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Kingston, NY, Friday, May 28, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 28, 2010, #817 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Something extraordinary is happening. I'm here to remind you to notice. Uranus has entered your birth sign for the first time since it exited in 1935, very likely long before you were born. What you're experiencing qualifies as once in a lifetime, yet I say that knowing how often humans let those opportunities fly by. You will experience many direct events connected to the sudden, revolutionary and forward-thinking energy of this planet over the next seven years. The first level of experience is self-discovery. This is an odd concept, given that you walk around with your 'self' all the time, though I mean it specifically in terms of awakening to your non-ordinary level of awareness, imbibing the deeper sense of who you are. Events associated with Uranus often look like one thing initially and flourish into something else. To make the most of this, commit to one thing: sincerity.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
What exactly is the unknown? It takes many forms, including that which has dropped down the memory hole; that which is as yet undiscovered; that which we know about but persist in denying. At the moment, the question is: what do you do when memory surfaces, when you realize you're denying something, or when you discover something you dearly want to know? How long do you maintain awareness? This is a good time to observe your psychic patterns, and also to observe how they're changing. The stellar setup is perfect to offer you a rare glimpse of your inner world, and what indeed may feel like an unknown dimension of yourself. How long can you hold your awareness there? How does it feel to be awake, and when do you start to nod off into another dream?

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
If we could stop the world, peel back one layer and examine the psychic dramas that play out, we would see that many of them are driven by the dynamics between individuals and groups. We live in a society that romanticizes individuality, while making nearly all of its profits and basing all of its social rules on conformity. You have reached a time in your life where everything is changing in that dimension where your sense of who you are meets the world's expectations. For too long you have let others define you; indeed, you have at times done this at the expense of all awareness of what you really want, driven by fears you don't understand. Uranus entering Aries is urging you to break free and stretch your limits: not just of your self-concept, but of your actual existence.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Looked at one way, your trajectory through life is reaching a critical mass point; looked at another way, you are figuring out what you want, and that very little is in your way. You cannot be deterred by how long things have taken, or by the depth of your past doubts about yourself or what you want. One source of your doubts is the cyclical nature of your being. Finally there is a kind of magnetism or polarization away from the direction of constant change and in the direction of being able to hold a few clear goals in mind. Goal is another way of saying desire. So here is what I suggest: when you know what you want, keep it in mind, and keep guiding yourself back in that direction every time you veer even a little off course. Make this a habit and you will be unstoppable.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Most of what limits us are all the things we tell ourselves are impossible. Most of what sets us free are the ways in which we ignore the notion of possibility, or remind ourselves that we can do anything we truly want. You are particularly susceptible to this principle, and in many ways it represents the core of your identity. As A Course in Miracles put it so succinctly, every decision you make stems from what you think you are. I suggest you look closely at this 'what', and notice how it changes based on merely considering a new possibility. At the moment, many new possibilities are calling you. Yet all of them find their home in your idea of who you are, and this is the single most meaningful thing to observe. Go deeper than your role. Feel your actual existence -- it's calling you, and you are calling it.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
We are all familiar with the experience of losing oneself in a relationship. You are now in quite the opposite process: of discovering yourself in the context of a relationship. You may think this is helpful, since it's truly painful to be lost in an association with another person. You may find it difficult, because understanding the basic truth of who you are can have a disruptive effect on the structure of your commitments. Often we put so much emphasis on 'who we are equals who we are in our relationships' that we have no other concept available. You now need a new concept. I would caution you that you may need to go through the experience of feeling unstable before you begin to reap the benefits, but I can assure you that those benefits are ready and willing to give themselves to you.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
In astrology, the 7th house is considered the house of relationships, though I extend this to our relationship to existence. To put it mildly, that relationship is evolving rapidly, and is offering you some incredible gifts. One of those gifts is innovation; a genius factor is involved. If you are experiencing this as a disruption, look for that element. If your relationship to your environment is changing, take an active role in creating the new experience. The idea is to dance with the energy; to collaborate; to co-create, rather than merely letting things happen. If your charts ever said rise to the occasion of existence, the time is right now. If they ever said work with your environment to create exactly what you want, the time is this instant.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It's a beautiful thing that you identify so closely with your work. You may not know the extent to which this is true, relative to so many other people, who view their daily activity as a kind of abstraction from who they are. The problem with this placement, which involves the sign Aries, is that you can, at times, lose yourself in work that is not really about who you are. You actually need very little to draw you in and give you a mostly satisfying experience. That said, the molecules of your brain are shaking at about 100 times their usual rate. I suspect you have ideas for projects, for how to work more independently of a boss, and for how to embody your dream of serving humanity in a more direct and individual way. I see that many ideas are coming to you now, and I suggest you honor each as a gift and a potential.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
There aren't any artists in the Bible. Our Judeo-Christian society is based on this collection of books, and I find that to be an incredible literary fact. We have every other career listed: carpenter, emperor, war general, cop, prostitute, priest, rabbi, loan shark, farmer, farmer's wife, every other kind of wife, prophet, criminal, and so on and on. Heck there are even a few astrologers who make a significant appearance in the story of Jesus, and who do him justice. But to my knowledge, there is not a single artist. Now, why would that be? Is the exploration of individual creative impulse that disruptive to the patriarchy? So be it, then. I am sure this appeals to your forward-thinking nature. Just remember: when you choose to express these incredible passions that you've been experiencing, and when you dare to be innovative and create beauty and live like living is an art, these are revolutionary acts. Proceed with love and awareness and most of all, an open heart.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
The planets are aligned in a rare configuration that suggests you're living two lifetimes in one. You may feel that other lifetime appearing like a room with a mirror, where the lights are gradually being turned on. You may be pulled in two distinct directions. You may have noticed an entirely new set of goals has arisen, in parallel to the life objectives you hold so dear. I suggest you work directly with this. Open up that other life, those other desires, the mirror image of what you are doing now. One useful expression of this energy is that you are finding that you want a home life to match your responsibility-heavy work life. It is true that you're getting a little reprieve from so much that has to be done; take this excellent opportunity to feather your own nest, or to entirely reinvent the concept of what you call home.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Uranus, a planet that modern astrologers associate with your birth sign, is making a rare sign change. This week, Uranus entered Aries for a brief visit, before returning for a seven-year stretch beginning in 2011. Of all the things in astrology that say 'your world is changing fast', this is one. We can add some powerful stuff involving Saturn and Pluto as well. What is particularly appealing about this Uranus transit is that it's all about your mental approach to life, and closer to the core, the way your state of mind influences your whole reality. Aries is a vitally important sign to you because it represents your mind -- a precious thing, to an Aquarius, and Uranus (along with Jupiter) here suggests a brilliant, excellent, passionate and moreover interesting expansion of your mental environment and thus your existence.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- it will have its moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You have some excellent financial opportunities coming your way. I will say two things about them. One, they require careful thought, knowing a good idea when you see it, and the willingness to work to refine that idea so that it works in the real world. Two, what you are about to see is just a taste of what is possible: you are being given a window into your potential, and access to your potential. The gift will grow exponentially to the extent that you practice absolute authenticity of self. In other words, there is no faking it; there's no modifying who you are to meet some other purpose; and no room for denial of your true goals or desires. In matters involving money and the attraction of wealth, Pisces natives tend to do very well or very poorly; the choice is yours, based on another value entirely: self-esteem. And if ever the planets said you could figure out that trick, the time is now.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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