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Kingston, NY, Friday, Feb. 26, 2010

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Readers -- I'm doing audio blogging from the NCGR conference in Cambridge, Mass. I know this potentially sounds boring, but it's not -- it's me turned loose on the international astrology cabal with a digital recorder. So tune in at PlanetWaves.FM.

Planet Waves
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, February 26, 2010, #806 - BY ERIC FRANCIS

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You're discovering what a lusty personality you have. In fact, it's more like a lusty soul, craving existence. You have no special need to determine that your passion for life is somehow inappropriate: it's no more so than breathing. Once you get judgment out of the way, the only remaining question is how to manifest your desires from the psychic realm to the physical realm. I suggest that you stay close to your feelings and learn to saturate your emotional vibration with the feeling of who and what you desire. Build up your charge like a battery (or more technically a capacitor). Allow the energy you carry to be a clear image of the feeling and the desire of what you want. Craving is good, but embrace the pleasure of consciously allowing yourself to want; then we shall see what happens.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You're moving into transcendent territory regarding the work that you do. I keep talking about this; maybe it's because so many of my Taurus friends live with perennial career struggle. However, this is the time to come to the realizations that make the commitment to who you are and what you want to do seem natural. Beware that in our monoculture, we believe that there's just one thing, which can lead to a search for 'the one'. As far as I can tell, what you are going for is a quality of devotion to existence, as expressed through creative activity and service. Read that three times. The objective is a quality of devotion. To existence. As expressed. Through creative activity and service. I am familiar with life on your planet, and I know how weird that seems -- till you get into it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)
There are times when those twins inside you get together and get it on, and you're in one of those moments. By that token, the Taurus horoscope would apply to you word for word, though what we need to add is the faith factor. This is an internal consciousness which generally cannot be spoken or described in words, but which is experienced as a sense of moving from your center. Any external spiritual practice, from lighting a candle to meeting a guru, is designed to bring awareness inward to your center point. Please remember this. You contain who you are, and therefore you contain what you seek. Move from the interior of your awareness outward. That is to say, focus on yourself and your feelings and let this experience spread outward into the world around you.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
There are rewards for clarifying agreements, plugging holes, and remaining independent of group dynamics. These will be significant; give it a little time. Lately you may seem to be taking three steps back for every step you take forward. This won't last much longer, though you need to take the forward steps consciously. Your sign is ruled by the Moon, which is about to be full in Virgo: that's a surge of mental energy, which may be destabilizing. Therefore, you must balance the cyclical nature of the Moon with the stability of Saturn, so that you can take advantage of both inspiration and discipline; or rather, so that your creative power can take advantage of the structure that will contain your ideas and your sensations. I can sum up Saturn's message for you in two words: stay grounded.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
These weeks of Mars retrograde in your sign have not been easy. You seem to have something new to get clear about every day; you seem to have to work out some new wrinkle in your psyche every hour or two. Your energy may be all over the place and you may have some adrenal exhaustion. Mars retrograde is the picture of resistance; there are many ways to address that, though at this point the best way would be to not resist that particular quality. I am more concerned about what happens when Mars stations direct on March 10, which I would sum up as: take things gradually and consciously and slowly as you resume your forward motion. You may feel inclined to bounce right into action, and I would say, a subtle shift of momentum is more than enough.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Virgo is one of the easiest signs, or energies, to stress out; it can also handle a high volume of activity, though it helps a lot if the energy is turned down. The computer I'm now working on quite literally would have occupied a warehouse 50 years ago, with less processing power and less memory but consuming far more energy. I can now carry it in a nifty shoulder bag, and it runs on a battery. Think of yourself as this next epoch of technology: the energy-efficient, compact unit. There will be times during the next few days that you'll need to turn down the energy input; turn down the volume; keep earplugs in your pocket and use them anyplace it gets too noisy. Likewise, the results of your thought process may be subtle, solutions that work because they have leverage rather than drama.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Do you think of yourself as an idea person? Probably, but you may not be too confident about it. Your idea process is subtle, and maybe in the long run better if you don't fly that as a flag. However, you are very much in the role of idea person right now, and for quite a while to come. I hope it doesn't add too much pressure to say that people are depending on you, particularly where you work. Ideas can be original, and they can be original applications of old concepts; an idea can be as simple and as effective as putting flowers in a vase. Remember that you have this perceptive ability, and you are a likely source of resolving something that others perceive as difficult, or cannot perceive at all. Seeing any problem accurately is at least halfway to solving it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
It's not that you're working without a goal; more likely, you're looking in the wrong direction -- toward the past. I say this recognizing that Scorpio's tendency to be set in old patterns of thought is pretty amazing, given that yours is the sign of transformation and evolution. What you are transforming is precisely your mental process. You may get nervous every time you step out of your cautious mental framework. But let's put it this way: Google, as clever and effective as it is, was built on a simple old idea: cross-referencing, applied to a new environment. Think of your conservative mind as a foundation from which you can take a certain leap of faith. You invest a lot of time thinking, without necessarily recognizing that the result of thought is an idea that allows you to save months or years of labor. This is a lot easier than you make it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You may be concerned that your relatively new stable environment is going to suddenly be disrupted. That's always a risk when you reach a place of stability, however there are a few kinds of instability: one is disruption, which while often helpful in the end, can be difficult; yet worse is the expectation of a potential problem. The other kind of instability involves moving toward an emotional or creative breakthrough, which results specifically in freedom. Anticipation of this kind of change can be equally destabilizing, and it's often considered a reason to avoid passion or inspiration. I suggest you live with the tension for a while and discover what you have on the way without torturing yourself with negative expectation. Various supportive factors say you're perfectly safe; you can even leave the house, if you want.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
For a while, you get to do the pushing -- or rather, you now need to. Certain factors that had you at the edge of your limits have eased off, and you're left to your own strength, ingenuity and willingness to make progress. This is a test of how strong and how determined you've become, and you may be surprised at the outcome. You may feel like you're burrowing through your own emotional body, passing through layer after layer of mixed feelings. You may feel like your progress is obstructed by the weight and substance of the past, but in reality this is a mirage. You may believe that the perfect partner is going to show up to help you, however, certain people you care about have plenty else on their minds. So now you get to give it a go, seemingly without support. That's the place to start: simply be willing to take your first steps as an independent agent.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
It's amazing how useful mild irritation can be, if you put it to work. The kind of irritation you've been accustomed to lately is the type that's difficult to do anything about because it's been so difficult to pin down. You now may be noticing how a communication breakdown in a relationship is limiting your other possibilities; and further, that it's about more than communication. Relating implies that there's something to relate and that's the factor that someone close to you may be finding in short supply. It's not you: you have plenty to offer. Ask yourself where offering your creative energy results in the most palpable exchange. An exchange is a cycle with momentum, not merely passing something back and forth. Be sensitive to where momentum is building and where it's dissipating and you will know exactly what to do.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
You pave the road to the future with your feelings today. You may well ask how you're supposed to do that: how exactly you can do that. The method is emphasizing the positive: what works for you, what you recognize as helpful, what provides you with benefits that nourish you and the people around you. At the moment this is a matter of emphasis: you will see what you focus on. What you focus on will magnify. Therefore, the art of seeing, of noticing, and of responding to what your sensory and emotional data provide, is vital now. Yet there's also a higher level: the level of holding a vision. You know what you want. I suggest you be bold enough to articulate this to yourself, and listen to what you're saying; and from there, to take action and do something about it.

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