Monday Morning February 16, 2004 | By ERIC FRANCIS

Welcome back. For excerpts from Friday's subscriber edition, please see below. For my essay, 'I'd Rather Give it Away', see here.

Astrological Notes

Before we reach the Pisces New Moon, the Sun passes through the last degrees of Aquarius. The Sun at the end of a sign works like a gateway, and these are always a weird few days. As it works out, they coincide with the end of a lunar cycle as well, in other words, we are in the dark of the Moon, heading in to the beginning a lunar cycle. So on two accounts, the active (solar or paternal) and intuitive (lunar or maternal) endings are implied, and they are working together. As well, Pisces is the last sign of the great cycle of the astrological year. Many signs point to the same basic message, which you could summarize as resolution.

As of today we are under the Capricorn Moon, which changes to Aquarius Wednesday and Pisces Friday.

Back to the Sun at the end of Aquarius. This is not a particularly solid time, in other words, the Sun is not making any new aspects to any other planets; it's what's called void-of-course. Look far and wide and you will be lucky to find any reference to the void Sun anywhere but the work of William Lilly in the 17th century. I have noticed that this is a time of unlikely events and developments; in other words, odd things are possible, and there can be that sense of reality dangling from a string. Much will depend on what planets you have in the late degrees of the signs in your own chart. But much also depends on the ability to notice that particular doors are unlocked, which means take a chance and turn the knob.

The New Moon is Friday, and it's in the second degree of Pisces, just about to make a conjunction to Uranus in early Pisces. Pisces is something of a focal point of astrology at the moment, home to a collection of asteroids and minor planets. Besides Uranus (taking a seven year trek) there is: Asbolus (a centaur), Pelion (a centaur), Hidalgo (an unusual asteroid dealing with the spirit of revolution, particularly revolution against denial), Urania (an asteroid dealing with scientific advances as well as astrology), and Child (an asteroid which speaks to conditions in the adult life that keep us bound up as children, among other themes).

Meantime, take it easy these last days of the solar cycle through Aquarius. These last days build toward a kind of spiritual initiation and rather potent plunge of awareness as the Sun, then the Moon, join Uranus in Pisces. That's going to make for a pretty special weekend. More plus the early Pisces birthday report in Friday's edition.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

You are heading into some potentially slippery territory and need to monitor your situation carefully. An interchange with a child or friend over the past few days may have provided a barely noticeable clue -- I do suggest you scan back and see if you notice anything. I'll come back to this subject, but I can say this, at this point -- if you find yourself in territory you don't like, or in an emotional environment you cannot brook, you do have an option. It's likely to seem like an all or nothing option, but the fact is you are not trapped, and can leave the situation with a clean break and relatively little trauma.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

One particular situation has reached a limit or a natural turning point, and at least the waters promise to be a lot smoother over the next few days. I'd suggest shifting the focus of your awareness to the issue of authority. What is the central idea that guides your life? Who is your model for leadership, and to what extent do you adapt their methods to your world? And has this proven to be effective? You are in an unusual position to see the world from the position of someone close to you, or perhaps anyone close to you. How do you appear from their point of view? Who would they say is in charge?

Gemini (May 20-June 21)

Negotiations with a partner may be reaching a point of tension, and this may have something to do with whether you've been thinking clearly. I know you think you have, and on one level, there's a high likelihood this is true. Yet you're also in a rather idealistic mood. I would propose that this is a time to be practical, or at least to err on the side of practicality. With the Sun about to cross the professional angle of your chart, where it meets creative and energetic Uranus, you owe it to yourself to be a bit of an opportunist, and to pluck up some resolve to make your way in the big world.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You can now see one particular relationship situation for what it is. Relationships that are based on sacrifice are really a breeding ground for power trips. Sacrifice can mean sacrificing oneself, or a value that says you're a healer or helper in a particular situation. I think it's critical that you be aware of the power dynamics in any personal situation in which you find yourself. This is often an uncomfortable theme because when we tune into power dynamics, we usually discover that we're fairly powerless. But if you're looking for something more, you need to pay attention.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)

There is more to a relationship situation than meets the eye, and a real conversation about recent events may finally be possible in a way that's proven to be very elusive over the past week. The main point is, a close partner doesn't really know where he or she is coming from, and is struggling for clarity that you seem to have. Or rather, it may be that they've just come to certain revelations and recognitions that seemed obvious to you for a long time. You are heading for a few revelations of your own, particularly around Thursday and for a few days after. As Moses or someone said, the truth shall set you free.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)

You need to work smart, not hard. First off, there is nobody you need to impress; at worst there is a job to get done, and you merely need to conduct yourself in a professional way to make that happen. If, of course, you've been trying to do this to no avail, then we need to turn the crystal another way and see if we can catch a different colour light. When that light dawns, the personal nature of the situation may become more obvious, or its power may become more apparent. You may suddenly slip out of denial about the intensely personal nature of the circumstances.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

There remain important questions about the difference between sex and relationships. There also remain important similarities. In all likelihood, the similarities outweigh the differences, but the more you ascribe them to gender differences, the more likely you are to cloud the issue. This is a good time to seek common ground, in fact, an excellent one: actual miracles on this score are possible right now, particularly communication breakthroughs in situations where sex is a factor. When we struggle to see, it's often because we're seeing just half of the picture. When the rest appears, you will know.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

It's a good time to get your physical space in order, and to put most of your energy into making it just as you need. While you can have some real lapses in this area, they are largely due to the fact that, while you're a truly feeling person, your environment sometimes turns invisible. At the moment, you can't say that -- you know what you need, you know what you're willing to give up, and you've got some help making things the way you need them. This goes for work environments as well as home. Get started on any of this and you'll provoke that long-overdue creative revolution you were hoping would come along.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

People may think they know what's good for you, and this may be one of those instances when they're right. Try hearing them out instead of arguing. You obviously have a very different point of view and it seems you're not feeling in such a progressive or idealistic mood. You're also likely to be a few shades out of touch on the intuitive level and that, it appears, is what close partners are picking up on. However, I can pretty much assure you that over the next few days you're going to be getting all the information you need, whatever other people say, or whether you care.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Try to keep a grip on your scorekeeping tendencies as the next day or two progress. Focus on yourself, and the genuinely important shift in direction that is developing in your life. The shift is happening so slowly, you may have no idea the extent of the depth and power of what's brewing. Slowly you are drawing specific conclusions: both mental conclusions and quite literally endings. They may be sad endings and they may involve mothers or children in some respect. Yet they are rather important movements of energy, of life force, and ultimately of your personal historic process.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

It's a great thing that you've been so unlike yourself lately. If this birthday season has taught you anything, it's been a depth of trust that for much of your life has been rather difficult for you to attain. You have put far too much faith in your mental capacity and far too little in your psychic capacity. If you take one thing from this birthday, let it be that it's possible to know without knowing. Of course, it always helps to have confirmation, but when developing one's spiritual gifts, it's a virtue not to put a lot of expectation on being right. Truth is a gift subtler than certainty.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your life will seem a lot less up in the air when the Sun enters Pisces Thursday. You are approaching a real moment, one in which your true strength and influence begins to show its light. You also may be handed the idea you've always been waiting for. A complex set of factors join forces to reveal information, help you clear your mind and to offer you an unusual degree of creative power. You have come a long way from when you had to fight every battle, suffer your losses and celebrate your triumphs alone. You now know that your solitude may have been by choice, it may have been an illusion, but it seemed real enough at the time. Make way for the new.

In Friday's edition (20th Feb. 2004):

Part three of Eric's new Astrology of the 60s essay series: Pluto Square Pluto. A lot of sixties kids are going through this transit right now. Saturn returns, which happen around age 29/30, are covered too:

"The Pluto square has this basic theme: all that stuff (inner work, personal growth, major life changes) you always knew was extremely important but to which you could not get, either because you were too busy or because it was 'impossible', all suddenly shows up as raging, burning, undeniable necessity. If you think Saturn is a tough customer, it's merely making friendly suggestions when you compare it to Pluto......"

Plus the Friday Horoscope and Early Pisces Birthdays. Birthday reports are also a working general reading of the main chart used to write the horoscope:

"For those who are already given to art, music, travel, love, passion and fucking, Uranus in Pisces is likely to feel like you've finally had the key turned on the prison cell you never knew you were in......"

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2004 Annual Horoscope Pages are linked from aquasphere, the annual horoscope web page. This new site features a detailed, 1,000-plus word writeup for each sign, many new articles and lots more. It's free to weekly subscribers, or available for a nominal fee of $14.99. To order, see this link. To see the sample Libra horoscope, use this link. To see the sample contents page, use this link.

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