Monday Morning February 9, 2004 | By ERIC FRANCIS

Welcome back. For annual horoscope information, please see below. For my essay, 'I'd Rather Give it Away', see here.

Astrological Notes

We are moving into a genuinely interesting astrology week, and the aspects for the most part involve inner planets. These planets, sometimes called 'personal planets', are the ones we pick up on the day-to-day level the most readily. Here's the picture.

Venus is newly arrived in Aries; Mars is newly arrived in Taurus; Mercury is newly arrived in Aquarius; Uranus is newly arrived in Pisces. Newly arrived means that all of these planets are at the beginning of their trip through their respective signs, which is another way of saying they're talking to one another. For people who have ever looked at a chart and wondered what the numbers next to the planets are, they tell you how early or late within a sign a planet is.

Now, suddenly, all the personal planets (except for the Sun) are early in their signs, and the Moon has, as of early Monday, entered Libra. So the Moon is going to pick up the energy of all these worlds, which deal with emotion, desire, sex, and communication, like a radar dish and broadcast it through our bodies and personalities.

We learn a lot through the afternoon Monday; pay attention to the feedback you get, both inner and outer. What makes that feedback most interesting is the involvement of Uranus, which is in close aspect to these inner worlds as they go by the early degrees of their signs.

Interesting, too, that Saturn is hanging around in early Cancer, just about having retrograded back to the beginning of its current sign. Saturn goes direct at 6 degrees and 17 minutes of Cancer on March 7. Meantime, it's moving slowly and powerfully -- as slowly as Pluto -- grounding a dimension of consciousness on emotional needs, fears and the structures that help us stay safe.

What I'm seeing for the next few days are some highly innovative discussions that move in a start-and-stop pattern, which are propelled by leaps of consciousness that take them to higher or deeper levels (probably both). This is all very personal, but at the same time, there is a lot of new information that's entering the picture, and it's not exactly coming from outside. It's coming from an inner source that is new and rather refreshing, represented by Uranus in Pisces. Pisces is most often experienced as an internal phenomenon, and Uranus almost always brings in a dimension of group awareness and innovation.

The equation could be stated thus: what is the solution to the puzzle that is the best for all the individuals, and for all concerned? How can that solution be grounded in the most practical needs of everyone? The harmonious connection of Saturn in Cancer with Uranus in Pisces strongly suggests that practical and innovative are able to work together better than any time in recent memory.

As the Libra Moon talks to all of these planets (and others) over the next 24 hours, listen to what you feel, and note what feels beautiful to you. Beauty is a truly important guide on this particular journey.

Note that Venus in Aries is in mutual reception with Mars in Taurus. This will last a few weeks, during which we can be sure that men and women will have excellent opportunities to see one another's viewpoints, and to feel them viscerally as well. That can represent quite a lot of progress on our particular planet.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Whether you recognize it or not, you're in a Best of All Worlds space in life. The problem with the Best of All Worlds is that the human mind tends to focus on imperfections and that can entirely distract you from the inherent beauty and excellence of the moment. There are a few possible solutions to such a quandary, one of which is to push the envelope on your creative process. Another is to include the possibility of imperfection in your image of a perfect world. Last, you might read your negative expectations like tarot cards and divine the ways in which you were put down, pushed around and made to feel less than whole as a kid. One of those ways is to be given an image of yourself that's so high you can't live up to it. If you think of yourself as human, you will find it a lot easier to indulge in human pleasures and the satisfaction of human achievement.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

At once, you've been blessed with incredible insight into what you want and what you need, while at the same time, a less certain aspect of your nature seems to have disappeared behind the curtain. The result is that you've reversed roles within yourself, taking on the needs, desires and determination that you often allow others to feel and act out for you. What you're seeing is that nobody can do your bidding, particularly in regards to certain matters that pertain to your professional affairs, personal security, or working out your relationship to those who have established themselves as authority figures in your life. I can assure you of this: in any situation where you're convinced you're powerless, the real issue is that you're deceiving yourself.

(May 20-June 21)

You may be wondering why you go so far with your spiritual pursuits only to find yourself trapped in the same dilemmas as always. Consider it this way. You tend to view mental blocks as walls rather than as opportunities. Either that, or you tend to arrive at a mental block and not know you're there. Here's a test. How would it be if you felt mental frustration in your body before you felt it in your mind? I can pretty much assure you that that's how it works right now and for the foreseeable future. Once your mind is involved, there's a pretty great potential for being distracted from the actual subject at hand. Dreams of your body, body parts, injuries, and in particular, sexual desire will be particularly revealing.

(June 21-July 22)

If you pay attention over the next few days, you'll get a series of clear messages about what it takes to make you feel safe. If you pay attention to the pattern of those facts, you will get some deeper messages about what your definition of safety really is. If I may propose an astrological image: you've gone past a point in your maturity where you can live with anything but a genuine sense of self-determination. At the same time, you absolutely must seek a balance within your relationships, and that balance is reached by one activity only, which is conscious communication. In other words, it's not a theoretical abstraction of security that you're seeking now, but a dependable method of staying awake and aware of love.

(July 22-Aug 23)

The call of bigger, better and more sensuous people, places and things is likely to be just about irresistible now, but more to the point, you have faith that what you're envisioning is actually possible. Just about the strongest aspect in your chart these days involves the way that collaboration seems to be working so well. This is refreshing indeed in the world of "every man for himself." You have a tendency to choose partners who place a high value on the importance of community. Lately that has been growing to rather impressive proportions. What people who ignore the need and beauty of community fail to experience is precisely that we're not in this alone.

(Aug. 23-Sep. 22)

What religious hang-ups? Oh, you know, the ones that say God is a wimpy, frigid tyrant and that he's got a cash register at his door to heaven and that he fancies only one country and worse yet, that the Divine one has nothing new to say and furthermore that the great wheel of creation is stuck in reverse, and that everyone has to believe the same thing or else go directly to hell, and that The End is near. We think these are religious values but really they are cultural norms that find their way into school curriculums, the court system and the dust under the refrigerator. All this and more is getting burned to embers under the heat and light of your commitment to your personal truth. For more information, listen to the lower half of your body.

(Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

Yesterday I got an email from a Libra friend that contained a private URL, password and login ID. It led to her Venus in Aries Gallery. I clicked, signed in and was floored to meet a dozen stunning photos of her masturbating. I would call this astrology in real life. Of course, not everyone is going to be so bold (though I don't hide my opinion that Librans are among the most underrated gutsy creatives walking the planet's surface). Her gift was surely an exciting example of the reflection of selflove put out there in the world for another to see. Venus in Aries indeed. Share yourself, share your sense of your own beauty. If you can't see or sense it, dare to look or feel. At the moment, the mirror is gleaming.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

You seem to be specializing in role reversals these days. That's okay, right? You are suddenly the very essence of the adaptable soul, the one who can meet yourself face-on, and who has the inner strength to deal with your own nature as it manifests in the hearts of everyone you know. Pretty good for a Scorpio. Now, if you would write a short essay on the following themes, and share them with the most important people in your life, you'll be all set: "This is what I feel like I've sacrificed for my security." "I know you're my friend, but this is how I would feel about you as my lover." "The most annoying, desperate emotions have been a truly important journey."

(Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

A close partner or loved one is involved in a struggle over right and wrong on a matter that's abundantly clear to you. But what is true for you is unlikely to be true for them, at least in this instance, and it would be a good idea to steer clear of the issue for the next day or two. What seems to be the matter is actually of far less consequence than the far more important question of fear and how to deal with its often damaging effects. If you don't do anything to suggest that you are a legitimate source of anxiety, then you'll be in a lot better position to serve as an objective sounding board if and when that time comes. Besides, from the look of things, you seem to have a lot more pleasant ways to divert your attention at the moment.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

A financial matter involving a creative project will resolve itself soon enough, but does it point to something deeper? If you look closer, you may see that there's a values clash involved, or that you're struggling over a decision to take a risk. This seems to be one of those typical conflicts between mind and emotions, or rather, your ideas about what is right for you and the feeling in your body of what is right for you. Events going back many months have conspired to teach you to raise your awareness. They should be provoking you to make some clear decisions about what constitutes awareness in the first place. These days, if you can't feel it in your belly, you can be pretty sure it doesn't matter.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

Aquarius is the sign of friendship, and planetary alignments over the next few days allow you to draw an enormous amount of strength, wisdom and leverage from your closest associates and kindred spirits. They are making you aware of a larger world, and your larger role within it. Yet the real gift is access to the deeper world within you, as if you're being pointed to a hot current within your soul that you can follow inward toward your soul's full consciousness. This is not something you can always count on your friends for; they encourage us to stay asleep as often as they do to stay awake. In particular, if you discover all of a sudden that you're angry about something, get some help. This will lead to a small but significant breakthrough.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Isn't it really excellent to feel good about yourself, and isn't it strange how it seems to sneak up out of nowhere? The thing is, nothing really sneaks up out of nowhere. You are reaping the rewards of many months of introspection and deep personal questioning. I would propose that you're even drawing on what you learned during that impossibly long Mars retrograde that stirred you so deeply late last summer. The main benefit is that there are few secrets you can now keep from yourself, but the greater gift has been that you can rise above conflict that has nothing to do with you and see the world, in a sense, from above. Most battles are battles of words, and most of them are not true. As you see that, others will see it as well, even if you don't say anything about it.

2004 Annual Horoscope Pages are linked from aquasphere, the annual horoscope web page. This new site features a detailed, 1,000-plus word writeup for each sign, many new articles and lots more. It's free to weekly subscribers, or available for a nominal fee of $14.99. To order, see this link. To see the sample Libra horoscope, use this link. To see the sample contents page, use this link.

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