New York, Dec. 29, 2014 | View as Webpage | Renew, Subscribe, Upgrade
Cosmophilia: A Place Where You Are Welcome
Dear Friend and Reader:
It's been quite a year, hasn't it?
Astrology has proved to be a useful tool for navigating the many adventures and misadventures of 2014. It's one of the few forms of self-therapy that can bridge the inner and outer worlds effectively. It gives you a clue about your relationships.
One of the most dependable ways to see around the corner, astrology prepares you for what you might have no other way to know about -- and to take the maximum benefit from it.
As the year turns over, we're stepping onto the shores of a new continent of astrology. Aspect patterns that have been influencing us for years reach key turning points. Saturn has changed signs, affecting everyone.
New events that emerge over the next few years are about to appear on the horizon.
We still live in times of rapid change -- an extended phase of history that has not been given a name. For most people it's "just the way it is." Those of us who follow astrology want the details. I am here with that information -- with a powerful navigation tool that offers a rare advantage in life.
Since July, I've been working on your annual reading, called Cosmophilia: You Belong Here.
This is the 16th time I've prepared year-ahead astrology for all 12 signs and rising signs. What began in 1999 as a slightly longer January monthly horoscope has emerged as a full-on astrology resource.
Each year has a theme -- this year is a development of biophilia, the notion that all forms of life are related. Cosmophilia is the idea that you belong in the cosmos.
This is real astrology. It's for truth-seekers, and those who want to make the most out of their time. Each sign gets two 30- to 40-minute sessions of audio astrology and a chapter-length analysis of the influences for the next four seasons. And we have many articles and other resources to provide you with life-giving information and viewpoints.
Eric Francis, backstage at the Theater of Astrology. Photo by Jeff Bisti. |
As you know, I put a ridiculous amount of research and experience into your reading -- each sign has an in-depth file that I've developed over the past few months.
Then I put just as much effort into making your reading clear and understandable. I concentrate on translating the astrology into something you can put to immediate use, and that will last you well beyond this year as a source of guidance and inspiration.
We've been offering the 12 signs as a package -- which you can still get at the pre-order price of $97 (that increases Tuesday of this week to $117).
Today, we're making the signs available individually. Currently the first sign is $24.95 and each additional sign is $14.95. When we get closer to publication, that will increase to the first sign for $29.95 and each additional sign for $19.95.
The signs work dependably as a group, or individually. Each sign's reading is a complete package, from three different viewpoints. The two audio segments take a step from one to the next, and the written report, which I'm working on now, is like the finely detailed summary. I do recommend that you get your Sun and rising signs, and if you're a Moon child (that is, someone tuned into the lunar realm), definitely get your Moon sign.
I will say, this is a challenging project -- and I love doing it. It's like learning astrology from scratch all over again. I literally work through the signs forward and backward, scanning more than 100 minor planets in addition to the usual bunch. By the time I'm done, I don't need to refer to charts.
This is real astrology, contemplated step by step and thought through with years of experience. Above is the chart file for Taurus. Each sign gets a detailed research file, summarized in a hand-drawn sketch from which I do the reading. |
This work prepares me for writing monthly and weekly horoscopes, along with birthday reports that publish through the year. If you want to refer to those, I suggest you get an All-Access Pass so you have everything available as soon as it's ready.
If you've been planning to get one or a few signs of Cosmophilia, now is your chance to get them for the best pre-order price. Whether you get one sign or all of them, you still receive the extra articles and resources, as well as the live conference call that we will conduct soon after Cosmophilia comes out.
If all goes swimmingly, I will have your reading in your hands by the second week of January. The audio is recorded; I am now well into the writing. I take my time with this work, and I make every word and every idea count. So, we come out after all the other annuals have been published -- just in time to remember that the year is still young, the season is young, and that you have many options open to you.
I do my very best to remind you of those options, and to show, tell and demonstrate that you do indeed belong here. Astrology hints at that -- you make it real. It's fabulous to collaborate with you, and an honor to be your astrologer.

PS -- it's still the perfect time to get Cosmophilia as a gift for a friend or loved one. Here's the link for all 12 as a package, and here is the link for individual signs.
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