

We found errors in the Annual horoscope for Saggitarius. Here is the correction:
For more information about your relationships, please see Gemini. This will give you an idea what is happening for those closest to you, and how they may experience you. For more information about your career, please see Virgo. You can consider this an alternative take on your professional life, as it's an assessment of your 10th house. For more information about the home and security angle of your chart, please see Pisces.

New Article

A Spiral of Time
by Carol McCloud
Ms. McCloud, making a welcome return to our annual edition, brings insights from one of her areas of expertise, Mayan astrology.


Top 10 Astrological Events of 2007
by Arwynne O'Neill
We spotted two errors around the timing of Pluto’s conjunction to the Galactic Core later this year. The second of three conjunctions is July 16, and the third conjunction is October 28.

New Article

Deep Space and You
by Alex Miller-Mignone
A first-time contributor to our annual edition, Mr. Miller-Mignone puts the black hole into words.


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