Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversJune 5, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Hannah with a Capricorn Sun and Capricorn Moon. Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue. Prior cover: A portrait of three girls.
Fucking Like a Feminist | By Betty Dodson
While a handful of us were pushing for sex positive feminism in the 70s, the first blow came with Kate Millet's book, Sexual Politics. Analyzing Henry Miller's steamy writing, she coined the term "sexism" and named the patriarchy as the cause of all women's woes. This encouraged many feminists to turn into petulant daughters, wives and sweethearts who now blamed daddy, husbands, and lovers for their second class status and sexual problems. Men, rather than an authoritarian system that includes the necessary support of a matriarchy, kept women from full participation in society. The role of "Mother," as a matriarchal sex cop is always aimed at keeping daughters in their proper place. There would have been more clarity with the term "misogyny," the hatred of women, rather than using the term "sexism." As it turned out, many people believed a "feminist" was a woman who hated sex.

From Foot Massagers to the Family Monitor
| By Rachel Asher
This all occurred before I had my own computer and discovered video, before I really knew what feminism was and how much it would complicate and enrich my life in the future, before I knew I was gay. I was just a happy, porn reading, vibrator-using, masturbating adolescent. Then feminist politics came along and started teasing me, turning my seemingly innocent masturbation tools around. At first it was just a slight jolt, like the spinning teacups at the county fair. But feminism has a way of reconfiguring things, questioning the power inherent in every aspect of our lives in a wonderfully challenging and frustrating way; and eventually, I was on a ride that more closely resembled the Batman rollercoaster.

Pornography as the Mirror of Denial
| By Eric Francis
The woman depicted in pornography becomes a figment of your imagination; she does what you want, when you want; she doesn’t give you any lip, set conditions or get her period. She doesn’t get pregnant and she doesn’t want to get married; at least not to you. There is just one problem—she’s not really there. She cannot feel you and you cannot really feel her. You cannot really have her, but you can pretend. And deep in the honesty of orgasm, when someone lets go to the thought or image of her, is the feeling of surrendering to not having her and to not being felt by her. Pornography on this level is the erotic celebration of need, desire and rejection.
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports Daily Astrology and Adventure | By Eric Francis
Yesterday I showed up in the consulting room of my mentor Joe Trusso in Woodstock. When things get too weird for me to understand, I show up for a session, and sit in that room with its library, his gem collection and all that those walls have heard. We had a long talk about what it means to be doing the kind of work we do here at Planet Waves, which has some distinct differences to what you read elsewhere. One of those differences is that no subject is taboo. Another is that we take an integrative approach. In other words, we don’t divide the site up in sections (astrology, sexuality, politics) but rather approach the subjects as one concept, just like they are experienced in life.

Planet Waves Astrology News
| By Eric Francis
This is the perfect week to join Planet Waves Astrology News. The two extended monthly horoscopes are ready and waiting for you to start the month off right, the Gemini Birthday Report is coming out tomorrow, and Eric is rested up and raring to go for the Friday edition after covering UAC and teaching at Omega. We have weekly horoscopes for you, plus previous issues going back for years. It's starting to feel like summer; come and spend it with us. Sign up for Planet Waves Astrology News.

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.