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Kingston, NY, Friday, May 14, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 14, 2010, #816 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Actually I think it's a great idea that you offer yourself a higher, more ambitious idea of love. I don't mean more complex, though I mean more willing to invest love in growth challenges, in aspiration to being a more authentic person and in a willingness to recognize that love and passion are gestures of freedom. In the end, all of this simmers down to how you feel about yourself, which ideally is about actively valuing who you are, embracing the truth of who you are and daring to love who you are. I am aware that most of us have more complaints than we have compliments about ourselves, and that most of what we like is either conditioned, or conditional. If you go deep -- and you can -- you will discover what you really, truly appreciate about yourself, which exists independently of what anyone else says or does.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
There's only so far you can drag yourself backwards before you decide it's time to proceed in the direction you want. You've struggled with a tendency to attempt serving two masters: one being yourself, and the other being some past influence that is allegedly dictating who you should be and why you should be that way. Though it seems like 'the stronger voice will win', in truth the voice you give the most energy to will win. As long as you try to divide your loyalty, you will divide your character and feel paralyzed. I suggest you focus on listening with precision to the voice you want to hear, and making that decision on the basis of how you feel. How will you know that you're hearing a past voice? Simple: a familiar sense of frustration. And a more loving voice? Simple: a sense of your potential opening up.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
It's become easier to be honest with yourself. You're in fact free to choose what to believe on the basis of truth rather than preference. What we want to be true is important; that could be described as a desire. A desire is different than what is so, now. Therefore, I suggest you work with the equation of manifesting the future in two parts: one is a clear admission of what is true in this moment; and the other being your burning desire for what you want, in this moment. If you can keep these two things discrete of one another, you will be less confused and more able to stick to a goal. Simply put, it's easier to work toward a goal that you want than one that you don't want, and this process will help you discern the differences between the two. At first they will be subtle -- then they will be obvious.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Chiron in Pisces is stretching your horizons, though for this to be meaningful you need to feel the experience rather than think about it. This is likely to be easier now that Mercury and a New Moon have eased some of the mental tension and anticipation you've been experiencing. The challenge you face now is to think about the future without fear. I recognize this is challenging, though at least it's not as bad as that old Egyptian ritual where you have to walk across a playpen full of alligators; and if you're scared, they eat you. However, the theme is the same. If you are feeling fear you will attract negativity. If you are feeling a sense of pleasure in considering what is possible, you will draw creative and loving experiences to yourself.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
It's time to make progress toward a longstanding career goal. You must abandon the idea that what you've experienced is a long sequence of delays or not-quite-good-enough and embrace the idea that you've been taking steps in a positive direction. This is true even if we define positive as learning what you don't want, and how you don't want to get it; or positive as having a chance to discern what is and is not true for you. You have all the information you need; now you need to break the large goal into at least three smaller goals, and take care of them one at a time. You can avoid mental frustration by acknowledging that every issue boils down to a question and every meaningful question can be addressed with meaningful information. This is not a game; it's a game when questions don't have answers.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You're starting to tap into some of the creative energy that you've been carving for a few weeks; or I'm here to tell you the portal is open. What I trust you've learned is not to judge what you're creating while you're doing it; stand back from the process and allow it to happen. This includes what you say, and in particular, what you say about your future plans. If nothing else, your past judgments can inform you that your criteria for 'quality' and 'excellence' are too strict, and at the very least you need to take a more compassionate view of what you're doing. I say this not to lower the bar, but rather to offer a way that allows some of your subtler potential to come through in the form of satisfying achievement.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You can get your agreements onto a higher level. We're accustomed to agreements being about money and obligation; you have the capacity to have your agreements be about a shared vision. Until recently, it seemed like there was something holding one particular agreement back, but now that factor has dissolved. You might ask yourself: where did it go? When we look at things differently, we see them differently, and your new perspective emphasizes common ground rather than contrast or distinction. Note, you are the one who is leading the way by both recognizing what is possible and by demonstrating your ability to see and experience life from the viewpoint of someone you care about. The interesting thing is that contrary to popular fears, you don't have to lose yourself in the process; more accurately, you find yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It's taken you a long time to get to the bottom of how someone feels, and I cannot guarantee you like their opinion. The question you face is, how does this influence how you feel about yourself? This is what's called a boundary issue, in the truest sense of the word. What feeling belongs to you and what belongs to someone else? Why is what someone else thinks, feels or believes so meaningful to you? Without knowing anything about the situation, it's clear that there's something about your belief in sacrifice. What do you feel you must give up in order to have what you want? Why exactly must the tradeoff be structured that particular way? I really mean this -- where did you get this particularly narrow idea? Look carefully and go back a long way.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You are starting to feel it: the radical change that's coming; the leap forward. These things don't 'just happen', they gather energy and that energy is gathering now. For the next few weeks I suggest you go with the sensation of movement, and get a sense of how to surf the waves: this is not something you can do in theory; it's only possible to do by doing. For now you're surfing on water; in a little while you'll be surfing on fire, your favorite element. The current energy phase is like tai chi -- slow and deliberate, easily seen. The next phase is more like TV king fu. So learn the moves slowly, then prepare your mind to do them more quickly. Note, the transition itself will be quite rapid; just when you're getting bored, something's gonna let fly.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
The most daring risk you can take is with your mind. You must be feeling this; it's about what you 'allow yourself to think'. For a while you've been thinking about allowing yourself to think about something, and now you're thinking about just doing it. This is alternately called a hang-up, or seduction. I suggest you go with seduction, since it's more fun, it's easier and it has a more productive goal: exploration of desire. I suggest you allow yourself to do this consciously. Experiment with wanting the most daring experience you can want; the riskiest emotion; the most vivid physical sensation. I have a feeling there will be a struggle here, which is the notion that 'it might be wrong' or a question about whether it's actually healthy. Going deep into this feeling is part of the journey.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
It's time to confront this sense of what you want being dangled in front of you but somehow unavailable. Despite this being a normal condition in our world, for you it's more complex than it seems on the surface. If the situation evokes a feeling or memory of your child self, this is veiling awareness of your adult powers. I suggest you first sort out your various adult and child responses, and figure out why you're making the decision you're currently making (which you can tell by what you're actually getting) -- then notice how this contrasts with what you want. I would offer some caution if you feel like you're not confident enough to do what is right for you, or not confident enough to discern what that is; you are. I would offer caution if you think that to use your power is to abuse your power; it is not.

Aquarius birthday audio is coming soon -- thanks for all the emails!

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You've been thinking about something for a while, and you know your own mind. It's always possible to doubt yourself -- after a point, that cannot rightly be called discernment. The thing is, this decision affects the whole mirage of your mind, and reaches far into your 'subconscious'. Relationships are involved, and you may be nursing a sense of injury there. Indeed, the question seems to focus on whether you have faith in relationships, which is another dimension of having faith in yourself. Don't fret over this stuff; I suggest you be yourself from moment to moment. Feel what you feel and remember that you don't need to justify yourself or make explanations: but if you want to that is another matter. The only communication that really matters right now is what you share with yourself, so share generously.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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