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Kingston, NY, Friday, July 16, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 16, 2010, #824 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
What would it take to transition into being absolutely real in your relationships? By that, I mean no pretenses, no public relations ploys, no glossed-over truth, no white lies and no excuses. You would start maintaining this with yourself and then take these guidelines into your conversations with your intimate partner(s). I would also include what you say to your friends with whom you are in 'non-intimate' relationships where you discuss your intimate relationships, and hold yourself to a standard of actual authenticity. Here is why I say this now. Saturn is about to enter your relationship house, Libra. One way or another you're going to be held to a standard of uncompromised integrity. If you take this to heart and do it voluntarily, you will find it easier and much more useful.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Your ideas about sex are as important as the physical aspect of eroticism. It would help to remember that judgments aren't really ideas. To make the distinction easy, let's say that a judgment is not fun, and an idea is fun. So play with, explore and get to know your ideas. See who will play along, and by that, I mean see who will go daring places with you. Let yourself go past the place where you fear the judgment of others, then beyond what you would usually consider right or wrong. Some of the most adventurous pleasure you can have is by pushing and stretching your concepts and thresholds about what you are 'supposed to feel' and letting yourself feel exactly what you do. You'll know when to bring your body into the story, alone or with someone else.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You are having one opportunity after the next to confront your insecurities. Some of them are rather old, dating back to the neurotic tendencies of your family. Plenty of them relate back to what it was supposed to mean that someone was a boy and someone was a girl; these simple-enough biological facts are the cause of much stress, anxiety and phobias. As you integrate your male and female sides, you get to release these fears and do something more creative with your energy. The transition from being caught in an endless web of anxiety and experimenting with pleasure and creativity does not happen automatically; often we must move from one zone into the other, taking a series of small, conscious steps. Remember who turned you against yourself, and that they are no longer here to enforce the rules. You no longer need to do their bidding.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Where are you now? How is your life different than it was one month ago? I don't mean this rhetorically -- I mean it in the temporal sense. I suggest you get out a date book or calendar and go back one month from right now and notice where you were, what you were doing and who you were with. What has changed? In what ways have you found direction? Have you released certain persistent emotional issues that seemed like they would never give you a break? And, in the odd chance that you are facing new challenges, I would ask: is there a way you can interpret those developments so that you see them as points of growth, awareness and maturity? On our planet, that is the name of the game.

The Cancer Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is more than a hour of astrology for Cancer and Cancer rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20 minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck by James Wanless. For instant access, order here for Cancer and Cancer Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical birthday gift.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
What you've learned about money the past couple of years could fill a book. Now you get to take that information, craft it into a vision and aim for something extraordinary. You're capable of much greater achievements than you've ever dreamed of; all you need to do is get out of your own way. You're about to shed a thick layer of useless ideas, most of them installed by your parents, which have kept you in a mental and emotional box. Are you ready for some freedom? Are you ready to let go of our society's prevailing ideas about finances, all of which are based on competition and limits rather than on truly exploring your potential? The way you get there is not with wishes; it's by consciously allowing your true nature to come out. Visioning is essential to this process. Imagine what you want and don't say or do anything to discourage yourself.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
It's always a relief when Saturn leaves one's birth sign. This is particularly true for you, because Saturn in Virgo has been one of the most daunting phases in recent history. Nearly everyone around you has had their deepest fears stirred up, while you have faced a long series of challenges, one after the next. I trust that during this time, you've figured out who you are and what is important to you. The key now is remembering not to forget. Humans so often forget what we learn. The knowledge you've acquired has been both hard won and is precious to your wellbeing. I suggest you take some time and remember what you've been through. Admit that once you determine something is false, it is no longer true and therefore you are no longer subject to it. Tested, time-honored truths are known as values, and these you must honor every day.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Saturn is about to enter your sign. That is another way of saying that it leaves your solar 12th house. While you haven't exactly been living inside of a cave, you may begin to notice the many ways in which you've been contained, isolated and silently craving freedom you suspended any expectation of actually finding. Your particular 12th house is a world where it's continually necessary to work out small fears, and I trust you've noticed how few of them actually have any relevance at all. Freedom is both the freedom from fear and the freedom to make choices. Saturn's opposition to Uranus says that you're likely to encounter many suddenly presented opportunities, potential experiences and new social situations. Explore them consciously and remember that unless you're choosing between options, you're not really choosing.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Your life is an example of how one's outer relationships reflect the relationship you have with yourself. Over the past few weeks you've had many hints, clues and illustrations how this is true. You have seen what is possible when you are scrupulously honest with yourself: the bonds that others seem to place on you suddenly dissolve. The reason they do is because others cannot really place bonds on you; that's something that only you can do to yourself. Your inner relationship is now at the stage where you may, if you want, go beyond self-bondage and into a place where everything you do is in harmony with who you are. As you develop this method of living, you'll figure out that you would choose to do many things differently -- and I would remind you the choice is still open.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You still have a few details to work out before you move onto expressing your highest vision. Yes, you've waited a while, and patience is not your strongest suit. Give yourself through Sept. 22 to take whatever steps you notice are necessary before you step into your new role. You may be frustrated at times, you may get antsy and you may feel that opportunities are passing you by. Anything that is truly yours will come back to you; of this you can be sure. When it does, you will feel more confident for knowing that the details are covered and that you have worked out any lingering doubts. Meanwhile, I suggest you invest some energy refining the specifics of what you want to accomplish. You seem to be aiming for something that is authentically unique. Remember that you will do it in a way that is absolutely personally you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Remember that you cannot really relate to a group; you can only relate to people one-on-one. Try as we may to typecast ourselves, humans resist categorization, we often resent sacrificing our identity to cliques and organizations, and we want to be honored as individuals. Therefore, live as an individual. Express who you are from the inside out. Make eye contact with people. Remember their names. If you have goals, build supportive relationships that are based on clarity and an honest exchange of energy. You might call these things living in the spirit of cosmic law. You are becoming the vehicle through which fairness expresses itself. You are evidence that people with influence can see many sides to a situation. You are proof that trust is fairly invested. Remember these things, and live truly, because people are looking up to you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You know you're at that point where you must reconcile the two versions of who you are. That will extend into relating to others not as half a self (with the other half concealed) but rather as a whole being. You're doing this for yourself, not for anyone else. For years you have been working out in theory the ways in which you want to do this, and have fussed endlessly over whether you're ready. Your moment is about moving from theory to action. It's easier now than it's likely to be for a long time, because you can see the issues clearly. As you move into the new territory of your life, you don't want to bring along with you any of the old splits and schisms that have held you back in the past. Those inner divisions will have more influence now, as will your choice to resolve them and live from your unified inner core rather than from some appearance. The catch is, you may not think that these particular opposites can be reconciled -- but whatever you may believe, you won't know until you try.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You are no longer bound by your old ways of doing things, or by the emotional patterns that held you there. Indeed, every facet of your life is an invitation to do things differently. This mainly involves daring to go past the emotional limitations that held you back; that urged caution; that had you sidestepping challenges; that made you believe that you always needed a path of retreat. It is challenging for a Pisces to learn how to live boldly and not feel like you're going to offend the whole world. Just remind yourself that somewhere, someone is offended by everything and therefore it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that you take your life into your hands consciously, and live each day to create the life you want. Get used to feeling some mixture of entitlement and wide-open willingness. Get used to saying yes when you mean it. And remember: you are the only person who can give yourself permission to truly live.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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