Pre-order Your 2020-2021 Reading Now
Saturn Conjunct Pluto. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn.
An Epic Year Calling for One Thing Only: RESPECT.
Dear Friend and Reader:
In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign.
A Turning Point Like No Other
For this reason, 2020 is a turning point year like no other. That demands something that is rare to find in our era of history:
RESPECT. That means self-respect above all else, but also healthy deference to the power and majesty of this extraordinary movement of the planets in their courses.
iMac selfie in the Planet Waves FM broadcast studio. |
This is expert astrology like we've never experienced in this century, or long before.
Combined with the Pluto return of the United States, there will be many markers in national and global history. But what about you personally? How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes?
I have covered 2020 astrology from several angles in must-read
INTELLIGENCE, extended written readings that are as gripping as any adventure novel. (
INTELLIGENCE also includes a review of 2019.) If you have already purchased INTELLIGENCE, you do not need to purchase it again.
How To Build a Bridge
RESPECT picks up where INTELLIGENCE leaves off. I will take a fresh look at 2020 astrology, tracking the story line as a transition from the Capricorn conjunction to the Aquarius one. This may feel like crossing a rope bridge over a high canyon. It will take steadiness, focus and commitment to get to the other side. The transition is from the political and corporate (Capricorn, driven by Pluto and Saturn) to the social and humanitarian (Aquarius, animated by Jupiter and Saturn).
I will pay special attention to the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, one of the tools that will help us make the transition -- a topic that I have not covered yet, and will develop beautifully in
RESPECT, a series of audio readings with visual aids, all of which will be available some time between the December solstice and New Year's Eve.
The Dawning of a New Aquarian Era
The next two years will be under the guidance of Saturn -- which is part of two rare conjunctions and part of a new cycle of history.Photos above and in the header are from the Cassini Space Probe.
With the movement of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius, we are entering a whole new continent of astrology. We will notice a sudden and otherwise inexplicable change in the tone of society.
Old challenges will give way to new opportunities -- and the need to adjust to the dominance of another sign. This is not the proper beginning of the "Age of Aquarius" but rather a kind of mini-age that will present a trial run.
I will cover that in Part 2 of RESPECT, a series of futuristic written readings that will be published as they are written through early 2020, to be completed by the March equinox at the latest. The feeling of Aquarius is entirely different from that of Capricorn. Saturn gets lighter in this sign, and it will be joined by Jupiter. The result will be a palpable shift of energy as 2021 begins -- but when it happens, we will have earned it. Knowing your astrology will help you get there.
Pre-order Now for Best Price -- and to Reduce Email
You may
pre-order all 12 signs of RESPECT parts 1 and 2 for $111.
You may
purchase both INTELLIGENCE and RESPECT together for $166, with instant access to INTELLIGENCE.
I have a special request -- if you are planning to purchase this work, please do so now, while the price is low. This will cut back considerably on repeated emails. Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,

PS -- You may order by phone, by calling
(845) 481-5616 (before 8 pm ET preferred). If I do not answer personally, someone will get back to you within 24 hours. I would love to speak with you personally and thank you for your business.
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