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Inner Space

House and Home Horoscope for June 2004

This is the big month: that of the Venus-Sun transit. For the first time in 122 years, Venus will pass between the Sun and the Earth and exactly cross the disk of the Sun. One theory of how astrology works is that the Sun takes the shapes and impressions of the planets around it and blasts them out like a cosmic projector. On June 8, Venus, the planet of love, abundance, pleasure and sex, passes directly, exactly in front of the Sun. In this edition of Inner Space, I've offered my ideas for how this will shine for each of the Sun signs.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

You have recently broken free of some constraint that was associated with your physical dwelling. It looks like you knocked a wall down, kicked your roommates out, or up and moved (out of your parents' basement?), then hit the road. That's all well and good; there is nothing like a house or car for a metaphor in the Western world. But to the extent that you have lived trapped in your ideas, you can, at this point, free yourself for real. You only need to see the ways in which you were trapped, something I regret to say the human race does about once every hundred years. And if so, this is the year -- it is your year too.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

What would it mean for you to become your opposite? I think it would mean to stop fighting yourself, and to cease the argument about what is important to you. Arguments are about ideas, and what's the most meaningful in your life is not an idea. Or rather, not merely an idea. Astrology is sometimes quite poetic, and what I see the stars saying is that you are on the cusp of taking up dwelling in your own heart-space as your one and only home. This will take you beyond the highly mental versus deeply physical dilemma you so often encounter; it's not that you're neither, it's that you're both, and so much more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)

The great astrological event of our year, the Venus transit of the Sun, happens in Gemini on June the 8th. I am viewing this as the great astrological trump card of our dark era in history. Visualize the light of Venus passing directly before the Sun like a lens. That's a lot of goddess power. In Gemini, that's a lot of communication power. And we're talking about a genuine celebration of the divine erotic. With Jupiter in your 4th solar house -- the house of home and feelings -- you're not only being called to live larger and better. You are being called to live in your own space, your own way.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You have been under considerable pressure lately, and in the immortal words of Dorothy, there is no place like home. I can sense that you may be searching for that one soft place in the world. But your life seems to have taken on such cosmic proportions that you may well be questioning the concept of home. This quite possibly has to do with not feeling at home in your own body as fiery Mars soaks itself in your Cancerian waters. I don't see the discomfort lasting long. Just click your heels three times (or take three breaths) and say, with feeling: Everyplace is home. Everyone is home.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)

You are entering what promises to be one of the most socially visionary times in all your life and I can see your home transposing itself into one of the great salons of all time. Friends are people you can talk to and home is anyplace you can talk. Yet if you have a gift to society, it is that you can create the space and define the discussion in a way that actually makes it happen. If you haven't noticed this particular skill in yourself, now is the time to give it a try. Perhaps something small and subtle, perhaps a much bigger event. A good time is guaranteed -- maybe even a literary movement or two.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)

The home angle of your chart has for years been something of a psychological and spiritual healing center at best and a battleground at worst, maybe having elements of both. In a word, the theme is patterns. What is happening now is that your patterns are being magnified. You may feel like everything is larger than life or being blown out of proportion; that's true, like a stamp collector uses a magnifying glass. You're a detail-oriented person and, well, can occasionally get a bit hung up on the small picture. The solution of the cosmos is to take the little and make it very, very big. Have a good look, and make any choice you like.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

I have only occasionally had the experience of who I thought I was disappearing in the light of who I am: rare and usually surprise experiences of direct contact with the Source. This is what your June charts are about, Libra. And while astrology cannot predict what you might call direct spiritual revelation, you are certainly free to live your life as if everything you experience were such an event. The effect may be heightened in foreign countries, and you may find visiting the houses of spirit of many cultures unusually satisfying. But then, the whole world may soon seem a strange and magnificent place. In the words of William Butler Yeats, "Surely some revelation is at hand."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

Does the expression "fly the coupe" have any relevance to your current state of emotions or dwelling situation? It's about time spring fever seized you. Yes, some people were made to never leave the house. And while the sign Scorpio is about contracts and agreements, you need a clause in yours that says you are never going to be house-bound. This is a profound contradiction for those born under your constellation: that you require both the greatest depth of commitment and the most liberated sense of freedom. Does the universe create imperfect beings? Perhaps so. But if so, the universe will need to adapt to their existence.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Over many past years, I have heard you sing a song titled, "When will I meet my match?" And you have searched the world for someone with your intensity, clarity and sense of autonomy. One mistake you have made in this search has been to attempt to connect what you are seeking with a previously held image, whether of yourself, or of another person or situation. The other has been to seek a place of shelter and safety in many small fragments, feeling good about one quality of life somewhere and about another aspect of life somewhere else. Understand these problems and the obvious remedies will manifest, perhaps with stunning intensity and speed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

No matter what you do, it may not be possible to gather people together in your world. There are a wide variety of conflicts that seem to be written all over your environment, and they involve both familial and marital relations. What you cannot risk, however, is the fear that telling the truth will open up Pandora's box and unleash holy hell. Oh, it just might do that, and the Good Lord knows that holy hell has been stuffed in too small a place for way longer than is safe. What you need to ask yourself is, no matter how serious your situation seems, is: do you want to maintain the status quo, or do you want healing?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

You are no longer bound by the physical constraints of the past, and I propose that you revise your idea of home from a physical space to a space of consciousness. It's nothing short of astonishing the extent to which emotional patterns are contained in physical things. Therefore, if you want to shed your patterns, reorient your sense of home to your immediate experience, your growth, your awareness. It would help as well to eliminate a great deal of what you own, and to strike the set and rearrange your home. These are not magic tricks, but reminders, because we people are a bit slow on the uptake.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Imagine yourself dropping a while a new kind of anchor: a golden anchor, a beam of light into the core of the Earth, or both. A decision about where you want to be amounts to a reassessment of your entire situation and a turning point in your lifetime. By now, you should be aware that something unusual is happening to you, and that you are something unusual happening to your environment. From this moment onward, you must proceed with utter trust, which will be the only emotion that can lead to clarity. While you're at it, feel the Earth, be it a street or a canyon, ocean or subway.

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