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Kingston, NY, Friday, July 2, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 2, 2010, #822 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You may have an urgent need to break free from emotional patterns, though this may be showing up many different ways: a struggle in a relationship, a sense of confinement, the need to live someplace new or a burning desire to sever from history. Here's the thing. People aren't computers; we cannot just push the 'restart' button. We have to guide ourselves through an inner journey. Resolve and persistence can help when it comes to changing our psychological makeup, yet what typically happens is that when it's time, it's time; and it is time. You can facilitate your process by being honest about the past. One of the truly significant problems that often banishes growth is our struggle to do just that -- though at this point you must observe and feel what you're letting go of. There is a lot -- and I do mean a lot -- about letting go of the original impression of marriage or male/female relationships that you got as a child, and I suggest starting journaling a clear description of what those relationships were and how they felt.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Notice the current paradox of your life, and check whether you have any attachment to it. It's true that existence is often a process of exchange, and we seem to get one thing (or experience) at the expense of another. Or we could describe this exchange as giving up what we don't need in exchange for what we truly want. You have a choice here: both of these options are open. However, you may be experiencing the need for an idealized notion of security or confidence that you don't have yet, and a calling to focus your desire in a way that creates what you want. Simply put, what you want requires that you take a risk, and that risk specifically involves letting go of a notion of security. I suggest that you be extraordinarily specific about your desires. Rather than saying something general like you want to be confident, describe what that confidence would entail, what it would look like and how you would feel being there.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Financial growth can be about making more money, or it can be about evolving your ideas about money. If you're a woman, you've been inflicted an extraordinary amount of cultural imprinting about your economic fortunes being tied to a husband or partner. If you're a man, you've been imprinted with ideas about who you're supposed to provide for, and why, and how well. It would be a stretch to call any of this 'teaching' -- it's actually branded into our emotional bodies with few alternatives available. You now seem be on the brink of releasing lots of this stuff, though the question is what you're replacing it with. Intuitively you know you can work out a whole new relationship with money, though what you may not recognize is that this breaks down to more than a feeling; you need specific points of decision, and of action, and clearly several of these involve the role of money in your relationships.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
You are poised for some extraordinary new success, and a whole new variety of achievement. One of the ways that you'll be facilitating this is not being stuck in the personality structure of someone who has failed in the past, or who does not deserve recognition. I assure you this has nothing to do with your actual state of being. Once the concept of deserving comes up, you can be sure that there's a defensive reaction somewhere in the equation. I suggest you observe its utter lack of usefulness. Indeed, this concept -- deserving -- may be the bone of contention you have with yourself, and it would help facilitate your happiness immensely if you would let this go. You have a plan, you have a vision, you are not merely competent but a kind of visionary -- and your outer reputation reflects this. Allow these things to get the results you want, and they will.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
There seems to be no limit to the hidden layers of a human psyche, or what is contained there. More interesting is the extent to which this can conflict with our outer image: what we project to the world, and how we perceive ourselves in the world. Notice the discrepancies between the two over the next week or so: what you feel, and what you reveal; what you experience inwardly when the lights are off, and how the world sees you. I think you'll learn a lot from studying the differences. The first question you're likely to ask yourself is why they exist. You may run into some conditioning about what exactly makes you worthy of a relationship, which is to say, worthy of love: and which doesn't treat you particularly kindly. Here is a secret: this concept is so old, we have no idea how old -- but it has nothing to do with who you are today.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Devotion is a moment-to-moment activity. The technical details speak for themselves, if you're listening. This time in your life may feel like one that is ruled entirely by necessity rather than by preference, desire or authentic choice, though this calls for some inner reflection. When you get to that point where you know something must happen, or that you know you're doing the right thing by devoting yourself to an experience, the beauty of that moment is in your voluntary response to give yourself over. This applies to your erotic reality as well as any creative endeavor that you're involved with. Rather than concerning yourself with the potential implications of anything you're doing, I suggest you ground yourself in the present. Feel every nuance of your thoughts as they melt. Allow yourself to surrender one delicious moment at a time.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You are gradually gathering the presence of mind to fully take part in all that life is offering you, though it looks like some anxiety is getting in the way. There's something inside that fear, though I suggest you evaluate it on one basis: what you are feeling has to do with trust. There's so much energy coming at you that I could see you questioning whether you can feel safe with what is happening, or with the potential for so much change. Anxiety is the shadow side of an experience; the choice to trust is the side that offers light we can see by -- including seeing our fear for what it is. You're being summoned into a new world of experience, and it may seem that this world is entirely untested, unproven and unknown. Really, none of these things are true. But your choice to go beyond what is familiar -- including a particular goal you've clung to for so long -- will take you to a new depth of emotional confidence.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
You seem to be obsessed with service. I mean, it looks really impressive, like at this rate you could end up on a Vatican coin. Yet you have another impulse coming from even deeper in, which looks like a passionate need to create or express something. The service thing may be a distraction, or an excuse to not give yourself something you really need. Or you may be trying to stay visible and connected to a community. I would remind you that your evolutionary fires are burning hot, and in many respects this has nothing to do with any other person. You are in relationship to yourself, and the depths of that are invisible to others -- that is, until you reveal them. I suggest you nurture your inner journey for a little longer before doing so, and please be aware of when you're distracting yourself from something you want and need deeply.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Have you noticed how many relationships are better after they break up? Not all the time, but often, the emotional communication is better, the sex is better, the friendship is deeper, and some other element is gone. Now why is that? What is it about the way we structure a relationship when we call it 'a relationship'? What is it about how we have ungrounded expectations or unrealistic dependencies? And what is the whole drama of 'breaking up'? When it works, that is, when the relationship has a solid basis in truth, it's really more like opening up and setting one another free. Then, love is possible. It seems like all of your relationships can go through this transition, and liberate themselves into their next form. You don't need the expectations, you don't need to know the score, but what you do need is the freedom to feel what you feel in the presence of the people who matter to you -- and this you have.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
There is loving, and there is being open to love. Both are necessary to relate to other people, and on balance, being open to love seems like the one that people struggle with the most. You have just been through some profound experiences of opening up to yourself. Your charts look like you've made peace emotionally with a process of change that has been pushing you for a couple of years now. It's as if you've accepted and settled into the journey, and the fact that many of the outcomes are uncertain. What you may have experienced is the peace of mind that comes with letting go of an attachment to the past, and this in turn makes embracing the new possibilities that much more appealing. You can be real with yourself about the fact that the potential for real change evokes fear in many people, though you seem to grasp that it's a lot more fun if you can move beyond this obstacle.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
There is one aspect of your current erotic life that is all about service. There is another aspect that is about blazing into a new concept of experience that is all about flooding your mind and your senses with passion and joy. Oh, and ideas and a profound desire to liberate yourself and to relate to other people who are free. Do the two have anything in common? Are they directly opposed to one another? And on what basis are you choosing one or the other? You certainly have the option to be obsessed with the details of your relationships. Commitment is a truly significant issue for you. I would, though, caution you against ever thinking you know what is best for anybody but yourself. I don't say that because it's wrong; I say that because people are so good at concealing their agendas, and their insecurities, that it's often very hard to tell.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Two elements of your psyche that are both fully functioning, and close to one another, are ready to be integrated. You're almost there. You haven't quite got the intellectual notion of what they have in common: you still have this idea that they cancel one another out. This involves how you process money and your concept of money; and how, in turn, money relates to self-worth and independence; and finally how this influences the subtler parts of your being: your creativity, your receptivity, your desire to be free. There are still plenty of people who believe that money corrupts everything, and I suggest for your own sake and that of everyone around you that you go to the next dimension with this one. You now have within reach the actual experience of resources enhancing your creative gifts and doing nothing to detract. Deep at the core of both is a common experience, which is valuing yourself. And this is a day-to-day, hour-to-hour journey. Walk lightly.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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