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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversJuly 19, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Solstice Moonrise, Cape Sounion. Cape Sounion is located in Greece, 69 kilometers south of Athens and is home to the temple of Poseidon, the god of the sea. The temple can be seen in the foreground. In this well-planned single exposure, a telescopic lens makes the Moon loom large, but even without optical aid casual skygazers often find the Full Moon looking astonishingly large when seen near the horizon. That powerful visual effect is known as the Moon Illusion. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis. Prior cover: Pedestrian traffic in Paris.
Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
The Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News is now available. The lead article looks at the Capricorn Moon showing up in astrology charts five times in one day, the price of oil, a letter from 10 airline CEOs that you didn't read on CNN or The Onion, a new article from Judith Gayle and This Week in 2011. Here is this week's Aquarius horoscope by Eric Francis:

Eric Francis
AQUARIUS -- You know there is a lot you don't know about yourself, and usually this doesn't faze you. Now you're about to make some surprising discoveries, and to unfold some of the hidden dimensions of your psyche that you may not have known existed. In astrology, Aquarius is variously known as one of the most equitable signs, and as one of the most controlling. This power-focused aspect of your nature probably confuses you, as does your tendency to become rigid at certain key times when compromise is called for. Now you can get a look at what is going on in those inner corridors of power. You can see the way your parents imprinted you with their fears and their old-fashioned worldview, clearly enough to do something about it. Don't worry, even after you revolt against so many dusty old ideas that have nothing to do with who and what you are, you will still have enough old-fashioned respect for tradition to hold your life in order.

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The Emperor's Full Moon | By Eric Francis
Eric Francis writes, "Capricorn at its best takes the spiritual themes of Sagittarius and structures them in such a way that they become accessible and functional -- religion as opposed to spirituality; nations as opposed to tribes; corporations as opposed to individuals trading or bartering. When this process goes too far, we end up with authoritarian dogma, in the form of evangelists, fundamentalists and tyrants. Blended in the right proportion, you end up with a George Washington or an Abraham Lincoln, both of whom were born under the Capricorn moon. So too were Adolph Hitler and Napoleon I. This should give you an idea of the diversity of its capacity for expression, though 'world leader' is among the keywords for this moon."

Daily Astrology and Adventure
| By Eric Francis

The Cap Full Moon | Lunations by Kirsti Melto
Capricorn is usually not described as one of the easiest placements for the Moon, and a Full Moon here can be especially stressful. However, you can use the complex astrology of this moment for profound healing. It is not possible to go through the process of healing without experiencing some pain. We are all subject to pain at some point of our lives, and after the healing process we are freer to continue living.

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.