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Kingston, NY, Friday, June 18, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 18, 2010, #820 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You face a test this week about whether you feel safe expressing yourself so fully, and living so boldly. This extra light has come with extra shadow, and I know it's confusing. Many before us have wondered why facing our true potential also comes with facing some of our deepest fears. As the Sun makes its last moves in the sign Gemini, straddling this dualism may feel like stretching across a contradiction, which is true: you are the bridge. To be fully alive means to embrace every shade of potential, and there's a reason this is true: the opposite would be to suppress part of the psychic spectrum, and this would not qualify for 'fully' anything. Follow your feelings carefully as the Sun makes its way into the sign Cancer on Monday, and notice the results when you relax your mind and let it all be.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
This week's solstice provides you with a missing ingredient. The absence of this whatever-it-is may have been quietly tormenting you with a sense of emotional emptiness, as the world around you has its impact on your life. You're not really empty, though the Sun in Cancer will add previously lacking substance to your thoughts and emotions. This is likely to feel like filling your mental engine up with oil, which will help the various parts of yourself connect with one another a little more smoothly. What you've been feeling is intensity without direct access to the inner resonance that would take the edge off. Remember, as a Taurean you cannot process things on a merely intellectual level, tempting as that is. You experience your thoughts emotionally, and as the Sun makes its way into the sign Cancer, you're about to get a lot of support.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You're standing face-to-face with overwhelming forces, and it doesn't help that you can't quite describe the phenomenon. It's halfway between gazing out at the cosmos and seeing absolutely nothing, and seeing overwhelming bright light. These are internal qualities. They have certain parallels in the physical universe of planets, stars and galaxies, though the human dimension is what we think of as a spiritual matter. As the seasons change this week, you're likely to face this dark versus light situation with more confidence. The difference is that you're tuning into feeling the presence of the observer and identifying with this, rather than with trying to reach for one side of the split between dark and light. Incidentally: the fact that you can see contrast and experience yourself many distinct ways is a profound gift -- especially if you dare to think of it that way.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Over the next seven days, events in your life will begin to move more quickly than you're expecting, and I suggest you move with them. If you're seeking a sense of security or grounding, you'll find it in hanging loose with everything from your emotions to your sense of place. Let the river flow, let the tides move and in the words of a surfer I met last summer, "Look where you want to be." The combination of the solstice on Monday and a lunar eclipse conjunct Pluto on Friday suggest nothing short of total transformation. These events, focused on your sign, reveal something you've suspected all along: there is a missing piece, and you are it. You are part of a much larger pattern of events that is happening around you and that has been developing within you for many years; it's just that your own role was not clear.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Venus in your sign has opened up the flow of potential, and you're discovering that potential is real rather than just a theory. By real, I mean that the present value is obvious to you, rather than some notion of future value. This is value you possess and that you can share, and you've always had it: but recent events have opened up a new flow of ideas and more than anything else, confirmation that what you've felt for so long is real. What you have at the moment is a contact point between your highest vision for life and the tangible things you do every day. For most and I do mean 90% of all people, this feeling happens a few times in a lifetime, and the moments would stand out if we recognized them when they happen. I'm here to remind you exactly what you have available, and reassure you that now is the time to act on the obvious.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
The central question is, 'Have you come to terms with yourself?' I can use astrology to propose what you might be doubting or processing, though you can speak more articulately than that. You know the differences with yourself that you've been trying to iron out. You also know the extent to which your self-critique lacks any real function, and sends you deeper into questions that have no answers. I suggest you count this kind of mental gyration as a luxury you can no longer afford. It affects your relationship with yourself, and it influences how you see others and thus who they are in your life. An aspect of what you are doing is teaching the parent in you to relate more coherently to the child in you, because this child is the source of most of the fear that you experience. And, truly, you're too old to be governed by that fear.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Keep your focus and remember your goals. This is vital: be vigilant of your own objectives and those of anyone with whom you collaborate. The inner energetic quality of attention is the same, whether the beneficiary appears to be you or something of which you are part. Both will be equally rewarding and each side of the equation will help the other, because they are one cause, one purpose, and you are at the center of that purpose. There are many influences acting on you, and some of them are destabilizing. I suggest that you resist any temptation to be flaky. Indeed, as the new season develops the theme of your life will increasingly be about commitment and consistency. It is true that you are experimenting in some wild directions, and there are greater horizons to come, but none of that will work without solid grounding in the adult world.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
You may be discovering you have issues with your friends that were somehow veiled until recently. A theme is developing where you're the one who makes the sacrifices and puts out the effort, but are not rewarded for that attentiveness. I suggest you stop trying so hard, and make clear statements of your desires. I was going to say needs, but the word 'need' conjures a feeling of childhood resentment that is not befitting your visible, mature place in the world. Over many recent months you've been experimenting with different notions of leadership, and being placed in different positions of authority. That, in itself, is a form of service. Expressing honest leadership is doing the world a huge favor, though you may need to make some internal adjustments to feel the authentic value of that idea.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You've waited a long time for the world to actually be as weird as you've seen it all your life, and now you're getting a reflection. Here is a suggestion that I would trust few others than a Sagittarian to understand: whenever you see a problem, think of it as an opportunity because you hold some piece of the solution. Whenever you see some surprising form of progress, look for the ways you not only might contribute in the future, but which you are contributing to it in the present. As the planets make a series of bold moves this week, take every occasion to feel your presence in the world, and to experiment with the thing you crave the very most: letting go. Take that how you wish: emotionally, erotically, empathically, or trusting the flow of events. That trust will validate itself.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
It turns out that honoring leadership is a theme of many astrological signs these days; Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius all have significant movement in their 10th solar house. So while you have company on the leadership council, which by the way suggests strongly that a team approach to leadership is the way to go, nobody else but Capricorn has Saturn about to cross their 10th house cusp. This has a quality of 'the buck stops here', though the involvement of Libra puts a strong emphasis on cooperation, balance and an elegant approach to problem solving. But more than anything the implication is that you must be prepared to take responsibility for what you have created, and for what you intend to create. Nobody can have this transit without some big plans, so while you are getting yourself organized, think for the long run.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Now is the time to focus on health issues you want to resolve, no matter how long you've been dealing with them. Aquarius is one of the signs for whom emotional and physical health are fully integrated, so part of this is about discovering a more settled place on the level of your feelings. This involves your complex situation involving a longstanding relationship, which is once again seeking a new depth of resolution. Yet there is also the 'purely' medical level, which suggests strongly that routine care, from a dental cleaning to a visit with a nutritionist, can have significant longterm results. The same will be true with therapy. For example, if you have a therapist you've worked with in the past, doing one or two sessions could move you ahead quickly -- particularly if you bring in material from your especially interesting recent dreams.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- it will have its moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The ongoing Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has you under so much pressure to recognize your value, your contribution and like you belong on the planet that the project could easily backfire. I suggest you make a series of efficiency refinements. The first of these is to feel the logical result of these planetary signs and work backwards from there. For example: how would you feel if you were solidly confident of your place in the world, with part of that confidence being that others recognize your contribution? That's the posture you need to take: a kind of quiet assurance that may not, by the way, feel so natural for nervous, the-world-on-her-shoulders psyche of a Fish. I am proposing that the show is not going to start without you; you're the star of this particular production. Nobody can play your role, and reruns of Futurama aren't cutting it anymore.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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