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Kingston, NY, Friday, July 30, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 30, 2010, #826 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You need to handle a relationship situation carefully, which means gently and consciously. Current cosmic energy patterns suggest that you might be inclined to push or struggle toward a potential future breakthrough, or go to great lengths to get your point across to someone. Be aware that the whole situation could easily blow itself out of proportion with you as the main energy source, and you would do well to set the thing aside for several days and pick up the conversation Monday or Tuesday. Yet you may be feeling obsessed or driven to press on with an issue or a blockage in communication. If you do, I suggest you be willing to let go of the relationship itself -- you just may take things past the point where trust can be repaired. Therefore, if you value the relationship, take a vacation from it. If you're ready to go to the mats, then soldier on.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Be careful not to let your frustrations with your work situation run out of control. You are in new territory now, where it's incumbent upon you to develop new methods of organizing your work and, in particular, making decisions. There are times when it's helpful to make choices from a state of frustration and there are times when it's not. Right now, if you act impetuously, or identify too closely with what is not working, you run the risk of burning out or burning a bridge. I suggest you look at what is working, and set an agenda for yourself that is based upon the evolution of your maturity, talent and stamina. If you don't feel like you're doing anything right, that's the place to pause and consider a more realistic, balanced viewpoint. And if you notice that your frustration is the result of conflicting desires, that means you need to set realistic priorities that take into account what you truly want rather than what you think you're supposed to want.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
How can we explore new sexual territory in a society that all but bans the discussion, propagates ignorance and where nearly everyone suffers from some form of shame and injury? The way would be to open up the conversation, cultivate knowledge and awareness, and focus on healing. Many people have asked me, 'What exactly is sexual healing?' and 'Where would I get such a thing?' Well, one could write an encyclopedia about these topics, or travel the world in search of answers, and in the end it would come down to self-acceptance. Or you could say that it simmers down to an authentic state of wellbeing, which implies shedding judgment and allowing for the natural movement of feelings and ideas. Or, you could say that what we need most is to express our curiosity. You're invited to explore whichever of these feels the best for you, remembering that they all exist outside the bounds of traditional relationship rules.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Have you ever written or drawn something that gave you the distinct sense that you were going to get raided by the cops, sent to a psych ward or be cast off from society? In my theory of art, that's your clue that you know you're doing the real thing. Guilt is a sign that you're doing something right -- not, as popularly held, something wrong. The reason I say this is because any authentic form of creativity or for that matter sexual expression is going to push boundaries, and the feeling of guilt is evidence that we are doing precisely that. Along these lines, any seeming threat to your security is evidence that you are successfully reaching for higher achievements. You are moving energy right now, and you're about to move a lot more. Prepare for the internal experience of conflict, chaos, shifting foundations and actual tremors. Thus, explore your deepest pleasures, your daring ideas, your burning desires.

The Cancer Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is more than an hour of astrology for Cancer and Cancer rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck by James Wanless. For instant access, order here for Cancer and Cancer Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical birthday gift.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Something has shifted in your mental environment, and as a result, your perception of relationships. You may be under more stress about this than you've been aware of, then it surfaces, and then it fades into the background again. The current pressure seems like the urgent need to make a decision. It's like you're living in a holoworld where you have to re-think and re-decide every decision you've ever made, and yet at the same time you may have many insecurities about doing just that. This state of being is here to teach you something, but it's not literally true. It would be more accurate to call the whole effect an illusion, which you will be able to see more clearly once the feeling has passed. Then you will be either left wondering what all the fuss was about, or having the whole experience fade like a dream. Yet the symbols in the dream matter, and they will tell you a lot about yourself.

Leo birthday report coming soon.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You seem to have money on your mind. Either you've reached a state of overt conflict about your finances, or you've arrived at the point where you know you must proceed with focus and determination. In either case, you're likely to come up against the idea that money is a bad thing. I'm not saying you really believe this; I'm definitely not saying you don't believe this. I am, though, suggesting that you observe the thoughts and ideas that run through your mind as you work out what appears to be an extremely complex negotiation process with yourself. That would go a lot easier, were you not trying to drive such a hard bargain. The solution here is to be more generous with yourself, including generous with praise and with recognizing your achievements and value. When you detract from yourself, you detract from everyone else. When you give to yourself, you benefit, and you also ease the minds of the people around you.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You have reached a breakthrough point in your self-confidence. It's about time -- for how long have you gone through the gyrations of mental obsession or subtle, gnawing anxiety? Or fear that you're not good enough or talented enough? The human mind is like a pipe bomb. Its power is not created merely by the heat and pressure of the explosive but rather by the containment that surrounds it. Breaking free of this containment releases your energy and provides you with a sense of both identity and of mission. But you don't need to do this with explosive force, though even a little expression of focused power will reveal just how much authority you have in your life. I will say this: the astrology of the next few days suggests that you be gentle with the people around you. Your words and even your emotions have an influence that you may not recognize and won't be able to feel immediately. When in doubt, understate your case. Express desires rather than demands. Easy does it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
You seem to be dealing with some inner authority that has taken over your life, and you're ready to challenge that shadowy force. Doing this may take you places you could write off as negative or unappealing; with astrology like you're having it is easy to take refuge in social situations or busy work. If you are going to do any kind of work, I suggest that it be inner journeying, and that can have a potent creative element to it. Yet whatever you're doing, interior is the direction: that sole/soul space where you can move through the boundary that blocks you from your awareness of what you carry inside, your deepest fears, your most poignant desires. When you get to that space of the unspeakable, you will know you're in the right neighborhood, though it seems essential that you find words or at least images to express your journey.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Try to avoid it as you may, you might find yourself in the midst of a controversy of some kind. Remember that controversy is a game, and it has little in common with what it is supposedly about. What you may be seeing is a dramatization of what happens when you dare to stretch out of your prescribed confinement. Prescribed by whom? Well, we could start with all those absurd social rules that we're supposed to follow, and which most people follow knowing how silly they are. What we understand less is what this game takes away from us. I would propose that any controversy you may encounter is a distraction from your creative process that is so rich and promising right now, or that certainly can be if you tune into your core fire. There, I would propose, is the place to focus your love, your energy, your heart, your soul.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Leadership has drawbacks; it has challenges; it involves risks. For you right now, leadership is basic to your reality and your integrity, and moreover, deeply influential to who you are becoming. Nobody would accuse Capricorn of being irresponsible, but there are greater or lesser degrees to which you can reach from your deepest calling and sense of identity. It is possible to both avoid and engage your purpose. Pluto in your sign is providing you with a compelling evolutionary need to do exactly what is right for you. Mars and Saturn crossing your 10th house cusp -- the house of your mission, your reputation and your means of expression in the world. This may have you feeling extremely ambitious, or like you really, really need to be cut a break. I suggest you keep your focus on your mission. Stay aware of the biggest possible picture. Stand out of the way and let somebody else tilt with windmills, while you do what you came here to do.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You can safely assume that all conflict you experience is a dramatization of your inner life. The two planets that rule your sign, Saturn and Uranus, are facing off, which to some will feel like a battle and to others like an opportunity to integrate the two dominant parts of your psyche. One of the things that makes Aquarius so interesting is the unique blend of tyrannical and liberationist; of open-minded and lock-step thinking; and the sense of being free and the deep questioning of whether there is any such thing as freedom. What the planets are illustrating is the idea that freedom comes from working out the seeming polarities not by meeting in the middle, but rather by experiencing both as an expression of something deeper. With Mars coming through the mix this weekend, I suggest strongly that you stay in touch with that something.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You are seeing how challenging it is to be involved in committed situations; you are figuring out how much care and caution is involved, and the extent to which you must maintain balance as a way of staying in touch with both sanity and pleasure. And then there are those days you want to smash the windows and the doors and the barricades and burn your diaries and your marriage license and smash your obligations into bits and, well, this weekend's chart looks and feels like such a moment. I suggest you have a commitment-bashing ceremony this weekend. Give yourself a free space. Make sure you don't make the mistake of arguing or fighting -- merely take what is yours, namely, your existence. You are cordially invited to find something breakable and hopefully not too useful and smash it with a bat and scream and yell and have a lot of fun doing it. If you've ever considered bd/sm, go for it, or you desire, express your passion all the way.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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