Gender: Male - 63

14-19 - 4
20-25 - 5
26-31 - 6
32-37 - 7
38-43 - 8
44-49 - 14
50-55 - 9
56-61 - 6
62-67 - 3
68-73 - 0
74-79 - 1
80-85 - 0
86-91 - 0
92-99 - 0

Do you have children at home?
YES - 11
NO - 47

Astrological sign:
Aries - 8
Taurus - 1
Gemini - 4
Cancer - 5
Leo - 7
Virgo - 5
Libra - 12
Scorpio - 4
Sagittarius - 5
Capricorn - 3
Aquarius -5
Pisces - 4

I live in a:
a city - 43
a suburb - 11
a rural area - 9

I identify as:
Hetero - 43
Gay/Lesbian - 14
Bisexual - 5
Transsexual - 1

Martial status:
- 12

I have been married (times):
- 20
- 0
- 0

I also identify as:
- 21

Do you feel you get the sex you need?
YES - 27
NO - 33

How often do you have intercourse? (times per week):
never - 17
less than once - 18
1 - 9
2 -7
3 - 6
4 - 4
5 - 2
6 - 0
7 - 0

How often do you masturbate?
- 34
Do you allow or encourage your partner to have sex with someone besides yourself?

YES -21
NO - 34

Do you have sex with someone besides your primary partner?
YES -19
NO - 39

Do you masturbate with your partner present?
YES - 29
NO - 29

Do you ever masturbate with same sex friends?
YES - 15
NO - 45

Do you ever masturbate with opposite sex friends?
YES - 8
NO -51

Do you want to masturbate with others present, even if you have rarely or never done so?
YES - 26
NO - 34

Do you use sex toys?
YES - 28
NO - 31

Do you use a mirror when you masturbate?
YES - 14
NO - 45

Do you read or view pornography or erotica on the Internet?
YES - 45
NO - 14

Do you read or view pornography in printed form?
YES 22
NO 36

How much credit card debt do you have?
- 32
- 2
- 3
Gender: Female - 303

14-19 - 4
20-25 - 10
26-31 - 20
32-37 - 34
38-43 - 54
44-49 - 79
50-55 - 54
56-61 - 29
62-67 - 14
68-73 - 2
74-79 - 1
80-85 - 1
86-91 - 0
92-99 - 0

Do you have children at home?
YES - 100
NO - 191

Astrological sign:
Aries - 15
Taurus - 33
Gemini - 27
Cancer - 26
Leo - 25
Virgo - 27
Libra - 36
Scorpio - 36

Sagittarius - 18
Capricorn - 18
Aquarius -13
Pisces - 28

I live in a:
a city - 163
a suburb - 67
a rural area - 73

I identify as:
Hetero - 257
Gay/Lesbian - 12
Bisexual - 34
Transsexual - 0

Martial status:
- 39

I have been married (times):
- 152
- 0
- 0

I also identify as:
- 44

Do you feel you get the sex you need?
YES - 123
NO - 175

How often do you have intercourse? (times per week):
never - 88
less than once - 76
1 - 33
2 -32
3 - 30
4 - 13
5 - 11
6 - 5
7 - 1

How often do you masturbate?
- 181
Do you allow or encourage your partner to have sex with someone besides yourself?

YES -61
NO - 233

Do you have sex with someone besides your primary partner?
YES -52
NO - 243

Do you masturbate with your partner present?
YES - 176
NO - 121

Do you ever masturbate with same sex friends?
YES - 14
NO - 287

Do you ever masturbate with opposite sex friends?
YES - 31
NO -270

Do you want to masturbate with others present, even if you have rarely or never done so?
YES - 95
NO - 198

Do you use sex toys?
YES - 203
NO - 98

Do you use a mirror when you masturbate?
YES - 69
NO - 228

Do you read or view pornography or erotica on the Internet?
YES - 123
NO - 175

Do you read or view pornography in printed form?
YES 100
NO 198

How much credit card debt do you have?
- 180
- 14
- 11