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Vitae Via Virtus March 17, 2007
Planet Waves Logo
Bulletin board in New Paltz, NY, near the main intersection where 299 (Main Street) meets Rt. 32 North. Photo by Eric Francis. Prior cover: Pedestrian Bridge.

Astrology as the Art of Bullshit | By Eric Francis

Taking a Ride on Mars Conjunct Chiron | Archives Oldie

Sexuality Resources from Planet Waves

Audio Coverage from NCGR Conference in Baltimore

Flushing our civil liberties down the toilet, again | Psychsound

Greetings from the Galactic Center: Pluto Sends His Best

Cunnilingus and Clover | Herbalism by Eric Francis

Three Reasons to GET OUT NOW | Political Waves by Judith Gayle

Spiral Door Audio Horoscopes Intro by Eric Francis

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Planet Waves Theme Music | By Gilbert & Sullivan (Lyrics)

Iran is Next | Psychsound
by Steve Bergstein
Faking It | The Inside Story
of IBT Labs

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