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Planet Waves :: World News, Photos, Astrology, Horoscopes, Daily Blog
Scenes from everyday life: the Planet Waves covers December 18, 2007
DAILY PHOTOS on Planet Waves depict quotidian existence, whether it occurs on a city street or cornfield. Spirit's instructions for the page are to depict peaceful human reality, as if illustrating the scenes of our lives for a future record, or a fun mirror of now... more
Planet Waves :: World News, Photos, Astrology, Horoscopes, Daily Blog
Planet Waves :: World News, Photos, Astrology, Horoscopes, Daily Blog
Wo-Hop restaurant at 17 Mott Street in New York City's Chinatown. Photo by Eric Francis. Prior cover: Sun setting on the rue de Rivoli.


Small World Stories | Annual Horoscope Ready for Pre-Ordering!


Through the Spiral Door - and Into Capricorn | By Eric Francis
Before Pluto reaches Capricorn, its effect is being magnified by an alignment with the Galactic Core and Jupiter (exact Dec. 11), bringing a dozen or so years of Pluto in Sagittarius to a climax. We are now in the Spiral Door -- the alignment of Pluto with the core of our spiral galaxy, where we find the cosmic vulva sometimes referenced in modern versions of Mayan creation lore. Through this door is the 'other world', the portal to the other side, depicted as a birth canal through which human life emerged.

We Call This 'Spin' | Psychsound by Steve Bergstein
Warmongers love war. With two wars raging, the warmongers want another one, with Iran. For months, the Bush administration has been saber-rattling for war with Iran, even suggesting that it could bring about World War III. The dangerous ideologues surrounding Bush said that Iran is working towards nuclear weapons and that Iran therefore poses a threat to world peace. This was the kind of rhetoric that led to war in Iraq, with hundreds of billions of dollars squandered. Except that the U.S. intelligence agencies said yesterday that Iran stopped its nuclear program in 2003.

Perverted Subconscious Space | Taking Inches by Sally Sunshine
Have you ever had a dream you were so ashamed of you wanted to crawl in a hole and hide? Then, did you punish yourself by playing the role of both victim and perpetrator? After all, it's your subconscious mind creating- not his, hers, or it. Shocking thoughts are like a whirlwind in our brains, taking root in the deepest corners of one’s psyche, pushing us to think twice about the direction of our life. Others might not be privy to it, but, make no mistake; a subconscious revolution is taking place.

Typing Towards Bliss | Cumout, a new blog by Beth Vella
As many times as I have sat at my computer, enjoying the beautiful images in front of me, it never occurred to me that perhaps I was missing the point. You are probably wondering what point I mean. What images? Has Beth lost her mind here?Not yet. But occasionally I think about the random images and people we encounter on the internet. Sometimes the meetings are brief, the pictures we see flash past our eyes so quickly it is as if they never were there at all. Some of the most shocking hold our attention for longer, minutes, days, sometimes years.

Planet Waves Astrology News | By Eric Francis
Planet Waves premium edition is now better than ever, with more detailed horoscopes, articles about your role in global changes, and excellent birthday reports. Learn more at the link above. Read our vision statement here, which describes our plans at Planet Waves.

The Spiral Door from Planet Waves | Now Free for All Readers!
The Spiral Door from Planet Waves
| Now Free for All Readers!
In anticipation of the 2008 annual horoscope edition called Small World Stories, the 2007 edition is
now free to all readers. Featuring more than 15 articles, numerous resources, a sexy photo gallery,
Hindu chanting and super-extended length horoscopes, The Spiral Door is our most funnest and comprehensivist annual edition yet. Dive in and enjoy. And get ready to swipe your credit card for
Small World Stories, the 2008 Annual Horoscope Edition.

My America | Planet Waves by Eric Francis
SOMEONE finally explained to me why, when I was living in Europe, so many people asked me if I was from Canada. I didn't have a maple leaf patch stitched to my backpack, nor did I tote around a hockey stick. I figured it was because my accent isn't easily recognizable.

The Not So Sensational Story of Debra LaFave | By David Steinberg
On June 21, 2004, police in Temple Terrace, Florida, a suburb of Tampa, arrested Debra Jean Beasley Lafave, then 23 years old, a strikingly attractive remedial reading teacher at Greco Middle School. She was charged with four counts of lewd and lascivious battery against a minor and one count of lewd and lascivious exhibition. Yesterday, she was arrested again for violating the terms of her parole — speaking to a 17-year-old female coworker. This is an archived piece from 2006 that gives the background of the case, by David Steinberg.

The Secret History of the War on Cancer | Book Review
Some books make you proud to be human. This is not one of them. Nor is it a book to read all at once, especially not at bedtime, lest suicide begin to appear downright comforting. One by one, with surgical precision, Davis dissects and shreds every illusion we've ever cherished about the altruism of medicine or the integrity of science. Eric's environmental mentor, Ma Kettle, reviews the Secret History of the War on Cancer by Devra Davis.

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