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Inner Space

WELCOME TO INNER SPACE, the house and home horoscope. This column takes a different spin on the astrology of the month, focussing on the 4th house (home, security, emotions) rather than the 1st (self, identity, action). It's a bit more introspective, and I'm still learning how to write it. Please let me kno what you think, and if anything interesting is happening in your home that you've noticed has an an astrological slant, drop me a note! Thanks for reading.

The recent sense that the scenery has changed and the world is stirred up is the result of the Uranus ingress to the sign Pisces on December 30. Pisces has been home to a lot of action in the past eight months, if you recall the bit, wild sight of Mars in the sky all summer. This has made life very interesting for anyone with strong mutable energy in their chart: that is, Sun, Moon, rising sign, Chiron or any other sensitive point in one of four signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

While you would feel any of these as your life getting sparked, shaken or electrified, those with the Moon in early Pisces are going to feel the foundations under them vibrating and sense waves of change through their homes. A geographic or at least physical move is highly likely, as are significant changes in the structure and environment of one's home. This is also true of anyone with a Pisces nadir (4th house cusp, the line that is all about home and security). And really, this is going to affect everyone in some significant aspect of their being.

While these may all seem to be disruptive and challenging developments, it's all a matter of perspective. The world is tired, but more than that, it's lazy and needs the juice turned up. Not the television, rather the creative energy, and that is what Uranus offers. Well, not offers, but rather inevitably subjects us to. I suggest taking a welcoming attitude toward the changes that are rushing into your life, because those changes are welcoming you. Uranus advances the cause of humanity, and in Pisces, it's a warm, vibrant, passionate, erotic and deeply sensitive energy. Indulge and be free!

Early February is home to a holiday called Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, and on CNN as Ground Hog Day. This high sabbat is associated with Beltane in Spring, Samhain or Halloween in Autumn and Lughanssadh or Lammas in mid Summer. It happens with the Sun in mid-Aquarius and is the midpoint between the first day of Winter and the first day of Spring. It's the holiday that reminds us that the worst of the dark months are over, and is a time for a fest and a good session with the Tarot. Traditionally, a candle is set in every window -- just be careful of the drapes.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

It's not magic when you have an idea, then strive to make it happen, and it does. It is, however, possible to manifest outside the realm of your own values, that is, to create something that runs contrary to the grain of what you want. I don't suggest that. I see a test coming, wherein you'll be given a chance to build or develop a plan, and you'll need to check in and make sure it's really in accord with what you hold the most true and dear. Don't squander that.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

Desire is the theme, and now it comes with added power to shape your world the way you want it. Potentially, though, the variable is precisely whether you really know what you want. From the look of things, you may be entirely sure one moment, and then not so sure the next. That's about right for this planet, where known facts always seem to change. However, there is one necessity or desire that is not subject change. Revision perhaps, but when you see again, you'll see the same thing.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)

By now you should be getting the message that this is the time to focus on your professional life as a long-term project. I suggest you begin it sooner rather than later. Things are well enough at home, and you have what you need to feel like you belong there. It's time to explore outside the garden and make your way into the big, scary world, which you'll likely soon discover is not so scary, or so big, after all. Tell me if it's true: you'll have impact like never before.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Money doesn't solve all problems, but it certainly solves some problems. The question is knowing which is which, and also seeing the secondary effects of having your bills paid and your pantry full. When you write a check or whip out your card, ask if you're making an investment, or merely spending cash. These days, the name of the game is discipline, and that translates to some financial structure to preserve your gains and make your investments grow.

Leo (July 22-Aug 23)

You may find yourself looking at what feels like the most fabulous solution to everything all at once, particularly where an issue of your personal security and confidence are concerned. More likely, what presents itself offers information that will help with the problem, but not entirely resolve it. Take care of yourself and verify every theory. Certain people close to are looking through those specific rosy glasses that which come from wanting the world to be a certain way that it's unlikely to be. Know what's real for you.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)

Please don't let all the information you're holding onto make you cocky. True, you have plenty of reasons to want to get on top of your game, particularly if you're feeling bullied in your own living room. There's a direct warning against the folly of playing politics with your family, despite a long history in your life of people playing such games. Knowledge is power in a world where power is brokered and held against people. Put this information to work for the cause of love and safety and it'll do everyone a lot more good.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

You are a person who depends on solid foundations, but, like the rest of the world, you're dealing with the sudden turns of fortune and abrupt changes of plans that seem to have gripped the world. I would say that home is where nobody is teasing you with the potential for how good life can be, then not coming through. If you feel more relaxed at the office these weeks, then make yourself cozy and stay late. Otherwise, politely suggest that people deliver the goods elsewhere.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

I suggest that you go digging through closets, attics and basements this month. You'll unearth many treasures, but you'll also very likely discover the answer to a mystery that has nagged you for a long time. The shroud of secrecy and deception that's surrounded this has been something of a nemesis, and more times than not you were made to feel that you had no right to know, or were crazy to ask. The physical artifacts and evidence should speak for themselves.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

You're going to need innovative solutions to your highly original problems. Innovation is a kind of rebellion against the tried-and-true that no longer works. Inventors are revolutionaries. That you must do this within the context of your emotional or home life would put some people on edge, but necessity is currently speaking louder than fear. Just beware of false confidence and perhaps false lack of confidence. Much is not as it seems, and if the stars have any say in the matter, you need to investigate rather than speculate.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

For many people, home is synonymous with a relationship. And it would seem that neither your living space nor your life with partners have proven to be especially predictable recently. Yet this is not uncertainty for its own sake; it is the uncertainty that comes before major changes that lead to greater choice and freedom. Rearranging your mental rooms is a good first step, and you're on the right track if you're craving a much bigger life in which to live. Remember to leave space for the people you want to invite in.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

Trust is a journey, and you've been on it lately. When it comes to living partners, the ability to clear unspoken hostilities is essential to having a workable, pleasant relationship. You may have your suspicions; you may be feeling a little hesitant in general. That's not being helped by someone's refusal to say what's on their mind. But if you speak up and ask people to do the same, you'll find that it clears the air and eases your mind quite a bit.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You need to live where you feel the most at home. You know that, and you also know how rare it is for you to feel at home anywhere. That you may be able to settle in anywhere is a different story; we know you have an unusual ability to adapt to strange circumstances and to squeeze juice from an egg. But feel with your body where your home really is. Ask the land and ask your bones. They should be in agreement on this.

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