Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversSeptember 2, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
A piece of the London skyline as a storm rolls over. St Paul's Cathedral is to the left, The Gherkin to the right. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Kingston Farmers' Market.
Week Ahead | By Eric Francis
In Monday’s Daily Astrology and Adventure, Eric and Genevieve Salerno team up to cover the week’s astrological highlights.

The Bridge Nobody Saw | By Eric Francis
The Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News is now available to subscribers for $7.33/month. This week covers the DNC and the Civil Rights Movement and also has the weekly horoscope. Eric writes to Leo:

Your ideas are only as good as your opinion of yourself. Usually this is pretty high, but you still seem to be stumbling over a blockage of some kind. But this currently appears to be more like a stumbling block and less like the Great Wall. Try stepping over it, or if in doubt, to the left or to the right. If the issue seems to be about money, I would propose that's either a false obstacle, or a distraction that you can just as easily set aside. I suggest that a good first step toward solving any problem is working as a group. Find people who you feel are supportive, and whose ideas mesh with your own, and approach any creative or business problem from a collective standpoint. Several minds will make lighter work, and help ease the sense of burden that you may be facing at the moment.

Subscribe to Planet Waves Astrology News for three months, six months, or one year. Or subscribe to Small World Stories.

Astrological Consultations with Eric
Eric is now providing personal astrology readings two days a week from his home in Kingston, NY. The waiting list is getting longer, so click here to find out more and connect with a gifted astrologer with over 20 years of experience.

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.