New York, May 18, 2014 | View as Webpage | Customer Service: Chelsea (206) 567-4455
Planet Waves: A Navigational Tool; A Community; A Calling
Dear Friend and Listener:
Astrology is not an endpoint at Planet Waves. Rather, it's a navigational tool we use to find our way through turbulent and uncharted waters. Our destination cannot be found on any map, but like the ancient mariners, we align with celestial objects so that we can stay on course.
At Planet Waves, we're committed to envisioning and creating a better world, using astrology as our guide. Membership is far more than a subscription to an astrology service, though it's a very good one.
Being a member of our core community is about responding to a calling to truth, healing, and awareness.
Only those with a curiosity of spirit and depth of perception hear the call; only those truly committed will answer it.
We invite you to join our diverse community of enlightened souls who've answered the call to healing and service. With thousands of active core community members, you'll become an integral part of our journey to self-discovery, growth, and empowerment -- drawing strength from others as they draw strength from you.
For a limited time we are offering full-year Core Community membership at a substantial discount for participants in tonight's core community meeting.
As a Planet Waves member, you will:
LEARN about yourself, your astrology, and your relationship to the world.
RECEIVE clear, accurate and visionary astrology readings that feed your dreams, nourish your soul, and provide strategies for living.
ACCESS tools that promote your growth and expand your consciousness – including community discussions, the online oracle, and our library of resources.
FEEL your strength increase as you find the essence of your personal truth and remember all you have to offer.
CONNECT with fellow travelers on the journey of growth and self-discovery, and support them using the healing skills you develop.
CREATE the world you want to pass on to your children and future generations.
Planet Waves is the brainchild of Eric Francis, considered one of the world's leading astrologers and a pioneer in the field of the newly discovered planets minor planets such is Chiron, Eris, and Ceres. Eric is the astrology columnist for the Omega Institute, one of the world's leading holistic studies centers.
Published in The Mountain Astrologer, Harpers Bazaar and the Daily Mail, Eric has more than twenty years of experience working with clients, teaching psychological astrology and reporting on current events, relationships and personal growth from an astrological perspective.
"I trust Eric. It's like having my own private astrologer."
Core Community Membership includes Eric's dependable Tuesday and Friday mailings, with his weekly and monthly 12-sign astrology readings. You also get:
◊ Teleconferences for core community members
◊ Daily Astrology emailed directly to you (valued at $19 a month separately)
◊ Daily text message updates from Eric ($19 a month if sold separately)
◊ Intelligent Archive unlimited access (the Oracle)
◊ Substantial discounts on astrology classes
◊ And much more
For now we are offering all of this for $149 for a full year of service. You may also have access for $47 quarterly, billed every three months. Sold separately, these these services have a value of more than $500 a year.
Call (877) 453-8265 or (206) 567-4455 to become a Planet Waves core community member by phone.
If you have questions or concerns or would like more information, please get in touch with us by email at

Chelsea Bottinelli
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