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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversJuly 14, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scene from the local carnival in Kingston, New York, in the Hannaford's supermarket parking lot, a few paces from my studio. Photo by Eric Francis. Prior cover: A party at Les Rencontres de la Photo.
R. Buckminster Fuller: This is the Future | By Eric Francis
Imagine if a scientist from late in the 21st century dropped in on our lives today, and could see our current ecological and economic problems clearly, with the wisdom and sense of perspective of the future. Imagine that he knew the solutions as if they had already been worked out, and had withstood the test of time. That was Bucky Fuller.

Daily Astrology and Adventure | By Eric Francis
A Planet Waves subscriber writes in, "When Saturn nudges us to let go of what is not working and Mars provides the energy/desire to pursue something else, then we have the support needed to see things as somebody else might see them, and to change ourselves in the process. Maybe it is more hopeful to believe something like: We see things not as they are and not as we are, but as we’re willing to become (or not.) Then again, what we are is always becoming; and so maybe it's all the same thing…"

Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
The Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News is available to subscribers. In it, Eric Francis writes about the famous inventor, Buckminster Fuller:

To me the first thing that really stands out -- once you get past the Sun / Jupiter / Kassandra conjunction in Cancer, and his friendly Pisces Moon, is that Bucky had Mercury retrograde. It was retrograde in Cancer, square Chiron, a setup that might make you wonder if the person can do anything other than feel; that is, whether they can even think at all. This is the image of someone who dances to the beat of his own drummer (a classical interpretation of Mercury retrograde), but it's also the picture of someone who intuits his ideas rather than thinks them.

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