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Vitae Via Virtus March 11, 2007
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Richard Tarnas, author of Cosmos & Psyche, speaks at the NCGR conference in Baltimore Thursday afternoon, discussing archetypes in the cycles of history. He also took a 15 minute digression and explained to a packed house that astrologers need to use a humble and modest approach to the future and not make specific predictions about the events that would unfold in the lives of their clients. Photo by Eric Francis. Prior cover: Statue of Liberty.

Audio Coverage from NCGR Conference in Baltimore

Bush and the Ghosts of El Mozote | Psychsound

Interview with Cosmos & Psyche Author Richard Tarnas

From Bags To Riches | By Scott Kalechstein

Planet Waves Theme Music | By Gilbert & Sullivan (Lyrics)

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Iran is Next | Psychsound
by Steve Bergstein
Faking It | The Inside Story
of IBT Labs!

No Longer Blind
Political Waves by Judith Gayle
Spiral Door Audio Horoscopes | Intro by Eric Francis

A Large White Dove | by Eric Francis

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