By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) I hope you're feeling a bit more confident now, having tested your theories and experimented with manifesting your visions. What you want are results, and results usually take repeated applications of a method or plan. In this respect, having attempted anything and not quite pulled it off very directly becomes an asset, but only if you keep going. You have certainly developed your ideas laid the groundwork for their development; you have completed the first stage of the beginning. That has included making one important contact in a position of power, probably a woman, whose advice and guardianship will be a true asset. In the second state, you are much more your own asset. Recognize not just your potential value but rather your actual worth in every sense of the world. Oh, I meant 'word', but I like world better. Planetary movements and that hot feeling in your body are presenting you with excellent opportunities to be unusually direct, even brazen. Feel your desire cooking in you and you'll make your moves, speak your mind, and give your true self a bit of space in the world. Too often it's not the world that refuses to move over and let us in; it's the sense of rusty, stuck self-consciousness that makes it a crime to breathe. Bodily functions are not crimes, neither is the passion you feel, nor the roaring sound you hear in your heart. Stay in the flow of those feelings and opportunity abounds -- changes that may seem too easy, or chances that seem too lucky to be real. One can never be too lucky, however. Not on this planet, anyway. Uranus, now situated on your line of reputation, achievement and advancement, is more than most people can handle. It calls for innovation on a scale that most mortal minds can't take to the shopping mall, so they don't take it anywhere. But for you, the result is the activation of your naturally-existing sense of potential and your highest, boldest vision of what you can be doing in the world. One question apropos of the moment is, 'For what do you want to be known?' Another is 'What do you want to change?' But as far as I'm concerned, the most important question is what would be the very most fun, creative professional activity you could indulge in the world? I don't suggest you ask for anyone's advice with this project. You need an original answer or two, not more vanilla ice cream. It's always good to tap into that usually-elusive eternal flow of infinite abundance. It's kind of like this. Imagine you're, say for example, 35 years old and you've lived a fairly normal life. Then one day you find out two things. One, there's a million dollar trust account in your name that reverts to you at the age of 35. The same day, you discover that your lifelong hobby of collecting heirloom grapefruit seeds is of vast importance to a consortium of organic farmers in Hawaii, and they need your expertise. Right around this time you have a mystical experience that demonstrates beyond question that God and your Spirit are one and the same. The only catch is that these things don't solve all your problems, or make it any easier to trust the people closest to you. If we don't believe in solutions and search for solutions, we don't usually find them. In actal fact, life is not the same everywhere, things do change, and what was impossible yesterday can suddenly be eminently possible today. More often than not, these kinds of developments occur within relationships; very little in this world happens outside of relationships. So pay particular attention there, and really listen to what people say to you and want from you. More to the point, pay attention to how they perceive you. My sense is that you are looking for affirmation that you are absolutely and unquestionably valuable, and that you're unlikely to trust anyone who doesn't get this intuitively. You're on the right track. In the immortal words of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, 'Don't dream it, be it'. Trust me on this one, please, you cannot know too much about your family. But they can definitely know too much about you. I suggest you keep news of the stunning recent developments in your life down to a well groomed press release, while quietly, and I do mean quietly, seeking out important data on just what it is about certain people that makes them so, well, the word might be demented. In intelligence, analysis, interpretation and assembly of the puzzle pieces are 80% of the game. Much of the rest is knowing the deep background so the information is meaningful in context. Remember, you're not a spy. This isn't a matter of knowledge as power; it is a matter of knowledge as a vital force for healing and self-understanding. If I may put on my newspaper horoscope writer hat for a moment, get out to parties this month and wear bright colors, in the yellow to orange range, possibly a little rust, but vibrant. Stay visible and keep your mental vibe clear and alert. Remember that every public event is a meeting place of society and hence a place where you personally encounter society. The veil between the general population and your immediate circle of friends is being lifted for a good long moment, and certain new people who come into your life are ready made for artistic and amorous adventure. Please, though, remember to be discerning. Not suspicious, just aware of motives and motivations, and most important, aware of who people actually are in both the resume sense, and the spiritual sense. There is a mystery you walk past every day without noticing it. The image of this old farmhouse set back on an acre of land in the midst of my urban childhood neighborhood in Brooklyn just came to mind. It was there, but it wasn't there. It was too strange to think about who might live there, much less visit them, and the anachronism that it represented seems eerie to this day. It's now time to notice, and even to knock on the door. Whatever and whoever is behind those high hedges holds an important piece of your past, with which you now need to make contact. You may feel like you're indulging something you want to get rid of, or leave be. What you're really doing is embracing this mystery so you can be fully aware of what you're letting go. The extraordinary measures you've taken to determine the course of your own existence have shaped, changed and created you into a truly different person than you who expected to be. Often this has felt like continents sliding and colliding. It will come as welcome news, I'm sure, to know that a sense of gentle flow, steady progress and predictable development attend the next phase of your journey. You could use a clear look at just how good your ideas are, and the extent to which they defy the normal range or thought and expectation. At your core, you're an extremely logical thinker, but as Aleister Crowley remarked, your method may be science, but your aim is religion. The mind, as you will see, can be a viable way to faith, just when you need a ray of warm divine light the most. It is only when you personally choose the path of correct action that you can become aware of the greater plan. That path is the greater plan, which calls for making every choice with consideration of its effects on the whole. This could mean your family, your community, your relationship or the whole world. As you've noticed from recent developments, it may seem exhausting to have to consider so many variables for each decision you must make. Leadership is challenging for many reasons, but mainly because a leader is someone who must take account of the most encompassing possible picture while maintaining awareness of the details that keep the world in order. It is a religion of conscience and pragmatism. You asked for this privilege, and your soul has long told you it was your destiny. People become who you see them as being. This doesn't mean you're creating them or that you're the ruler of the universe. It means, rather, that people respond to you and you respond to them. When you look, you see everything through the filter of your own mind and emotions, so you'll think you see outside yourself what is really within. Rather than try to get beyond this, use your perceptions as the gauge for where you are psychically and emotionally. In fact, this phenomenon gives you a lot of freedom, if you maintain your awareness and take cues from everything you notice. Ask for feedback and, whenever you need it, pause for a reality check. But mainly, treat people who you would have them be and you'll be very pleased with who they are. Newborn Uranus in Pisces is about you gaining, or perhaps creating, your independence. Like a fish, Pisces is often the product of its environment, and yours has been filled for many years with pressure to be something that, for a variety of reasons, it was simply not possible to be. Confidence, clarity and a touch of the miraculous are combining to offer you an entirely different experience of life and love. That Uranus is joined by centaur Asbolus moments after this adventure begins is like having an added piece of psychic technology to go with the creative power you're embracing. A highly advanced system for maintaining self-awareness, Asbolus will speak through your intuition in a distinctive voice. You can be as free as you want, as long as you listen. |
2004 Annual Horoscope Pages |