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Kingston, NY, Friday, April 23, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 23, 2010, #813 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You seem to be in a tight spot financially, though I suggest you check your facts and figures. If anything there is some kind of an error, though it may take you a few days to get to the bottom of it. Till then I suggest that you not panic, get angry or even lose sleep over it, but rather collect information and possibly seek the advice of someone who knows more than you about these things. Their opinion will prove to be enlightening, if not declarative. The main thing you need to beware of is your mind getting caught in its own concern and negativity and thus suspending itself from constructive thought. Rather than not doing something, I suggest you explore ways to direct any anger, frustration or supposedly too-hot motivation in creative ways; look for them and you won't need to look far.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Have you considered that your lack of confidence is not authentic? I'm not saying you're faking, rather that you have more reasons to be confident than you give yourself credit for, and more than enough experience to remind you what you're capable of. So why exactly would you doubt yourself? If this points to something from the past, you're about to get significant insight into its origins. Meanwhile, I have an idea for an art therapy project that might give you a visual image; your solar chart at the moment says seeing is believing. Using a webcam or a digital camera, photograph yourself when you're feeling insecure. Who do you look like? Then photograph yourself when you're feeling solid, strong and determined. Who do you look like then? As for a journaling project: going back as far as you can remember, what is your association between marriage and money?

Coming Soon! Taurus Birthday Audio.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You run the risk of papering over a complex situation by not saying anything about it. This won't resolve matters, or even do much to keep the peace, though you need to start by being clear with what's bothering you; you may be masking this even from yourself. Check your motives here; you seem to be closely identified with your role in a relationship that rather precisely contradicts your deeper values. That motive could provide you with a basis for handling the situation with denial. Hence the most obvious issue may be the most difficult to see. Your chart suggests that, if you focus your attention, and make a series of plain statements to yourself about the basic facts and then use what you learn, you will discover a workable solution to the issue in a fairly short time.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Beware of your tendency to get weighted down by the past. Being as emotionally driven as you are, you're not the type to easily let go, but your solar chart suggests that you are in an extended phase of purging self-concepts that no longer serve you. With that, you are free to drop the emotional trappings connected with those concepts, whatever they might be. At the moment, it looks like your past self is having some issues with mental frustration that can be translated into tangible action. Your past orientation on relationships tends to emphasize structure, permanence and predictability; you now have the option to focus on immediacy and being real in the moment. Yet beyond any specific expressions is the fact itself -- that you have spent more time looking back than you have looking forward. Despite any lingering uncertainty, it is safe to face the future boldly.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
You will get a lot done this weekend, if you do things one at a time. If you get confused or find yourself slipping, go back to single-tasking. While I'm doling out easy advice, someone who offers help may not end up being that helpful and may indeed create a distraction. But someone who you seek for assistance is likely to be very helpful, generous and thoughtful. The distinction is significant -- you are the one who initiates seeking assistance when you need it, this way you can be sure of the motives involved. Meanwhile, beware of using any methods that have failed repeatedly in the past. They may seem worth one more try, but the way your chart is set up at the moment, what has not worked before is not likely to work now. However, discovering a new technique is likely to boost your confidence, and set you on a quest to develop new inventions.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
You seem uncertain who or what to believe in, and you're taking this out on yourself. That is not helping your judgment any, and it's distracting you from the first thing you need to remember, which is if you need to believe in anyone, that someone is yourself. This is particularly true if you have recently set about the goal of turning over a new leaf in your intimate relationships. It may be easier than ever to see yourself in someone else, or for them to see themselves in you -- and as a result you might get caught in a haze of projection and reflections of reflections. I suggest you reduce all of this down to one fairly simple question: what are you looking for? Not who, but what? One thing I can tell you is that possibilities are open now that were secluded well below the horizon years or even months ago.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You may think you're obsessing over sex or going from one emotional high to the next, and who knows what the people around you think. What I see in your solar chart is that you're craving pleasure and healing in a way that suits your desire nature well, and that you're actually making contact with a side of your nature you haven't been able to reach any other way. The main risk is that of attachment to someone who is not exactly who you think they are; so while you're exploring, make sure you leave room for the story to take any number of turns -- and give yourself room to explore. Said another way, what you're doing is diving into your experience rather than creating something designed to be 'permanent'. If there is something stable that you're building, it's your relationship to yourself. This is true, no matter who you're with -- remember.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
If someone throws you a curve, catch it and toss it to the side -- don't throw it back. The moment someone pushes your buttons, questions your authority, or if you find a relationship situation interfering with work, step back -- and keep your cool. No matter how persistent or insistent the provocateur may seem, they have no clue what they're really thinking, they are motivated by aggression and it looks like the whole situation is designed for sport. You have more important things on your mind than to be someone's goal post or punching bag. And, of note, there are people around you who are willing to assist you and cooperate with you on some of your most meaningful goals. Therefore, invest your energy in people who are supportive and withdraw it immediately from anyone you discover is playing any form of trickster.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You sense something big is coming on -- a revelation in the true sense; a creative burst; the opportunity to have an experience you've wanted for a long time. That moment has not quite arrived, but it's inevitable. Meanwhile, this would be an excellent moment to reflect on how restless you've been for how long. You've spent much of your energy in recent years adapting to your own emotional instability, and that constant adaptation has eaten up a lot of energy. You've been encountering a series of stabilizing forces that have given you a chance to relax and put some of your resources into more creative endeavors, and I suggest you keep up with that process. You face a risk that you can head off early on, which is the potential to respond defensively to an opportunity from which you will only benefit.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
About your mother. You're finally getting around to confronting her narrow and judgmental side with some fresh ideas about your life. One of the things you learn as an astrologer is that people's parents can dog them for as long as the planets keep spinning around the Sun -- until we intervene and do so boldly. But it's not enough to say no. That was her issue. It's not enough to change your mind as if what came before didn't matter. It's not enough to reduce everything down to the details and prove that it's irrelevant. What is necessary is to say yes with every cell in your body, to experiment with ideas that nobody you know would ever consider, and most of all, to feel yourself until you figure out that you're alive. If the next few weeks are filled with tension, let it be that of seducing yourself into authentic liberation.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Imagine you're standing between two mirrors. You want to see the front of you and the back of you at the same time. But you're in the way, no matter how you do it, and you're starting to get frustrated. What would happen if you got out of the way and allowed the mirrors to reflect one another? That would open up a seemingly infinite space, into which you could see in two distinct directions. Now, observe that this is all a metaphor. The 'body' is your ego consciousness; your sense of 'I'. The mirrors may be two philosophies, two situations, two people, or most likely of all, your ongoing confrontation between the past and the future. If you get out of the way, they can have an authentic dialog. You'll be able to make subtle adjustments and see their perspectives accurately. You'll be able to feel your way down the two time tunnels, and sense which is the most authentically you.

If you're born under the sign Aquarius or Aquarius rising and would like a belated audio entry for your sign please let me know!

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
How does it feel to have Chiron in your sign? This is a brief visit -- we get 90 days, until the full eight-year stint begins in early 2011. Here is my take: Chiron has that crisis/critical point thing that it's so famous for, and the game is to deal with everything immediately as it arises. Chiron focuses awareness; your job is to be alert to that 'on the air' light, notice what you're noticing, and address it immediately. That will clear the water waves and the airwaves for new information, new experiences and a new sense of purpose. Chiron in your sign concentrates attention on you, and (as a transiting factor, rather than a natal factor) accelerates the pace of manifestation. Therefore, stay alert to what you want, and embrace it with love and pleasure when it arrives. And please remember this: suddenly others may perceive you as a force to be reckoned with. You're not used to this; and I don't suggest you get used to it either. Be judicious.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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