New York, Dec. 18, 2018 | View as Webpage | Pre-order Reset 2019 | Full Annual Edition
Single Signs Now Available for Pre-sale
Envisioning Your Future: INTELLIGENCE 2019-2020

Dear Friend and Reader:

It's difficult to see the future these days. I don't mean to predict; I mean to see out to the horizon, and imagine something new.

Planet Waves
iPhone selfie at my desk in The Place of the Way, where I'm recording and writing INTELLIGENCE.
There's a lot in the way: the challenges we face every day, the sense of uncertainty that we live with, and the chaos churned up by the digital environment; let's pause there for a second. This has thrown into chaos the "sense of self" that many people once possessed.

Add to that economic uncertainty and the sensation that the whole world is on the edge -- it's difficult to see the future these days. It seems risky to trust that things will be OK. It can feel impossible to imagine anything different from what we have now, much less something better.

Here is where astrology comes in. There is a future, and you are included. I use my gift as an astrologer to open up your perception of time, and give you access to time as a resource. This can be done with the power of human thought, if only we can get out of our own way.

INTELLIGENCE is your 2019-2020 reading, and it's all about lighting up your mind, letting go of the past, and envisioning your future. Then, you will see some possible destinations begin to arise.

We are now in one of those "whole new reality" series of transits: Chiron in Aries. Uranus in Taurus. Many other long-range events that will shape our lives -- and that we can use as points of orientation.

Planet Waves
Astonishing Capricorn stellium on Jan. 12, 2020, featuring a five-way conjunction of Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Ceres and the Sun.
There are two major factors on what I call the "event horizon" -- Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan. 12, 2020, and Jupiter conjunct Saturn on Dec. 21, 2020.

On their own, each these would be a significant development; but soon we will get them in the same year.

It is for this reason that I'm covering 2019 and 2020 in one project -- next year in audio (for fast delivery) and then 2020 in writing (equally detailed, though writing takes longer).

This is carefully done, thoughtful, accessible astrology like nobody else can do it. Though I am reluctant to use the word, I am a master of the solar house system, allowing me to put more detail into your reading than most other astrologers can do with your natal chart. (The solar chart is the archetypal chart for your birth sign).

I am on track to have the RESET 2019 readings (INTELLIGENCE part one) ready for your ears on Monday, Dec. 31. These are 75- to 80-minute readings in four segments, divided by custom music that I'm writing for each sign.

I begin each reading by doing a review of the recent Venus and Mars retrogrades, which have up-ended the lives of many people, and shaken up a good few more.

Planet Waves
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Dec. 21, 2020, a few hours after the winter solstice. The conjunction is in the first degree of Aquarius (marked by 00s), on the top left.
Then, orienting on late 2020, I take the audio readings out to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction 1/12/20.

The written readings are scheduled for delivery about eight weeks later, in late February. These will begin with Jupiter conjunct Saturn on 12/21/20 and work their way backwards into the present.

The world will be facing many challenges during this time, though nothing that we cannot rise to meet -- if we use our most valuable human gift: OUR INTELLIGENCE.

Single signs are now available! Includes audio and written from $33 per sign until Friday, Dec. 21; then from $44 until publication, when they will be $55.

Or, you may get all 12 signs of both RESET 2019 and INTELLIGENCE 2020 as a combined package for the pre-order price of $122, or RESET 2019 (all 12) as a stand-alone for $88.

Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass holders (past and present) -- please call us at (845) 481-5616 for the best price.

INTELLIGENCE is my 21st time doing the Planet Waves annual edition. You may read and listen to past editions here.

Thank you for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,
PS -- RESET 2019 comes with two resource areas -- an audio resource, which will be short Q&A-type pieces, and a written resource, with what we consider essential reading and our best work from 2018.

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