Shenandoah Drive
By Jill Keturi

Back in 1971, I had my first boyfriend, Mike. He lived in a neighboring city on Shenandoah Drive, Peoria, IL. We dated for about three months during the summer, and there was always a neighborhood full of kids on his block.

Fast-forward 14 years. I had just completed nurse's training and was living in Peoria when I decided to take a vacation and visit some friends that had moved to Florida, Brad and Kathy. While I was staying at their house, my friend Brad's buddy and coworker, Glenn, came over to drop off a beeper. Another work buddy was on call and needed to get the beeper from Glenn. The two had decided to meet in the middle at Brad's house.

Enter Glenn.

Glenn was cute -- he looked like the typical beach boy. He was three years younger than I was. We spent the evening playing Trivial Pursuit, and ended up staying up all night. We talked about everything under the sun. I found out Glenn was also from Peoria, and that he hadn't known Brad and Kathy when they lived there. They did have some mutual friends in their hometown, but strangely enough had never met before their paths crossed in Florida.

At the end of my vacation, I had a sick feeling in my stomach and could not swallow. I guess you might say I was lovesick. I did not want to leave; this guy was significant.

I did go back to Peoria while Glenn stayed in Florida. He met my dad, who was vacationing in Florida. We had a telephone romance for several months. I would not recommend it. Finally, nine months later, he quit his job and moved back to Illinois to be with me. Once home, he met my mom, sisters, and friends, with all of them agreeing that he was significant.

When it came time for me to meet his family, we made plans to have lunch at his parents' house. His parents lived on Shenandoah Drive in Peoria. I was so surprised! He grew up next door to my first boyfriend, Mike. He could have been one of the kids I saw playing in the neighborhood. I was 15 and he would have been 12 years old.

Fast-forward again to 2007. We have been married for 20 years and have two teenage children. As far as matches go, I think we were destined to meet...if not on Shenandoah Drive, then in Bradenton, Florida.