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Kingston, NY, Friday, April 16, 2010

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Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 16, 2010, #812 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Face your challenges over the next few weeks as inner mental puzzles rather than opportunities for contention. You could take this astrology either way, depending on your theory of growth or personality. What is coming into conflict are two different aspects or levels of your mind, one of which would be better described as emotional and the other more appropriately called intellectual. Yet there is another dimension that is opening up for you that goes beyond both. You have had tastes of this over the past year, but you've been so busy trying to stay oriented that you may have missed some of the subtler aspects of the hidden world trying to get your attention. Beyond mind, personality and emotion is imagination. Humans are mainly limited by what we can envision, and some of those limits are about to disappear.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
I just checked the classifieds and there are no jobs available for moss growing on a rock. You will have to strike that off your list of potential careers. However, you have a few other possibilities: author of love letters or erotic novels; antique dealer; folk historian; marriage counselor or sex therapist; social coordinator. You would see many more, if you chose to be less critical of your creative talents and instead let them guide you to a productive place. For the next few weeks I suggest you conduct a review and inventory of your talents and skills, as well as the desires you've previously hidden from yourself but now, for whatever reason, you have the confidence or at least the need to embrace.

Coming Soon! Taurus Birthday Audio.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
You need to keep a line of communication open within a relationship or partnership, which will provide an opportunity to talk about matters that are usually too sensitive or embarrassing to bring up. You or someone close to you may be keeping secrets; the aspect structure calls for an even exchange of hidden material. I suggest beginning the conversation with an understanding of amnesty; even if you cannot make that request, you can, in your heart, agree to let go of whatever you learn. The changes are excellent, if everyone is honest, that you will come out of the conversation closer rather than more distant. Yet the seeming paradox is that you will be more distinctly individual: in other words, a space of both closer and more liberated. That's not a paradox at all: it's a formula.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Any career move you make in the coming weeks needs to meet one qualification: that it be authentically you. By this I mean based on your actual talent; your true values; and what you want to be doing with your time. It's likely that you've been aware of what that is for a long time; you've said the words and you understand the values involved. What you're about to experience is the opportunity to make visceral contact with those values and move forward with the sense that you are embodying what matters to you rather than 'trying to be' something. It's not even necessary that you believe in yourself; rather, all you really need to do is be honest with yourself. And I suggest you trust that those who have the power to help you will also have the inclination, though you will need to initiate the discussion.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
You tend to be the keeper of faith; this has been true lately, and now you're going to be the keeper of putting faith into action. As you do this, your role involves being conscious of the past while helping orient on the future. Being aware of the past will have the obvious benefit of avoiding the errors strewn there, but also learning from what you've done right. Yet this analytical exercise will have another benefit, which is to focus your mind on the question in a new way. One way to look at this involves agreements. Yet what you are really looking for is a way to frame the issue in a way that lends itself to the best solution. In other words, remember that the answer to any puzzle, problem or situation depends mostly on how you phrase the question.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Making long-term plans needs to be an exercise in creating the future rather than determining in advance what you think is possible. If you're thinking reductively, that is, crossing things off the list to see what you're left with, I suggest you go the other way and see if you can make the list as interesting as possible. You will come up against some stuck thinking as you do this; you may feel like you're violating someone's rules for how you should be; mostly you will encounter your need to stretch your creative muscles. For too long you have existed within a limited set of beliefs of what is possible, and haven't yet acknowledged that these are a collection of past relics belonging to people you've never met, who left the planet long ago.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
You seem to be trying with all your energy to get beyond an issue that has been lingering for years. There is an optical illusion quality to this: some ways you look at the situation, it seems entirely to your benefit. Other ways you look at it, you see a lingering problem that defies rationality, communication or normal means of effort. When one feels true, the other doesn't exist; and it makes no sense that something could be helpful and detrimental at the same time. As you move back and forth between perspectives, ask yourself where the process is taking you. Are you learning anything from considering the different possibilities? Are there circumstances you've noticed that present a tendency toward one viewpoint or the other? What if you were to get out of your own way?

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
Nobody can challenge your authority -- if you remember that all you have is authority over yourself. From the look of your charts, people will try. Certain individuals may want to go back on agreements, and they may imply a creative interpretation from the past that didn't really exist. All you need to do is hold steady: you don't need to defend yourself, nor do you need to engage in much discussion. The more energy you feed into the situation, the more someone will think they may be right. In fact you have the option to ignore any communication that you're pretty sure doesn't actually impact your life. Be conscious of your own obligations: ask yourself, quietly: do I owe anything to this situation? Have I lived up to what I promised? Even if you determine that you have not, you have time to take care of business. Don't let anyone rush you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
I'm sure I've told the story at least once of how my first web developer, then-16-year-old Jordan Laughlin, created a new sign -- Sagittaurus. Part of why this is funny is due to the wildly differing nature of these two signs: freewheeling Sagg and cautious Taurus. This week his vision comes true. Jupiter and Venus are in an unusual dialog right now, feeding one another's potential. The key is to let the energy or impulse you feel move quickly into manifestation. You won't finish everything you start, but you'll get a feel for how different ideas translate from concept to expression. Where you sense unpleasant tension, try something else; where you sense an easy energy flow, see where it leads. You're looking for the sweet spot that translates approximately to emotionally satisfying work.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
How do you respond to people who seem less stable than yourself? People who seem erratic, unpredictable or a bit flaky? There seems to be someone of this nature in your environment, and you seem to be getting your buttons pushed. The difficult part is, you don't have direct power in this situation. Your emotional responses and mental judgments don't translate well to situations where your authority means anything. And it's difficult for you to see precisely where your responsibility exists. How about this: it involves how you learned to deal with someone in the distant past. You seem to have had at least one parent who specialized in being extremely self-critical and therefore judgmental, which was papered over by charm and a nice outfit. You are now peeking behind the veil to let go of any similar tendencies you may discover in yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
You seem to be longing for some old version of yourself, but you're swiftly being carried away from even the memory of who that was. Yet one situation remains, where the prior and future "editions" of you stand in a face-to-face standoff. Take your time with this. Notice who, in your life, supports what you consider to be the direction of your desired growth, progress and creativity. There is never a compromise between good and evil, but fortunately this situation is not so black and white. You are in a process of synthesizing elements of past and future; inner and outer; structure and energy. The result -- who you become -- will be significantly different than any of the constituents.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You struggle with being different, though you persist in doing precisely that. What you have yet to discover is how different you really are, and how productive that can be, including in the financial sense. What happens over the next week is designed to focus your energy on the most creative and innovative attributes of who you are, and I suggest you never duck from that distinction. Rather, keep firmly in mind how far you've veered from a conventional life, and more significantly, why you have done so. The person you are on the inside is often different than who you present yourself to be on the outside, though as Chiron makes its way into your birth sign, the two are being united in a way that has never quite happened before, and that has never succeeded this well before. Allow every event over the next few days to teach you how to become the person you know you're destined to be.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

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