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COVER LOGIN HOROSCOPES FEATURED ARCHIVES ABOUT PHOTO Cosmic Confidential :: The 12th Annual of Planet Waves :: 2010
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Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves coversFebruary 12, 2008
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The Chinese New Year began on February 7, 2008, kicking off the year of the rat, and was celebrated this weekend in Paris. The tradition of the Chinese New Year parade began in San Francisco in the 1860's as a way for the Chinese population, thousands who had immigrated during the California Gold Rush, to share their culture by adapting it to an American tradition. Photo by Danielle Voirin. Prior cover: Double Heather.
If you're looking for the February horoscope...

My America | Link to archived Planet Waves article by Eric Francis
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It's not about sex. It's about Self
Monday, Feb.11
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Dear Friend and Reader:

IN THE FIRST article in our series, we began with a young woman pointing out that it's not about sex, it's about self. She then admitted that at least in her life, monogamy was not supported by fidelity as much as it was enforced by jealousy; and that this jealousy had a way of limiting her existence. For example, she likes to model, but her partner was jealous and controlling to the point where she had to keep it secret.

We ended the first segment with the ideas of William Pennell Rock, who describes jealousy as the eruption of attachment. In turn, this is a rebellion against the tenuous nature of existence itself, and the inherently transient nature of relationships. He proposes that obsessive clinging in relationships is a struggle with a deeper existential issue -- we live in an impermanent and often apparently hostile world, where we struggle with trust and where we don't know what death is (or is not).

All of this is more complicated than eating pussy. Yet we have the constant allure of sex and the subtler calling of love to keep us trailblazing through the evolutionary jungle -- and when we remember, reminding us to celebrate life.

This special series continues tonight for subscribers to the Love, Lust and Compersion report. If you're already a subscriber, check your inbox by midnight Eastern Time. You can also click the liink to part one, for direct access to part two. If you would like to opt in, please use this sign-up link.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis