Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
COVER LOGIN HOROSCOPES FEATURED ARCHIVES ABOUT PHOTO Cosmic Confidential :: The 12th Annual of Planet Waves :: 2010
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversMay 11, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Excuse me, could you tell me if this train is express? See, I've already ridden to Harlem by accident, and this time I'm pressed. I know you can't see me or hear me, maybe even perceive me, through your subway zen armor, but it’s just a quick question. Thanks. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Moscow Victory Day II.
Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
The Friday edition of  Planet Waves Astrology News is now available. Eric Francis writes: "An individual's perception of time is usually based on a cultural model that we are given in childhood and that is reinforced throughout life, and it's always related to technology. Our model is linear; time proceeds from the past to the future. Using this model, we exist in the present like a pair of socks hung on a clothesline, anchored to a tree in the past and the back porch in the future. Without a concept of the past (usually attached to traumatic or romanticized experiences) and the future (usually anchored in anxiety or hope), we would have no concept of "the present." One slight problem is that we are hurtling toward the future but we can't see it. It's like driving down a highway staring into the rear-view mirror." There is also the Eric Francis weekly horoscope. Sign up to Planet Waves Astrology News for three months, six months, or one year here.

Daily Astrology and Adventure
| By Eric Francis
Today we have an aspect not listed on the aspect directory because it involves the Moon. If we listed all the lunar aspects, the list would go on for pages every day. So we skip those here, but
on Saturday the Moon makes an exact conjunction, called an occultation, to Mars. If you could
see it, it would look like the Moon going over Mars like an eclipse. Occultations can indeed feel
like little eclipses.

It's Not About Sex. It's About Self.
Sample the special It's Not About Sex. It's About Self. horoscope by Paloma Todd: "Instead of seeking others, I am the one who must surrender. If I bring the energy of truth, the power of my vulnerability, I will move a new force, I will open a new space that will welcome growth, and in which my personal tranformation will fuel the other with my release. Then, I could feel the shadow melting into the light, the past into the new." The compersion horoscope by Paloma Todd is now available -- sign up here!

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.