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COVER LOGIN HOROSCOPES FEATURED ARCHIVES ABOUT PHOTO Cosmic Confidential :: The 12th Annual of Planet Waves :: 2010
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversApril 26, 2008
Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Monthly Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Photo by Elena Filatova. Prior cover: People on the dance floor.
Chernobyl: Witnesses, Far and Near | By Eric Francis
Ukrainian photographer Elena Filatova conveys the feeling that Chernobyl happened on an ordinary spring day like today. One day you were going to work, your kids were going to school, and by that night, your life as you knew it no longer existed. You can think of Chernobyl as a radiation disaster, as a power plant burning, as brave pilots dumping sand and lead on a burning graphite fire. But you can also think of it as the delicate patterns of lives that were disrupted that day; the loss of all things familiar; the onset of change too vast and devastating to understand, but experienced personally simply as loss.

Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
Planet Waves Astrology News was distributed Friday morning. In it, Eric Francis writes: “Here, we are holding in our hands one of the great questions of our era. What do we do for our money? How do we take the creative, productive, healing things that we are capable of and sustain them economically, or have them be profitable enough to thrive? How do we begin to wean ourselves away from the things that specifically do not support us, the Earth or our communities, and reinvest our energy elsewhere?” There is also the Eric Francis weekly horoscope. Sign up today to join the discussion on money, desire and ethics.

Daily Astrology and Adventure | By Eric Francis

It's Not About Sex. It's About Self.
The latest edition to the compersion series is here! In it, Paloma Todd covers each sign in luxurious detail. Here’s a portion from Taurus: “I want it all. I want sex atop the Himalayas. I want cherry blossom sex in Japan. I want to expand, explore and explode. I want to feel the cosmic universe by meeting you, all of you. I want them all, on a plate to be eaten as a cosmic gourmet buffet; I want all the tastes melting as truth enlightens me, while I surrender the weight of my body into the smells of the skin of others.” For more, subscribe here.

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. All rights reserved.