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Kingston, NY, Friday, Nov. 20, 2009

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Scorpio Sun into a Sagittarius Sky

Dear Friend and Reader:

Planet Waves
Through the end of the week, the Sun is making its way across the last degrees of Scorpio and will enter Sagittarius at 11:22:34 pm EST on Saturday, Nov. 21. When the Sun is at the end of a sign and not making any new aspects to major planets before entering the new sign, that is called Sun void of course. We are familiar with the Moon being void of course, which has the same basic definition. They have different feelings; among them is habit: the Moon void happens twice a week while the Sun void takes place 12 times a year. Usually it lasts a day or two; at several days, this is a long one.

The Sun void comes with the feeling of unusual things happening. It's like an opening into the unlikely, which can be friendly if you get to take advantage of what seems like an odd chance; or it can be less than friendly if you're not paying attention and something untoward happens to you. This is the time to make luck work for you rather than to push your luck; to see the moments that invite you to ease in. With Scorpio, this can be an opportunity to balance out the emotional or erotic economy.  

As the Sun is making its transition into Sagittarius, there is a conjunction of Venus and Ceres (in a pattern where it's annual for a few years, then skips a few years). I have been suggesting that Venus + Ceres + Scorpio is about understanding our mother's sexual baggage. True, we don't like to think of our mother as sexual, but to the extent you want to be sexually free, this is something I strongly suggest. Mother has secrets. We don't know them. She had to maintain her image; she may not have wanted to share her pain; she may be too self-conscious or modest to let on what is really bothering her. The problem with this is that this becomes miasmic: multigenerational material that causes the next generation pain it does not understand.

Seek and you shall find; find and you shall facilitate your emotional healing process.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

Planet Waves
Aries (March 20-April 19)
Don't let yesterday's arguments affect you today. You can safely cancel the negative effects from all of last week, as long as you accept what you learned from those interactions, particularly the stressful ones. Life has been stressful, as if everything in your world meets everything else in your world on an odd angle that does not quite fit. As you try to assemble the parts, you might ask yourself what they are part of; and that something would be you. At first it's difficult to think this way, that is, to embrace the idea that the one thing everything in your life has in common is you. It would help to give yourself one example of an inner conflict that turned into an interpersonal one. Do that two or three times and you'll figure out how to keep things a lot more placid.

Planet Waves
Taurus (April 19- May 20)
Your mother's emotional pain shows up powerfully as a factor in your relationships this week, particularly her tendency to exaggerate. You seem to have internalized this habit in some form, and don't know what to do with it. You basically have two choices: get caught in the drama, or move right in the direction of its antithesis: conscious emotional and sexual nourishment. Turning this backwards, both the pain and the exaggeration are cover stories for a reluctance to be emotionally generous. You may think you feel better when you're not giving of yourself. Yet I suggest you be honest about this and notice how you feel when you give sincerely from your deepest well. Get the hang of this and you'll discover this is the well from which you can nourish yourself.

Planet Waves
Gemini (May 20- June 21)
The issue is spiritual, but what the heck does that mean? Let's start with deeper. Let's continue with considering what is not obvious, which will require you to do some original thinking. Let's move on to a question of ethics, which goes beyond a rationale for why something 'must be' necessary. You may have the feeling that something larger is at stake; you may be experiencing a sense of deep responsibility. If that is coming through clearly, it will be a little daunting. Welcome this feeling. Pay particular attention if someone well known or famous is involved; you need to understand his or her motives, and decide consciously if you're in alignment with them. This will not be difficult to figure out; more likely, you will be reminding yourself what you already know.

Planet Waves
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Not everything can be negotiated, but most things can be. Or perhaps it would be better to say: for you, not everything is negotiable, and not everything has to be. It would be wise to make sure you know what points you're willing to compromise on and what points you're not even willing to consider bargaining. That said, you might want to make a list of all the non-negotiables and ask yourself why exactly you feel that way. I suggest you focus your greater efforts on determining where the common ground between you and someone close to you exists. There is plenty; it's a matter of seeing your shared space from the right perspective. This will start with ideas, and move onto resources and experiences.

Planet Waves
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
With the Sun drifting through the last few degrees of Scorpio at the moment, I suggest you wait till it's solidly in Sagittarius on Saturday night before making any major decisions, commitments or moves. That said, the drifting energy is just what you need, given how much the past few weeks have been about pushing yourself toward a limit that seems to have no definite value or location. The seemingly boundless energy you're experiencing is in part coming from other people, and partly coming from your own determination to do it all. Allowing yourself to disengage would be helpful. This means giving yourself a day or two away from their influence. It won't take much more than that; the main benefit will be gaining perspective you don't know you're lacking.

Planet Waves
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)
Your mind needs a break; you need to be around water. Start with the bathtub and some sea salt. Skip the perfume: the salts will give your body the chance to discharge nervous energy. Three times within a few days ought to get you back to a baseline mental position, and provide some time to meditate on how you can simplify your life -- particularly the enormous strain you seem to be under at work. If you're riding on the high side of this astrology, your mind may be functioning like a precision machine, and you may be afraid to stop. You do need to stop long enough to cover the basics, and I do mean food, water and rest. You can push it all you want but at the end of the day, your body is the boss.

Planet Waves
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)
Keep a grip. That may mean letting go of your tight hold on reality, though in more ways than one it would seem that your astrology is telling you to do the opposite of what you think you need. Anyway, your thoughts are coming at a ferocious pace, though here's a clue for how you can tell if you're being productive: your curiosity quotient. In other words, if you're getting a litany of ideas and conclusions and things to worry yourself with, or if you're trying to prove you're right about something, pause and ask questions. Your desire to know something that you don't already know will be your best friend, and if you haven't noticed, at the moment there sure is plenty that you don't know.

Planet Waves
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)
You may be experiencing emotions that you don't understand. I suggest that you not make more of them than you need to; in other words, they may feel more important or meaningful than they are. This is a question of balance between intensity and meaning, something that has been a theme of your entire life. Yes, there is meaning to be found in all these feelings, but it's not a direct consequence of their full-on sensation. It's vital that you not attempt to nourish yourself on pain, and moreover, that you identify anyone in your life who tries to live this way so that you can help identify when and how you picked up the habit. The answers here will not be strictly based on rationality, but that will be your first foothold in what appears to be a complex situation.

Planet Waves
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You may suddenly feel like you can see the world from the perspective of someone close to you, and this may be a little shocking. Not a lot, but enough to remind you that you need to spend more time shifting your perspective and reminding yourself that your viewpoint, wide as it is, has certain limitations that you can only get around with conscious methods that you embrace routinely. One thing you may notice is how exactly someone feels about you -- which may surprise you, in that you weren't thinking they held you in such high esteem. You decide that you have undue influence, but part of how you can address that is to be conscious of it and include their opinions in your decision-making process more often than you ordinarily would.

Planet Waves
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
During the past week you've experienced a rare aspect involving both your sign and your ruling planet, Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. This accounts for the feeling of time running out, and the corresponding feeling that everything is more urgent than you have time for. However, the pressure is coming off, and you have made it through the most complex, delicate phase of this astrology -- at least for now. Yes, you need to keep an eye on things, and make sure you're devoting the very best of your political skills to your business and professional affairs. But I suggest you remind yourself that in times like we are living in, success could well be defined as exactly what you're experiencing.

Planet Waves
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)
Go lightly on what seems to be a big professional success; don't brag about it, and don't put too much on its back. Remember that the purpose of work and therefore of achievement is to help everyone have a little more of what we all need. That would include you, though the theme of exchange and of trading is all over your charts right now. One of the deepest anchor points for humanity's darkness involves our belief in separate interests. Look at the news; look at what the people close to you gossip about; notice what you worry about: it all has its roots in the notion that we have divided interests. Consider how many people would go out of business if that turned out not to be true.

Planet Waves
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
One day at a time is not just a nice concept; it's all a person can do. You're still under extraordinary pressure that you haven't given a name to, and which sometimes disappears into the background because it's so pervasive. You're starting to see you have options, and that each of those days is a step toward clarity. The next thing that happens is that you start to see that your experience of life makes sense. The clarity may be as subtle as the pressure is now, but like a good book, the story will gradually weave together and build momentum toward a logical point of resolution. You don't need to push this, or push anything; for the moment, less is more -- and what comes your way this weekend is likely to be precisely what you need.

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