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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversJune 26, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Wall Street photographed from near the corner of North Front Street in Kingston, New York. The overhanging sidewalk covers were added to buildings in the 1970s as part of something called the Pike Plan to "compete" with a local covered walkway shopping mall. Photo by Eric Francis. Prior cover: Message.
The Planet Waves Monthly horoscope for July is now available to Planet Waves Astrology News and Small World Stories subscribers.

Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
The Planet Waves Monthly horoscope for July is now available to Planet Waves Astrology News or Small World Stories subscribers. Here is the Cancer horoscope:

"Your moment, or a great moment, has arrived. It is however a time when you must be certain you're more committed to success than to struggle. I know, this is not easy, mainly because few people recognize the issue in such simple terms. For most, the concept would seem like wishful thinking, which does not get the bills paid. For you, it is the only necessity. Ease and flow are indicative of a state of mind, not a particular result in the external world. Like all water sign people, it's vital that you proceed with your life from the inside out: from your feelings, then extending into the world. Everything -- and I do mean everything -- emanates from your emotional core and ripples outward into your perception and experience. This, in turn, becomes the magnet that draws the life you want toward you. Stay close to your inner tides, your moods, your movements of energy. Pay attention to the elusive issue of balance, and remember you are living on the planet in a time when very nearly everything and everyone is out of balance. Note carefully how your feelings change as the new season develops. In order to achieve the breakthrough that you seem destined to make, you are going to be inclined to push your mind into overdrive. Think, but think gently. Feel, and feel boldly."

Subscribe to Planet Waves Astrology News for three months, six months, or one year. Or subscribe to Small World Stories.

Daily Astrology and Adventure
| By Eric Francis
Eric Francis writes about queer sexuality, "I would suggest that if you feel like this, you consider your situation. Why exactly can't you come out of the closet? There are all the usual reasons. Most of them involve money -- that is, there are so many mutual assets held in the context of a relationship, and often children, that you may fear the apple cart may be upset. Someone can't (for example) have the sex they want, even if it's available, because of the house they live in or the car they drive. We can see from this how marriage is one of those building blocks that keeps society going exactly as it was going (and why I now feel that monogamy reform, not polyamory, is the first step in our freedom)."

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.