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Kingston, NY, Friday, June 11, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 11, 2010, #819 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Weekend Astrology

Saturday is the Gemini New Moon [view astrological chart]. What is interesting about this lunation is that it occurs in an opposition to two potent galactic points in Sagittarius, indeed, close to the opposition midpoint: the Galactic Center (the core of our local galaxy) and the Great Attractor (an intergalactic point drawing millions of galaxies toward it). Here is how I perceive this setup: Gemini is about dualism. It represents the condition of the human ego that perceives itself as divided, and against oneself, one's neighbors and even one's closet partners. Sagittarius is about the experience of alchemy or resolving dualism, symbolized by the magnificent spiral of the Milky Way resident in that sign. I'm not saying that native Sagittarians are perfectly united human beings, but rather that Sagittarius is where we do a lot of the work of finding that space of inner unity, of making peace with the world and the discovery that we do indeed have a soul. Saturday's New Moon is like peering into the mirror of what is possible: seeing a seemingly far-off experience of harmony as something that's potentially available within. The Sun and the Moon -- the twins Artemis and Apollo -- come together in the sign of the twins. Feel the gentle beauty of that and allow your mind to join together with your soul.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Either you've discovered that you're up to the task, or you're about to give up because you're so overwhelmed. You may be both at the same time. If you can embrace the opposites and bridge your mind and body across the sense of a dichotomy, you will find an excellent way of getting to the next level. None of the new things you want to do, or the new concepts of who you are, will work on your prior dimension of reality, and you now have access to this new space. From many viewpoints it seems impossible to get there. I suggest you keep looking around for the perspective from which your evolution feels not only possible but inevitable. You might start by completely, entirely and absolutely forgetting your relationships. Pretend that they're not there, or that they don't matter, and then feel for your options.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You're in a titanic struggle with how your past beliefs influence your current choices. Ideally they would not do so, except for something like: "That's what I used to believe, and it doesn't work anymore, and I need some new possibilities, so let's try some on." It's equally likely that you've become obsessed with an old thought form because you're under so much influence to open up in a genuinely new way. You will know you're obsessed because everywhere you turn, you see another limit placed on your bliss. There are two sides to this tense inner polarity: the desire to break free, and the sense that you're caught. The question has finally worked its way to the surface: in what, exactly, are you trapped? You're not sitting in a cage. Obviously there is nobody with a gun to your head. Clearly you are feeling many impulses encouraging you to turn yourself loose on the world.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Let your anger or frustration influence you to make the change you want to make. You might be thinking: it's not a good idea to make a decision when I'm in a negative state of mind. Yet that 'negativity' is information. It is data, and it's something appearing in your awareness. It's feedback from your mind and emotions, and it's likely to be a comment on your environment. So you can, if you respond with awareness, easily turn this to a positive. The lurking issue is the fear that you will have to give something up; that you will need to make an emotional sacrifice of some kind, in order to make the change or the decision you're planning. I have two thoughts on that: one is, consider whether you've already made the 'sacrifice' you fear. Second, consider whether it really was a loss, or a necessary exchange -- and notice what you've gained as a result of that transaction.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Whatever you've noticed is happening or not happening in your professional life this week -- that is, sure signs of success, or the lurking question of whether you'll ever get where you're going -- you can trust that you've taken a leap forward this week. Somewhere, somehow, you've had an impact or an influence that's going to come back to you. In truth this is just the beginning; you have set in motion a sequence of events that will come back to you. If anything you are imaging the results on too small of a scale, not too large. Your intentions and your ambitions have room to far exceed nearly anything you see in your environment; the world is ready to move over and make room for you, though for this to happen, you must be willing to take that space and boldly play your unique role.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
This is the moment to focus on earning your money from your true profession -- that is, the work you consider your authentic mission in life. The Gemini New Moon says it will help if you keep yourself visible, emphasize communication and take care of the details required in the acquisition of capital. You are drawing energy from two sources. One is the world around you, where your ideas, efforts and ingenuity make contact with the public. If you have found yourself sending mixed signals, now is the time to tidy up that particular broadcast. A mixed signal is any form of approach-avoid; love-hate; desire-guilt; the sense of having earned but still to not deserve. The other resource is your own capacity for work and the generation of ideas and resources. Mars in Virgo is saying: focus on the details.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
After more than seven months in Leo, Mars is now in your sign, and I have a concern. People with strong Virgo signatures can be exceptionally difficult on themselves. They hold the world to a high standard, but really what they're doing is inflicting on themselves a kind of mental obsession, subtle at times, overt at others, of not being good enough. Mars will certainly provoke your desire to improve your life, but I suggest you be mindful of your tendency to tear yourself down at the same time. With this transit, you may suddenly be conscious of anxieties and anger that you had tucked away for a long time; if you feel that stuff, let it come to the surface and move through you. Meantime, a New Moon in your potent 10th solar house, Gemini, is an invitation to greater callings, and combined with Mars in your birth sign, this can stoke your ambition and passion. Just remember: keep it positive.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You seem to be embracing faith in yourself after months of obsession over a relationship. I'm wondering just what you worked out with that particular partner. Did you move the issue forward and find some new common ground, or was it an exercise in reviewing the past? By this point, every relationship has the potential to exist in a new dimension of reality, and I'm wondering what it feels like to have so much provocative, creative and exciting movement acting in your life. Do you have the feeling that you're being pushed? Are others leading you forward? Is it all too much, or does the drive to recreate yourself feel good? It's true that others may have made the first move; when Saturn reaches your birth sign in a few weeks, the ball will really be in your court.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Some spectacular astrology has taken up residence in our work-a-day 6th house (Aries). Our training to be good boys and girls starts early in our school career, when most of us spend the day being told what to do. Every activity is carefully planned, down to when we get to take a bite of food. We must ask permission to use the toilet. We are told what to think, and when to think it. After a dozen years of this conditioning, we're then expected to be creative, independent people: most of whom are sentenced to decades in a cubicle. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has gone off like a bomb, and I cannot imagine you having anything less than total creative freedom around your work, your ideas and your vision for what you contribute to the world. There's just one question -- do you have the discipline?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Recent astrology is pushing you to be your most visionary, daring and restless, which is saying a lot. You may be wondering how you can change directions given the effort you've put into paving certain roads in your life, down to the last details. Before long, however, the issue of what you are known for, and what you do to earn your living, is going to come into alignment with the recent creative developments that have seized you with the feeling of a supernova. You may not be able to see the connection point now, but the work you've done on other projects leads directly, even flawlessly, into the next phase of your development. Your job now is to maintain awareness of the core creative element: to keep your ideas flowing and your palette moist with many colors of paint.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
The current issue is not a matter of ethics, which you have worked out previously. Rather, it's a matter of getting the job done. This, in turn, breaks into two parts: exerting your leadership behind the scenes, and making sure that you stay sufficiently free of mental stress to be able to work with others in a constructive way. I'm here to remind you that you are being looked up to not only as an effective taskmaster, but also as the person who understands the resounding lack of moral resolve that so deeply afflicts our culture. You can trust yourself. You can trust that you're having a positive influence on the people around you, at the same time you're growing inwardly in leaps and strides. It is, however, imperative that you get enough rest and spend some time every day living outside your head. Make friends with plants -- they like you too.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You are thinking well; the time will soon arrive to think bigger. Bigger means: outside of your neighborhood, beyond your region, beyond your normal area of specialty and beyond the bounds of your country. The concepts you've been developing are good enough and they are clamoring for a wider audience. Saturn, the planet that traditionally rules your sign, is rapidly moving into position to assist with that process. It's not there yet: you are still in the phase of investigate, experiment and negotiate. But soon enough there will come a moment when action is necessary. It will come with one or both of these feelings as a cue: you've reached a limit and have to redesign a structure; or your life seems to be splitting in half and you are creating a parallel world that may exist quite a distance from your current frame of reference.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- it will have its moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Focus on feeling good about yourself. We all know this may be a challenge for Pisces above all other signs, but now is your chance to get some results on this lifelong project. It is true that mixed in with many exciting developments is a kind of wild stress, and at the same time the world is watching an ocean slowly choke to death. I would encourage you to find ways to not take this global development too personally, or too emotionally, at the same time you don't hide your head in despair. You have a life independent of the despair of the world, and values that would contribute significantly to improving the world around you. At this point, your primary job is to keep a positive attitude and a mental posture of faithful expectancy. Know a good thing when you see it. You are.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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