthly horoscope for August on Thursday, July 25. Your
extended monthly horoscope for July was published on Thursday, June 27. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Have You Tried the Astrology Readings Channel?
Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. You are invited to listen at no cost, any time, day or night.
We've taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a
24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you're up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you're curious about astrology,
tune in here. No login is required.
Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019, (#1255) | By Amy Elliott
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- New Moons usually represent a fresh start, the dawning of a new cycle. For you, yesterday's Leo conjunction may feel significantly more along that theme than usual, though it could take at least a few days before you're experiencing this fully. At first you might simply feel restless; though underneath all that is creative energy waiting to be expressed and given an appropriate direction. Look for ways in which you might gather your inherent power more cohesively, as opposed to diffusing it. Part of the challenge here is to be sure you are keeping honest with yourself; that is, living as you, rather than constantly playing roles.
There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- Uranus in your sign continues to fuel the drive within you for changes and newness. Yet at this moment you may find yourself confronted by old habits, temptations or problems, which might seem to have been commissioned to get in your way. Remember that the only real agent in this business, and the only one who can make the determination to move forward or remain stuck, is you. Where your life path is concerned, your will is the deciding factor; yours the choice to wield your strength or give it away. However much easier it may feel to drop all resistance and remain stagnant, in the end the spirit of the Awakener is sure to nudge you onward.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- When you're doing what you do best, and doing it well, it's pretty much inevitable that at some stage you'll attract attention. You might even receive some criticism, which is a normal result of being noticeable. Nobody can please everyone all the time; that is the goal of those who blend in and are too afraid to do otherwise. Where a vocation exists, that point is moot, and boldness becomes requisite. Keep being yourself, and developing and sharing your gift, even if that means stepping out of the shadows and into the full, warm light of the midday Sun.
Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- It's likely you're experiencing something similar to an urge to leap from your seat and put the world to rights pronto. This may feel a bit like riding a spirited horse: so long as you have a good seat and a grip on the reins, you can make use of the inspiration to carry you to new and interesting places. Just don't lose your sense of direction, which really means your reason or your moral compass. In many respects this is a refreshing beginning, as well as a chance to heal thoroughly from certain former hurts; you may well look back on this moment as the time you transcended what you had believed were your limits.
There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- These days it's very easy to be distracted, to give in when things seem to be getting a little difficult, to put aside higher ideals and remain half-asleep. Yet, however tempted you might feel to do the same, you know this is no way for a human being to exist. The recent New Moon in your sign is having something of a rousing effect, compelling you to hear the calling of your moral center. If you pay attention to your instincts, you will probably find they resemble searchlights in getting to the relevant information. When in doubt, use these resources. For now, at least, you are the example others need.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- You're gradually working your way to a sense of being complete in yourself. One crucial aspect of this is honoring the scope of actions and perspectives of which you are capable. It is all too easy to fence oneself in with arbitrary barriers, and this could be a particular challenge for you in the weeks to come. Keep attuned to your nobler thoughts and sentiments; remember that your word is your bond, and hold yourself firmly to that standard. Watch for the times you feel as though an idea or task is beyond you; ask yourself why. There may be considerable material to work with in the answer.
Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- Potentially a good rule of thumb for you this week would be: Beware of assumptions. Obviously this is a useful guide for anyone at any time. However, as Mercury gets up to speed you may face specific scenarios in which the information available to you is subtly incomplete, or appears to be tending to a self-evident conclusion. In these circumstances, tread with the utmost care, especially if you're under pressure to reach a decision. Bear with any discomfort or discontent this might raise, and keep probing and checking until you are conscientiously satisfied there is no more to be revealed.
There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- You may find yourself being drawn this week into conflicts at work, or in the wider arena of your career goals. Your charts are suggesting that you need to take the higher option and act with wisdom, measure and maturity. This can be difficult in the face of provocation; it can be maddeningly tempting to mimic the pettiness or carping of others, or be enraged by injustice, whether real or perceived. In a situation like this, where perhaps tempers are running high all round, it doesn't necessarily matter who's right in the strictest sense. If you keep hold of your reason and compassion, it will almost certainly be to your credit.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Though Mercury has already stationed direct, your ruler Jupiter is still preparing to change course in your sign. It's doing so conjunct a deep-space point known as the Great Attractor, which can represent polarization. If you're finding yourself pondering a dilemma, or any problem in which there seem to be two major options, you might want to hold the press for a few weeks. There's more than likely to be a hidden third option or a multitude of them, or a new way of looking at the question that you hadn't previously considered. Give the fog a chance to clear.
Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- Given the rather potent astrology in a sensitive area of your chart, not to mention the ongoing build-up in your own sign, it would be unsurprising if you're experiencing some self-doubt, or some form of profound questioning. At least in part, this is more than likely due to a fluctuating environment: that is, people changing their minds, things turning out differently from how they first appeared, or tempers being ruffled. Firstly, try to step back; avoid fighting any battles that aren't yours, and recognize when an issue isn't really about you. Secondly, stay true to your principles. In times of crisis, they are your best refuge.
There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- If someone close to you appears to be picking fights, you may well feel more than justified in diving in and dishing out what might seem self-evidently their due. Yet before you do that, it's advisable to slow down, take a breath and consider. Especially with online contact, misunderstandings can be rife; and once the whorl of conflict begins, it's hard to stop. That's even more the case when old hurts are touched, inadvertently or not. If you're inclined to respond viscerally to a comment, pause and notice where that might be coming from. Above all, be completely sure there are grounds for offense before you take it.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- If an ongoing issue seems rather knotty at close range, you may benefit from reviewing it at a distance. Once Mercury has picked up its pace again, this could include literal distance; if a journey is not possible, at minimum carve out a bit of you-time and do something different. Where you can, disconnect from the world wide web for a space; the internet has the effect of stretching and fraying one's nerves until it seems peace is at a premium. Do be sure, though, to carry with you some means of recording creative or interesting thoughts; once a dam or two is removed, they are likely to start flowing fast.
Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.
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