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Kingston, NY, Friday, June 4, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 4, 2010, #818 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Are you ready for the changes that are emerging in your life? Maybe not. But probably so. I suggest you think of this as an experiment in becoming. Stretch into the new territory of Self. Remember how, just a few months ago, you were so eager to do this; what an urgent necessity it was, though that was driven by an external factor. Now the impulse is coming from within you, and there's no denying this. The translation you're experiencing is a little like going from fantasy to reality. We've all had this experience: what is hot and yummy in the imagination has a different quality when we manifest it in 3D. And as with erotic experimentation, it's worth experimenting consciously, trying again, and giving yourself a chance to grow into the manifestation of your desires. We both know it will be worth it.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
There are three key symbols that I associate with Taurus. One is that the horns of the bull represent the dilemma of your existence: the odd dualism that you live with, despite being so determined to be one unified person. Then those horns morph into the crescent Moon, representing the shared rulership of your sign by this body, and the many cycles of experience you go through; this, too, seems to contradict the stampeding nature ascribed to your sign. Finally there is the esoteric interpretation: that your conscious mind exists wrapped around a hot, churning core. Your personality is basically a response to your attempt to manage, or relate to, this molten lava at the center of your psyche. I suggest you stop trying to manage this, or control the uncontrollable tectonic movements that flow through your life. Instead, you are free to tap in and set some of that energy free.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
So much is available now, you may have no clue how to embrace the possibilities. I suggest you begin with a goal; a single goal. Of the many profound transits now affecting your solar chart, the one thing that is the most distinct is your ability to focus on an objective. This is something new, something that has never quite happened to you: a new gift. I recognize that there are many crucial items on your agenda, all of them seeming to demand energy. Yet I am speaking of something on a higher order of reality, which is your ability to work your mind in a new way, take ownership of that skill, and then seeing where this leaves you. Focus on your highest priority; your single most meaningful and heartfelt desire. I think you'll learn something that will provide an approach to everything else on your agenda.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
You are so intimately related to what you achieve and your concept of accomplishment that your whole sense of identity is based on this. I know you have many humble goals, such as eating well every day, and taking care of your family and your immediate environment. Now other objectives are calling you: plans and ideas greater than you've ever considered. I suggest you tune into this and notice that your drive is coming from the inside -- not as a lurch toward something outside yourself. In other words, your desire is to project something you are becoming into the world, rather than reaching for something you are not. This is a far more effective way to achieve your desires, because it's based on a feeling of completion from the beginning. On the deepest level of learning, this is the skill you are now acquiring.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Finally, your self-critical nature is outdoing its use. It's about time. Among the very few things that hold you back is the way you tend to not only judge yourself, but to obsess over those judgments, and now that quality, so unbecoming of your true nature, is rapidly giving way to something that feels new, but which is as old as the galaxy itself. The question is really about what you recognize and identify with, as a conscious choice. This is the piece that seems to be coming in the strongest: that you have a choice in who you are, how you feel about who you are, and how you express who you are. And right now you have quite an amazing option in front of you, one you may have never thought could possibly exist, and it looks a little like walking through the door to enlightenment and total awareness in one casual stride.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You may not have any idea just how innovative your commitments can be. While some Virgos will be seeking a total detonation of all standing agreements -- and may well be correct in seeking that -- I would propose that what the environment and your moment of growth call for is a reinvention of the whole concept of commitment. Under that idea, obligation would become passion. Need would become desire. Freedom would become the room to choose, and options to choose from. Relating to someone would be an experience reserved for your full self, not something you bring a fragment of yourself into. You would not enter any relationship with a feeling of compromise, but rather a sensation of expansion and embrace. You would choose to relate to the people who recognize your authentic being, and who say yes to your existence. It's time you did as well.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You seem, at least, not to have your whole life be run by your petty anxieties. And those worries would usually have you worried that you might never break free of them -- though now this seems ridiculous. You have no choice but to rise to the level of the challenges that are calling you; to meet the world with the energy it's offering you, and to call yourself fully present in your relationships. As you evolve into this as a way of life, you may wonder once or twice where those cranky old fears went, though I propose you will forget them entirely soon enough. Your more authentic state of being is to project yourself fully and fearlessly into your environment and commit fully to everything that you encounter. How can you do that? By being fully devoted to yourself, and letting all good things grow from there.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
I suggest you be thankful that you have such a full life. I suggest you be grateful that you have so much to do. What you also have is the opportunity to simplify your existence without giving up the feeling, or the truth, of being fully in the flow. The most mundane aspects of your world are coming under the revolutionary spotlight. Don't worry about whether you have the energy to make these changes; trust that the changes themselves will energize your life, liberate the places you're holding back creativity and help you pulse life force through your entire being. As this happens, you will notice that there are things in your existence that need to change; the old structure simply cannot withstand the energy that is pouring through you. There is likely to be an exchange involved: give up some of what does not work for a lot of what does. Do that once and you'll want to do it again.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Well, it turns out that there is an artist in the Bible: a master artisan by the name of Bezalel. He instantly reminded me of Chiron because his primary task was to create a temple -- the Tabernacle -- and because he had many students and apprentices. Another Chirotic quality of Bezalel was that he was a master of many arts: engraving, wood carving, metal crafting and stonework. His skills and responsibilities also included the holy oils, incense and vestments. And his name means 'under the protection of God'. So, this is a good example. He was a working artist; he had a lot on his hands, many people he was responsible for, and he was a teacher of his crafts. So, we have, at least, one example of what your current astrology looks like from our society's oldest book.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Among many other developments in recent days, Saturn has returned to direct motion in Virgo, and is heading for Libra. There, it will make its third and final contact with the highly sensitive angle of your chart that addresses your role in the world, your level of responsibility and your reputation. They are all related, and you can be confident that that's the best possible setup. You want your reputation to be based on your valid contributions and your identity to be based on the level of commitment you have to your own life and the world -- a commitment, I might add, that's based on a sense of beauty and justice. You are here not so much to fix the world but to embody the beauty of a world that is whole and balanced. You are not here to take on the burdens of life, but to lead yourself and others away from unnecessary ones. I assure you: you're one of the strong and the trusted.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
In the window of Blue Studio, I inscribed the adage, We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. Our minds are the filter through which we perceive reality. Everything we see is totally, completely and entirely biased by the filter known as our mind. Right now your mind is undergoing the most thorough modernization that you've ever experienced. And as a result, so, too, is the world: and the truth is, it's not just your perception that's changing. Your environment is changing too, yet you now have the mental apparatus to perceive this evolution for what it is. There appears to be a deeply passionate influence coming in from the outside, someone you may care about deeply and in a highly specific way. Yes, you are receiving their expression of who they are -- but it takes one to know one.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- it will have its moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
The choice is indeed yours, and this is what you need to keep reminding yourself: in your thoughts, and in your actions. You remind yourself by choosing, and then choosing again. Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, how you feel about yourself and what you allow yourself to believe is possible. Your 'worth' is beyond question. Your contribution to the world is potentially enormous, if you will grant yourself the privilege of feeling that potential and then, from day to day and hour to hour, expressing it tangibly. As you believe, so shall you achieve, though the best way to get belief onboard is to experience how influential it is. After a while you will look back with the most incredulous sense of disbelief about how you could have ever, for a moment, doubted yourself.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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