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Kingston, NY, Friday, June 25, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 25, 2010, #821 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
One of the reasons you're more trusting of your goals is that you're starting to figure out what they are -- and as a result, you're on the move. But Mars, your ruling planet, is off to the side in Virgo, and there it's making a conjunction to Vesta. This suggests following a careful and methodical process rather than jumping into anything blindly, or all at once. The less you 'make this about you' the more you and everyone else will prosper. It's become easier to make decisions than it was a week ago -- though I suggest you notice the many ways in which those decisions are making you. This is different than being backed into a corner; the feeling is like an obvious choice presenting itself. Obvious translates to developing trust in your motives, which is a result of letting yourself be aware of what those motives are.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Do you really know what you believe, and have you figured out how powerful your beliefs are? You may get the feeling that someone is flipping on your inner lights. If so, turn your awareness around and look within. In doing so, the thing you might fear is the sudden sense of your own presence in the world, which could indeed come as a shock -- and that's a great thing. Stick with the feeling and you'll feel guided to take additional steps toward putting that awareness to use. We could describe this process as, "I actually exist, therefore, I have this potential." Saturday's eclipse pulls back the veil over a raft of concealed feelings, values and fears that might prevent you from accepting the truth of your existence. That particular database is the accumulated anxiety about living and reticence to change that's been passed down through your maternal line. Give yourself permission to let go of all that fear like a puff of smoke.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Having support is mostly about accepting support: that includes embracing encouragement, material assistance, companionship and relationships with peers that help you focus your talent and drive. I suggest you engage in a conscious process of actually taking in, embracing and receiving. Most of us are taught not to trust those who would offer to help; there is presumably some other motive, which involves being taken advantage of. Do the math and you'll see that this translates to: help = harm. If you have even the vaguest traces of mistrusting those who would help you, purge them from your files now, lest you contaminate the goodwill of others with the fears of your ancestors or the disappointments from your own past. Conduct your life as an active exchange. Many are depending on you, and you on them.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Personality and soul are said to be two different things. While some schools of thought regard this as a divide and conquer technique (pitting one against the other, or insisting that one is real at the expense of the other), the distinction is useful at the moment. Allow it to call your attention to another level of awareness that has much to offer you. I'm sure you've noticed there are those times you feel 'connected' and there are other times you feel 'disconnected'. What, exactly, are you tapping into during those moments of contact? Whatever it is, it's more easily available now than it's been in a long time. Your relationships are being reborn with a new sense of purpose; even as you read, this is being revealed. To see this you will need to look deeper than day-to-day circumstances, and keep looking and loving from this perspective.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
I suggest that you not take emotional reactions of others too literally, particularly someone's seeming fear of women. This person is likely to be expressing something they don't understand, while at the same time you run the risk of hearing their concern through a narrow filter and making the misunderstanding worse. An eclipse of the Moon is a good time to focus on mother, mothering and children; and this eclipse in the sign Capricorn is saying take this back a few generations. You have some profound emotional healing available through this portal, which may come in the form of making peace with how anxious your predecessors were. In truth, they had no idea what they were even frightened of; they just took the fears of the past for granted. You can afford to look at them, and you can remind yourself that everyone owns their own feelings.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Get yourself organized on all matters of communicating with colleagues, and your financial affairs. Give yourself about three weeks for the project; take matters one step at a time. You're being guided by a brilliant kind of intuition, one that is helping you unravel the inner power of your creativity. To make the most of this you will need to be receptive, relatively calm and unusually trusting of yourself. The all-too-outspoken skeptical side of you may wonder where intuitive information comes from -- it is amazing to me how many people don't trust this beautiful human sense. If you start questioning, that's a sign you've stopped listening and have lost contact with your creative source. If you're feeling confident and curious when you reach unfamiliar territory, that's a sign that you're back in contact, so I suggest you cultivate that feeling.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
A close partner has been in an unusually self-sacrificing state of mind, and this may be making you nervous: their motives exist in a blind spot in your perception, and you've never quite known them to be this generous. There may also be other sources of irritation, such as a nagging sense that you don't do enough for others. Notice what the two have in common: the economy of partnerships, that delicate teeter-totter between one side of a human equation and the other. There are two elements of this that you are now free to unravel. One is your hidden tendency to be critical of yourself no matter what is going on; and the other is an excessive belief in the doctrine of separate interests. These are related, and related closely, though it would take a while for an alien psychologist, unfamiliar with human nature, to figure this out. Here's a simple way to think of the connection: set yourself free and the people around you will feel free.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Stick with people with whom you share a common purpose. You are being called together, and should have no problem recognizing one another. The common purpose looks like service, but it's not self-sacrificing. There's the feeling of giving from the heart, and a sense of taking care of something larger than yourself, for a larger purpose. This, in turn, becomes your shared purpose, which creates common ground. I say this fully aware of how compromised many people are on the theme of cooperation. We are taught to compete over the most trivial, pointless issues, so what you may experience is something of a miracle for this world. The one thing to avoid is self-criticism and in particular, projecting that onto others as any kind of harsh assessment of them. Keep the energy positive, recognize the moment you turn down a dark alley of thought -- and go the other way.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Saturday's eclipse of the Moon is about focusing on your resources. You are involved with a long-term program of cultivating self-sufficiency. The phase you are at is understanding the necessity for keeping your resources organized, particularly your finances. What 'belongs to you' is less about what you own personally and more about what you have access to, and what you are aware exists. Someone close to you may be willing to enter into collaboration with you, and in a sense seed your fortunes. This is a business gesture, however, there is a personal feeling that is infused in what may be a strictly financial matter. You seem destined to learn that you are never really self-sufficient; everything we do involves an exchange with others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
You are aware, perhaps more than anyone, how many changes the world is about to go through, and I can sense your concern. It's not strictly personal or private; you are tapping into a collective level, and some huge crossroads that our culture has finally come to. I suggest you focus on one issue: the evolutionary value of events. Stay off of the doom channel and remember that, at the very least, the purpose of the human adventure is to experience, to learn and to grow. At best, it's about creating our own lives. It's true that many of our contemporaries are walking around in a coma and can barely be said to be doing any of these three things. However, that does not need to involve you. As the days and weeks go on, you're being drawn deeper into your own awareness, and are creating many worthwhile experiences. Look for others who are maintaining a creative, introspective way of life and stick with them.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
We are in the midst of some of the most intense astrology of our lifetimes though you have one of the best vantage points available to anyone. I say this for two reasons: one is that you haven't given up on the power of ideas. In fact, I don't think you've ever had greater faith in human ingenuity, no matter how buggered the planet seems at the moment. Second is that you're willing to stand back and proceed slowly; you still have a sense of caution about your actions, in the midst of a truly reckless time in history. This will work for a while, though I would caution you that as soon as Saturn enters Libra in a few weeks, the pace of your life will pick up considerably, and you will have less time to ponder. Your faith in ideas and ingenuity will translate to making fast, precise decisions with all of the chips down on the gambling table. You may even be presented with one such situation this weekend.

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You are getting a sense of what is possible, and this is coming with a perhaps daunting sense of all that you're responsible for. In other words, activating potential comes with stewardship. With wealth comes responsibility for managing that wealth. With influence comes the necessity to be aware of what that influence can do. In nearly all ways your life is increasing and your creative power is burgeoning. With the power to create comes the power to damage or destroy, which is a way of saying pay attention and treat your gifts with respect. You have more influence than you realize at the moment. Rather than suggesting that you foster a paralyzing degree of caution, I suggest you cultivate an enlightening quality of awareness -- at all times, in everything you do and with everyone you encounter.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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