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Kingston, NY, Friday, July 23, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 23, 2010, #825 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You may take a gentler approach to a relationship than your emotions are dictating. Current aspects suggest strongly that you may be feeling frustrated, hemmed in or overcommitted. You've tasted freedom and you want more. There is often the question of balancing that with what relationships seem to call for -- except for one thing: we don't have a ready-made model of coupling that encourages change, growth and exploration. Most of us need some grounding in our relationships, and anyone who is waking up and discovering who they are needs the flexibility to be an individual. I suggest you bring this issue to the forefront of your relationship rather than leaving it lurking in the background. You're not going to lose your imagination, your passion or your curiosity anytime soon, nor are you going to lose your desire to share love. In my view, anyway, you don't need to sacrifice one for the other.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
I have suggested many times that you won’t be happy with anything but a visionary career, something that has the essence of authentic altruism. You are starting to get a new look not only at this possibility, but at the actual potential. Making advances in your professional life is not merely about something that happens and it's not merely about making it happen. However, the first essential item on the list of basics is wanting what you want. If you find yourself doing mental gymnastics about this, stop yourself, and be clear about what you desire. That's another way of saying feel good about yourself, and proceed from there. I suggest you not concern yourself with how you're going to make it happen, or how it's going to happen, at this stage: merely with setting your objective. Then, notice where you are today and track how far you've already come. This may give you the hint that you don't have far to go.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Most of what we do with our lives is suffocated in the paradox of needing our parents' approval. By most, I mean for some people, up to 99% of their energy gets funneled into covertly seeking the approval of the very people who neglected them. This gets a lot of different names and descriptions such as creative blocks, struggles in relationships, physical disease, depression, discontentment and self-loathing. We may have the impulse and even the desire to live our own lives, but to do that we invariably come up against the sense of betraying someone if we do. It could be an actual parent, or someone who has settled into our reality as a surrogate. This, in turn, creates a split. Half of us need to be free. The other half is trying to protect the person from the supposed betrayal. The result is a person in conflict, and this can cause actual splits in the mind. The next couple of months will present you with an unusual tour of your family history. I suggest you proceed with the detachment of an anthropologist rather than the emotional immersion of a child.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Today group sex is considered kinky and unusual, though there was a time when all sex was group sex. Paper-thin walls, tents, dwellings with no divisions and the ancient practice of the family bed meant that everyone was aware of sexuality as a tribal matter. Then there were the rituals that are all but lost to time. This weekend's Full Moon in Aquarius is an invitation to open up that dimension in your own life. You may or may not be up to some kind of group experience (and how to create one is another story), but you can tune into the collective nature of sexuality that surrounds us all. Drop some of your filters and polite propriety, and let yourself feel outside the bonds of certified relationship mode. That is to say, let yourself be turned on by who or whatever turns you on. Notice what people say, what they put on open display and what they notice. Reveal something about yourself to those to whom you might never dare expressing your erotic truth. And whether you're solo or with someone else, some very yummy phantasy will be vibrating in the air.

The Cancer Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is more than a hour of astrology for Cancer and Cancer rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20 minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck by James Wanless. For instant access, order here for Cancer and Cancer Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical birthday gift.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
With the Sun entering your birth sign this week, you're likely to be feeling confident, though I would suggest you not let that verge into overconfident. The first will point the way forward; the second will lead you right back to doubt. Several situations in your life are developing rapidly and require your full focus. You cannot assume that something is going to 'just happen' or that 'things will work out'. What you can count on is that if you take one step at a time, and check your work at the appropriate moment, you will be able to guide events sufficiently to get a constructive result -- and maybe a lot better. Be mindful anywhere there is a system involved: a human system such as an organization; a technological system; or a thought system that influences the way you make decisions. Look for what you're doing right; hunt for flaws and fissures and repair them immediately. You may not get a second chance.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Be careful about directing anger or resentment at yourself, which could show up as guilt. Or, it might appear as the belief that you must make a sacrifice. I am not saying that we don't give up certain things in order to have certain others, but this can be done with more or less conflict, and more or less passion. Lately it seems that one external obstacle has given way, only to reveal the existence of a more complex inner challenge. I suggest you be grateful for this. The situations you're working through often mask for one another. When you make a discovery about an underlying issue, that's a reason to give yourself a high-five. It's clear from your charts that you're trying to work something out. One desire seems to conflict with another, or your state of mind is not quite harmonizing with something that's important to you. Here's what I suggest: patiently cycle through a diversity of approaches until you find the one that actually works -- and such exists.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Love is about play. Yes, it's about paying the mortgage and knowing where someone is at 10 pm and all of that, but if love is not a source of pleasure, companionship and contact, then what's the point? For many, love is an isolating experience. For you it's nothing of the kind: your impulse is to love everyone, and as it works out, that's one of the best things you have to offer the world. You have an unusual opening this weekend to get the vibe going. Teach people how to be more playful and more willing to be vulnerable. Remind everyone that love is normal, not special. Explore the fuzzy line between love and friendship. Remind everyone that every relationship is part of a larger community. You often try to do these things. You among everyone you know has the deepest commitment to openness. Suddenly you may discover you're not alone.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Certain new developments are pulling you deeper into yourself, and you may be resisting. That would be logical, if you thought that being closer to yourself meant you were going to be more distant than others. In the short run that may be true, though you can be sure that those from whom you might be more distant are not serving your growth or your sanity. I suggest you dive into yourself and see what you discover. If you feel guilty for doing this or if someone around you resists, remember the feeling. If you do need to be around people, I suggest that you keep it down to a small group in your own home, and that the people you invite be those to whom you have no special obligation -- just a bond of authentic friendship. More than anything, you need to feel and to have others -- not one other person, but others -- acknowledge your feelings. But here is the point. You must acknowledge them first.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
This weekend's Full Moon in the very Sagittarian sign Aquarius is a moment of transcendence for you. The prison gates of your mind -- that is, all those concepts that you drag around -- open up and you can step out into clear air and light. The point of doing this is so that you have space to observe the world rather than see it through your preconceived ideas, expectations or ideology. What may surprise you is your observation of how much your notions of the world were coloring or obscuring your actual view. You need to keep your perception clear and your mind open in these days and weeks, and keep them open. Life is holding out many unusual options and possibilities, and to explore them fully will require confidence that can only come with being honest. Borrowing from T.S. Eliot, you will know that's happened when you come back to the place you started and see it for the first time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You will be able to solve a significant money issue in the next few days, and the way you're going to do that is with an idea. What you discover was sitting right in front of you all along; you're likely to notice that the only thing that changed was your perspective. To that end, look at any problem in your life from a diversity of viewpoints. Walk around the issue; step back and look at it from a distance. You may discover that the first thing you can do is adjust your mental outlook. The second thing you can do is adjust a goal, making it more realistic and practical. Eliminate any notion of appearance or pretense. Forget what anyone would think or might think. You don't need everyone to agree with you, and you might want to move that expectation out of the way. You do, however, need the right person to share your perspective, and work the issue out as a team.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
This weekend is the annual Full Moon in your birth sign, and it's a hot one. The Moon makes aspects to Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and a bevy of small worlds. This is going to light up your social instincts like little ever has. Think of it as the kind of astrology under which The Beatles met, or where a great revolution (intellectual, artistic, visionary) was planned. This planetary setup suggests that anyone can lead you to anyone else; if under the usual aspects we are all at most separated from one another by six degrees, think of this moment as one degree of separation. As for the emotional vibe: I can say something to you that few others might appreciate, which is this. Many people are pushing through resistance that they don't understand. They convert emotional energy into mental gymnastics, thereby torturing themselves. You've moved past this, or you have enough times that you know in your heart that it can be done. Hold that space and you will allow others to treat their inner contradictions that much more gently.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
I have three suggestions for you this weekend, which is the most gorgeous astrological image of introspection that I've seen in several lifetimes. Suggestion one, clean a closet. You may want to clean in general (a solid hour would do), and you can make a party of it, but digging out and transforming one closet is the key. Think of it as a treasure hunt for some missing information about yourself -- some gem from which you will profit wildly (and a little extra space for your shoe collection). Second, whatever may be your current relational/sexual partnership status, cast away the world and dive into your inner fantasy sanctuary and melt every bit of resistance in your mind to delicate steam and the essential oil of you. Last, after you do both of these things, seek out a weird, interesting or otherwise strange group of people and get in a group situation. Bring into that situation the energy of utter and absolute self-acceptance, open up your heart and see what happens.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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