Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
COVER LOGIN HOROSCOPES FEATURED ARCHIVES ABOUT PHOTO Cosmic Confidential :: The 12th Annual of Planet Waves :: 2010
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversSeptember 19, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
On the corner of Lexington and 38th Street in New York City, a banner tells us we are standing in the banking capital of the world. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Lunchtime in Midtown Manhattan.
Welcome Comrades: The Bailout of Big Business | By Fe Bongolan
In Thursday’s Daily Astrology and Adventure, Fe writes about the national public debt, and how it affects both large corporations and the little guy.

The Cosmic Trigger: What Sparked the Economic Collapse?

Inner Space Horoscope
| By Eric Francis
The Inner Space horoscope is one of three monthly horoscope available with a subscription to Planet Waves Astrology News. They are mailed to you each Tuesday. Friday editions include a weekly horoscope and current events articles from a personal perspective. We talk to you, and we bring in the astrology. It’s time to leave the old style of news behind. Are you ready to join us in something new? Here’s what Eric wrote to Capricorn in the Inner Space horoscope:

You seem to be standing between two worlds: the one that tells you anything is possible, and another that is quietly informing you to be realistic and not take so many risks. I'm here to tell you that the biggest risk you can take is having faith in yourself. You may not see the ways you cut off your potential with the subtle belief in what is and is not possible. I suggest you move this question to the top of the list of your self-inquiry. If you come on a task, goal or project and you inquire about this one quality, ask yourself the basis of your determination. I'm not suggesting that everything is possible (though it may well be); just that you know your criteria.

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Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.