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Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversMay 5, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Passing through Times Square on a Friday night. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Hannah.
Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
The Friday edition of Planet Waves Astrology News is now available. Here's a peek if you're not signed up yet: "In ways we don't realize, we act out this sexual divisiveness again and again. Beltane comes to us in a Christian version, as well -- we call it Easter. The farther from our own essence and sexuality we get, the more this becomes attractive in our fantasy life. The early years of this new century gave us toddler clothes made of spandex, and coined a new word: prostitot. All around us are swirling images of surface sexuality: the idolization of underage, and therefore sexually inaccessible, female pop stars...programs on television that use the word "sexy" to describe everything from a color of paint to a piece of chocolate cake: we're inundated with these concepts and yet, when we're really confronted with sex, we balk. We'll dance around the Maypole: as long as we do it clothed and without acknowledging that it's a giant phallic symbol."Sign up for three months, six months, or one year here.

Daily Astrology and Adventure
| By Eric Francis
There are actually eight seasons in the year. Each of the traditional four seasons is divided in half, for a total of eight, six-week mini-seasons. We reach the turning point within one of the official seasons when the Sun's apparent position is halfway between an equinox and a solstice; that is, when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of any one of the fixed signs, which happens Monday.

It's Not About Sex. It's About Self.
Sample the special It's Not About Sex. It's About Self. horoscope by Paloma Todd: "Instead of seeking others, I am the one who must surrender. If I bring the energy of truth, the power of my vulnerability, I will move a new force, I will open a new space that will welcome growth, and in which my personal tranformation will fuel the other with my release. Then, I could feel the shadow melting into the light, the past into the new." The compersion horoscope by Paloma Todd is now available -- sign up here!

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.